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executable file
449 lines (314 loc) · 13.6 KB

#!coffee -pl

-- mode: litcoffee -- config


This is a nice, fairly comprehensive, relatively self-documenting, configuration for Phoenix 2, a lightweight scriptable OS X window manager.


Build from kasper/phoenix 2.0 branch

You will need XCode command line tools installed.

git clone
cd phoenix
git checkout 2.0
xcodebuild clean build

Now (re)place the Phoenix app into /Applications/

cd build/Release/
rm -rf /Applications/
mv /Applications/

Install this Phoenix config...

git clone
cd Phoenix-config

open -a Phoenix

You'll need to enable the security / accessibility settings (a pop up will tell you this on first start.) Phoenix will then need to be run again.

open -a Phoenix

Now is a good time to activate Open at Login on the Phoenix OS X menu item, if you like.

Install CoffeeScript

If you don't have CoffeeScript installed, you'll need to install node/npm (use brew)

brew install node
npm install -g coffee-script

I assume you know what you're doing, if not, I wish you luck on your diligent googling. (let's face it you got this far, you can get a couple of command line tools installed, right?)

... If you need a hint, install node and npm first.

The Config proper begins here...

Phoenix.notify "Phoenix config loading"

Debugging helpers

debug = (o, label="obj: ")->
  Phoenix.log label
  Phoenix.log JSON.stringify(o)

Basic Settings

MARGIN_X     = 3
MARGIN_Y     = 3


Underscore extensions

  flatmap: (list, iteratee, context) ->
    _.flatten list, iteratee, context


focused = -> Window.focusedWindow()
windows = -> Window.visibleWindows()

Window::screenRect = -> @screen().visibleFrameInRectangle()

Window::fullGridFrame = -> @calculateGrid y: 0, x: 0, width: 1, height: 1

Window Grid

Snap all windows to grid layout

snapAllToGrid = -> visible(), (win) -> win.snapToGrid()

Change grid width or height

changeGridWidth = (n) ->
  GRID_WIDTH = Math.max 1, GRID_WIDTH + n
  Phoenix.notify "grid is #{GRID_WIDTH} tiles wide"

changeGridHeight = (n) ->
  GRID_HEIGHT = Math.max 1, GRID_HEIGHT + n
  Phoenix.notify "grid is #{GRID_HEIGHT} tiles high"

Get the current grid as {x:, y:, width:, height:}

Window::getGrid = ->
  frame = @frame()
  gridWidth = @screenRect().width / GRID_WIDTH
  gridHeight = @screenRect().height / GRID_HEIGHT

  y: Math.round (frame.y - @screenRect().y) / gridHeight
  x: Math.round (frame.x - @screenRect().x) / gridWidth
  width: Math.max 1, Math.round frame.width / gridWidth
  height: Math.max 1, Math.round frame.height / gridHeight

Set the current grid from an object {x:, y:, width:, height:}

Window::setGrid = (grid, screen) ->
  gridWidth = @screenRect().width / GRID_WIDTH
  gridHeight = @screenRect().height / GRID_HEIGHT

    y: ((grid.y * gridHeight) + @screenRect().y) + MARGIN_Y
    x: ((grid.x * gridWidth) + @screenRect().x) + MARGIN_X
    width: (grid.width * gridWidth) - (MARGIN_X * 2.0)
    height: (grid.height * gridHeight) - (MARGIN_Y * 2.0)

Snap the current window to the grid

Window::snapToGrid = ->
  @setGrid @getGrid(), @screen() if @isNormal()

Calculate the grid based on the parameters, x, y, width, height, (returning an object {x:,y:,width:,height:})

Window::calculateGrid = ({x, y, width, height}) ->
  y:      Math.round(y * @screenRect().height) + MARGIN_Y + @screenRect().y
  x:      Math.round(x * @screenRect().width) + MARGIN_X + @screenRect().x
  width:  Math.round(width * @screenRect().width) - 2.0 * MARGIN_X
  height: Math.round(height * @screenRect().height) - 2.0 * MARGIN_Y

Window left half width

Window::proportionWidth = () ->
  s_w = @screenRect().width
  w_w = @frame().width

Window to grid

Window::toGrid = ({x, y, width, height}) ->
  rect = @calculateGrid {x, y, width, height}
  @setFrame rect

Window top right point

Window::topRight = ->
  x: @frame().x + @frame().width
  y: @frame().y

Windows on the left

Window::toLeft = ->
  _.filter @windowsToWest(), (win)->
    win.topLeft().x < @topLeft().x - 10

Windows on the right

Window::toRight = ->
  _.filter @windowsToEast(), (win) ->
    win.topRight().x > @topRight().x + 10

Window information

Window::info = ->
  f = @frame()
  "[#{@app().processIdentifier()}] #{@app().name()} : #{@title()}\n{x:#{f.x}, y:#{f.y}, width:#{f.width}, height:#{f.height}}\n"

Sort any window collection by most recently with focus. We use info() as a way of identifying the windows in place. Not too performant, but with collections of this size, it's not a problem.

Window.sortByMostRecent = (windows)->
  allVisible = visibleInOrder()
  _.sortBy windows, (win)->, (w)->

Window moving and sizing

Temporary storage for frames

lastFrames = {}

Set a window to full screen

Window::toFullScreen = ->
  unless _.isEqual @frame(), @fullGridFrame()
      y: 0
      x: 0
      width: 1
      height: 1
  else if lastFrames[@uid()]
    @setFrame lastFrames[@uid()]

Remember and forget frames

Window::uid           = -> "#{@app().name()}::#{@title()}"
Window::rememberFrame = -> lastFrames[@uid()] = @frame()
Window::forgetFrame   = -> delete lastFrames[@uid()]

Toggle left side width

Window::togglingWidth = ->
  switch @proportionWidth()
    when 0.8 then 0.5
    when 0.5 then 0.3
    else 0.8

Toggle right side width

Set a window to top / bottom / left / right

Window::toTopHalf     = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0,   width:1,    height:0.5
Window::toBottomHalf  = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0.5, width:1,    height:0.5
Window::toLeftHalf    = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0,   width: 0.5, height:1
Window::toRightHalf   = -> @toGrid x:0.5, y:0,   width: 0.5, height:1

Window::toLeftToggle  = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0,   width: @togglingWidth(), height:1
Window::toRightToggle = -> @toGrid x: 1 - @togglingWidth(), y:0,   width: @togglingWidth(), height:1

Window::toTopRight    = -> @toGrid x:0.5, y:0,   width:0.5,  height:0.5
Window::toBottomRight = -> @toGrid x:0.5, y:0.5, width:0.5,  height:0.5
Window::toTopLeft     = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0,   width:0.5,  height:0.5
Window::toBottomLeft  = -> @toGrid x:0,   y:0.5, width:0.5,  height:0.5

Move the current window to the next / previous screen

moveWindowToNextScreen = ->
  focused().setGrid focused().getGrid(), focused().screen().nextScreen()

moveWindowToPreviousScreen = ->
  focused().setGrid focused().getGrid(), focused().screen().previousScreen()

Move the current window around the grid

windowLeftOneColumn = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.x = Math.max(frame.x - 1, 0)
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowDownOneRow = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.y = Math.min Math.floor(frame.y + 1), GRID_HEIGHT - 1
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowUpOneRow = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.y = Math.max Math.floor(frame.y - 1), 0
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowRightOneColumn = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.x = Math.min(frame.x + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.width)
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

Resize the current window on the grid

windowGrowOneGridColumn = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.width = Math.min(frame.width + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.x)
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowShrinkOneGridColumn = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.width = Math.max(frame.width - 1, 1)
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowGrowOneGridRow = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.height = Math.min frame.height + 1, GRID_HEIGHT
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

windowShrinkOneGridRow = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.height = Math.max frame.height - 1, 1
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()

Expand the current window's height to vertically fill the screen

windowToFullHeight = ->
  frame = focused().getGrid()
  frame.y = 0
  frame.height = GRID_HEIGHT
  focused().setGrid frame, focused().screen()


Select the first window for an app

App::firstWindow = -> @visibleWindows()[0]

Find an app by it's name - this is problematic when the App window has no title bar. Fair warning.

Find all apps with name

App.allWithName = (name) ->
  _.filter App.runningApps(), (app) -> is name

App.byName = (name) ->
  app = _.first App.allWithName name

Focus or start an app with name

App.focusOrStart = (name) ->
  apps = App.allWithName name
  if _.isEmpty apps
    Phoenix.notify "Starting #{name}"
    App.launch name
    Phoenix.notify "Switching to #{name}"
  windows = _.flatmap apps, (x) ->
  activeWindows = _.reject windows, (win) -> win.isMinimized()
  if _.isEmpty(activeWindows)
    App.launch name
  _.each activeWindows, (win) -> win.focus()

Binding alias

Alias Phoenix.bind as key_binding, to make the binding table extra readable.

keys = []

The key_binding method includes the unused description parameter, This is to allow future functionality ie. help mechanisms, describe bindings etc.

key_binding = (key, description, modifier, fn)-> keys.push Phoenix.bind(key, modifier, fn)


Mash is Cmd + Alt/Opt + Ctrl pressed together.

mash = 'cmd-alt-ctrl'.split '-'

Move the current window to the top / bottom / left / right half of the screen and fill it.

key_binding 'up',    'Top Half',            mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopHalf()
key_binding 'down',  'Bottom Half',         mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomHalf()
key_binding 'left',  'Left side toggle',    mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toLeftToggle()
key_binding 'right', 'Right side toggle',   mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toRightToggle()

Move to the corners of the screen

key_binding 'Q', 'Top Left',                mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopLeft()
key_binding 'A', 'Bottom Left',             mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomLeft()
key_binding 'W', 'Top Right',               mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopRight()
key_binding 'S', 'Bottom Right',            mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomRight()

Toggle maximize for the current window

key_binding 'space', 'Maximize Window',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toFullScreen()

Application config

Replace these with apps that you want...

ITERM    = "iTerm2"
VIM      = "MacVim"
EMACS    = "Emacs"
TERMINAL = "iTerm2"
FINDER   = "Finder"

We use an automator app to launch Chrome in remote-debugging-mode (on port 9222). You may not like or want this

CHROME   = "ChromeLauncher"

Switch to or lauch apps - fix these up to use whatever Apps you want on speed dial.

key_binding 'E', 'Launch Emacs',            mash, -> App.focusOrStart EMACS
key_binding 'V', 'Launch Vim',              mash, -> App.focusOrStart VIM
key_binding 'T', 'Launch iTerm2',           mash, -> App.focusOrStart ITERM
key_binding 'C', 'Launch Chrome',           mash, -> App.focusOrStart CHROME
key_binding 'F', 'Launch Finder',           mash, -> App.focusOrStart FINDER

Move window between screens

key_binding 'N', 'To Next Screen',          mash, -> moveWindowToNextScreen()
key_binding 'P', 'To Previous Screen',      mash, -> moveWindowToPreviousScreen()

Setting the grid size

key_binding '=', 'Increase Grid Columns',   mash, -> changeGridWidth +1
key_binding '-', 'Reduce Grid Columns',     mash, -> changeGridWidth -1
key_binding '[', 'Increase Grid Rows',      mash, -> changeGridHeight +1
key_binding ']', 'Reduce Grid Rows',        mash, -> changeGridHeight -1

Snap current window or all windows to the grid

key_binding ';', 'Snap focused to grid',    mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().snapToGrid()
key_binding "'", 'Snap all to grid',        mash, -> visible().map (win)-> win.snapToGrid()

Move the current window around the grid

key_binding 'H', 'Move Grid Left',          mash, -> windowLeftOneColumn()
key_binding 'J', 'Move Grid Down',          mash, -> windowDownOneRow()
key_binding 'K', 'Move Grid Up',            mash, -> windowUpOneRow()
key_binding 'L', 'Move Grid Right',         mash, -> windowRightOneColumn()

Size the current window on the grid

key_binding 'U', 'Window Full Height',      mash, -> windowToFullHeight()
key_binding 'I', 'Shrink by One Column',    mash, -> windowShrinkOneGridColumn()
key_binding 'O', 'Grow by One Column',      mash, -> windowGrowOneGridColumn()
key_binding ',', 'Shrink by One Row',       mash, -> windowShrinkOneGridRow()
key_binding '.', 'Grow by One Row',         mash, -> windowGrowOneGridRow()

All done...

Phoenix.notify "Loaded"