This is a literate (JS) config for Phoenix a lightweight scriptable OS X window manager.
Primary feature here is grid based window control and layout. Move and size windows around the grid. Resize grid. Snap window or windows to grid.
git clone
cd Phoenix-config
Phoenix.notify("Phoenix config loading")
daemon: false,
openAtLogin: true
let log = function (o, label = "obj: ") {
Phoenix.log(`${(new Date()).toISOString()}:: ${label} =>`)
Add _.flatmap
to lodash
flatmap(list, iteratee, context) {
return _.flatten(, iteratee, context))
Initial grid settings
Shortcuts for focused
and visible
focused = () => Window.focused()
function visible() {
return Window.all().filter( w => {
if (w != undefined) {
return w.isVisible()
} else {
return false
Window.prototype.screenFrame = function(screen) {
return (screen != null ? screen.flippedVisibleFrame() : void 0) || this.screen().flippedVisibleFrame()
Window.prototype.fullGridFrame = function() {
return this.calculateGrid({y: 0, x: 0, width: 1, height: 1})
Snap all windows to grid layout
function snapAllToGrid() {, win => win.snapToGrid()) }
Change grid width or height
changeGridWidth = n => {
GRID_WIDTH = Math.max(1, GRID_WIDTH + n)
Phoenix.notify(`grid is ${GRID_WIDTH} tiles wide`)
changeGridHeight = n => {
GRID_HEIGHT = Math.max(1, GRID_HEIGHT + n)
Phoenix.notify(`grid is ${GRID_HEIGHT} tiles high`)
Get the grid box size
Window.prototype.getBoxSize = function() {
return [this.screenFrame().width / GRID_WIDTH,
this.screenFrame().height / GRID_HEIGHT]
Get the current window grid
as rect
// rectangle
{x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float}
Window.prototype.getGrid = function() {
let frame = this.frame()
let [boxHeight, boxWidth] = this.getBoxSize()
let grid = {
y: Math.round((frame.y - this.screenFrame().y) / boxHeight),
x: Math.round((frame.x - this.screenFrame().x) / boxWidth),
width: Math.max(1, Math.round(frame.width / boxWidth)),
height: Math.max(1, Math.round(frame.height / boxHeight))
log(`Window grid: ${grid}`)
return grid
Set the current grid from rectangle
Window.prototype.setGrid = function({y, x, width, height}, screen) {
let gridHeight, gridWidth
screen = screen || focused().screen()
gridWidth = this.screenFrame().width / GRID_WIDTH
gridHeight = this.screenFrame().height / GRID_HEIGHT
return this.setFrame({
y: ((y * gridHeight) + this.screenFrame(screen).y) + MARGIN_Y,
x: ((x * gridWidth) + this.screenFrame(screen).x) + MARGIN_X,
width: (width * gridWidth) - (MARGIN_X * 2.0),
height: (height * gridHeight) - (MARGIN_Y * 2.0)
Snap the current window to the grid
Window.prototype.snapToGrid = function() {
if (this.isNormal()) {
return this.setGrid(this.getGrid())
Calculate the grid based on the parameters, x
, y
, width
, height
, (returning an object rectangle
Window.prototype.calculateGrid = function({x, y, width, height}) {
return {
y: Math.round(y * this.screenFrame().height) + MARGIN_Y + this.screenFrame().y,
x: Math.round(x * this.screenFrame().width) + MARGIN_X + this.screenFrame().x,
width: Math.round(width * this.screenFrame().width) - 2.0 * MARGIN_X,
height: Math.round(height * this.screenFrame().height) - 2.0 * MARGIN_Y
Window proportion width
Window.prototype.proportionWidth = function() {
let s_w, w_w
s_w = this.screenFrame().width
w_w = this.frame().width
return Math.round((w_w / s_w) * 10) / 10
Window to grid
Window.prototype.toGrid = function({x, y, width, height}) {
let rect = this.calculateGrid({x, y, width, height})
return this.setFrame(rect)
Window top right point
Window.prototype.topRight = function() {
return {
x: this.frame().x + this.frame().width,
y: this.frame().y
Windows on the left of the current window.
Window.prototype.toLeft = function() {
return _.filter(this.neighbors('west'), function(win) {
return win.topLeft().x < this.topLeft().x - 10
Windows on the right of the current window.
Window.prototype.toRight = function() {
return _.filter(this.neighbors('east'), function(win) {
return win.topRight().x > this.topRight().x + 10
Window information = function() {
let f = this.frame()
return `[${}] ${} : ${this.title()}\n{x:${f.x}, y:${f.y}, width:${f.width}, height:${f.height}}\n`
Temporary storage for frames
lastFrames = {}
Toggle a window to full screen or revert to it's former frame size.
Window.prototype.toFullScreen = function(toggle = true) {
if (!_.isEqual(this.frame(), this.fullGridFrame())) {
return this.toGrid({y: 0, x: 0, width: 1, height: 1})
} else if (toggle && lastFrames[this.uid()]) {
return this.forgetFrame()
Remember and forget frames
Window.prototype.uid = function() {
return `${}::${this.title()}`
Window.prototype.rememberFrame = function() {
return lastFrames[this.uid()] = this.frame()
Window.prototype.forgetFrame = function() {
return delete lastFrames[this.uid()]
Window.prototype.togglingWidth = function() {
switch (this.proportionWidth()) {
case 0.8:
return 0.5
case 0.5:
return 0.3
return 0.8
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Window.prototype.toTopHalf = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 0.5})
Window.prototype.toBottomHalf = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0, y: 0.5, width: 1, height: 0.5})
Window.prototype.toLeftHalf = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0, y: 0, width: 0.5, height: 1})
Window.prototype.toRightHalf = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0.5, y: 0, width: 0.5, height: 1})
Left/Right Sides with toggling width.
│ │ │
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Window.prototype.toLeftToggle = function() {
return this.toGrid({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: this.togglingWidth(),
height: 1
Window.prototype.toRightToggle = function() {
return this.toGrid({
x: 1 - this.togglingWidth(),
y: 0,
width: this.togglingWidth(),
height: 1
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Window.prototype.toTopRight = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0.5, y: 0, width: 0.5, height: 0.5})
Window.prototype.toBottomRight = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0.5, y: 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5})
Window.prototype.toTopLeft = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0, y: 0, width: 0.5, height: 0.5})
Window.prototype.toBottomLeft = function() {
return this.toGrid({x: 0, y: 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5})
To the center of the screen with a grid border.
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Window.prototype.toCenterWithBorder = function(border = 1) {
let [boxWidth, boxHeight] = this.getBoxSize()
let rect = {
x: border,
y: border,
width: GRID_WIDTH - (border * 2),
height: GRID_HEIGHT - (border * 2)
windowLeftOneColumn = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.x = Math.max(frame.x - 1, 0)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowDownOneRow = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.y = Math.min(Math.floor(frame.y + 1), GRID_HEIGHT - 1)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowUpOneRow = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.y = Math.max(Math.floor(frame.y - 1), 0)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowRightOneColumn = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.x = Math.min(frame.x + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.width)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
Resize the current window on the grid
windowGrowOneGridColumn = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.width = Math.min(frame.width + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.x)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowShrinkOneGridColumn = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.width = Math.max(frame.width - 1, 1)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowGrowOneGridRow = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.height = Math.min(frame.height + 1, GRID_HEIGHT)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
windowShrinkOneGridRow = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.height = Math.max(frame.height - 1, 1)
return focused().setGrid(frame)
Expand the current window's height to vertically fill the screen
windowToFullHeight = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.y = 0
frame.height = GRID_HEIGHT
return focused().setGrid(frame)
Expand the current window's width to horizontally fill the screen
windowToFullWidth = () => {
let frame = focused().getGrid()
frame.x = 0
frame.width = GRID_WIDTH
return focused().setGrid(frame)
Move the current window to the next / previous screen
moveWindowToNextScreen = () => focused().setGrid(focused().getGrid(), focused().screen().next())
moveWindowToPreviousScreen = () => focused().setGrid(focused().getGrid(), focused().screen().previous())
Select the first window for an app
App.prototype.firstWindow = function() {
return this.all({
visible: true
Find an app by it's name
- this is problematic when the App window
has no title bar. Fair warning.
Find all apps with name
App.allWithName = name => _.filter(App.all(), a => === name)
App.byName = name => {
let app = _.first(App.allWithName(name))
return app
Focus or start an app with name
App.focusOrStart = name => {
let apps = App.allWithName(name)
if (_.isEmpty(apps)) {
let windows = _.flatmap(apps, x =>
let activeWindows = _.reject(windows, win => win.isMinimized())
if (_.isEmpty(activeWindows)) {
return _.each(activeWindows, win => win.focus())
Launch apps
ITERM = "iTerm2"
EMACS = "Emacs"
FINDER = "Finder"
FIREFOX = "Firefox"
Show App name. To be honest, I just added this to see the modal feature in Phoenix.
let showAppName = () => {
let name = focused().app().name()
let frame = focused().screenFrame()
let modal ={
duration: 2,
text: `App: ${name}`
modal.origin = {
x: (frame.width / 2) - modal.frame().width / 2,
y: frame.height - 100
(It's pretty cool, but it's clearly a bezel ;)
Alias Phoenix.bind
as bind_key
, to make the binding table extra
keys = []
The bind_key
method includes the unused description
This is to allow future functionality i.e. help mechanisms, describe bindings etc.
const bind_key = (key, description, modifier, fn) => keys.push(Key.on(key, modifier, fn))
Mash is Cmd + Alt/Opt + Ctrl pressed together.
const mash = 'cmd-alt-ctrl'.split('-')
Smash is Mash + shift
const smash = 'cmd-alt-ctrl-shift'.split('-')
Move the current window to the top / bottom / left / right half of the screen and fill it.
bind_key('up', 'Top Half', mash, () => focused().toTopHalf())
bind_key('down', 'Bottom Half', mash, () => focused().toBottomHalf())
bind_key('left', 'Left side toggle', mash, () => focused().toLeftToggle())
bind_key('right', 'Right side toggle', mash, () => focused().toRightToggle())
Move to the center of the screen as a square
bind_key('C', 'Center with border', mash, () => focused().toCenterWithBorder(1))
Move to the corners of the screen
bind_key('Q', 'Top Left', mash, () => focused().toTopLeft())
bind_key('A', 'Bottom Left', mash, () => focused().toBottomLeft())
bind_key('W', 'Top Right', mash, () => focused().toTopRight())
bind_key('S', 'Bottom Right', mash, () => focused().toBottomRight())
Move to left / right half of the screen.
bind_key('z', 'Right Half', mash, () => focused().toLeftHalf())
bind_key('x', 'Left Half', mash, () => focused().toRightHalf())
Toggle maximize for the current window
bind_key('space', 'Maximize Window', mash, () => focused().toFullScreen())
bind_key('return', 'Maximize Window', mash, () => focused().toFullScreen())
Switch to or launch apps - fix these up to use whatever Apps you want on speed dial.
bind_key('1', 'Show App Name', mash, showAppName)
bind_key('E', 'Launch Emacs', mash, () => App.focusOrStart(EMACS))
bind_key('T', 'Launch iTerm2', mash, () => App.focusOrStart(ITERM))
bind_key('B', 'Launch Browser', mash, () => App.focusOrStart(FIREFOX))
bind_key('F', 'Launch Finder', mash, () => App.focusOrStart(FINDER))
Move window between screens
bind_key('N', 'To Next Screen', mash, moveWindowToNextScreen)
bind_key('P', 'To Previous Screen', mash, moveWindowToPreviousScreen)
Setting the grid size
bind_key('=', 'Increase Grid Columns', mash, () => changeGridWidth(+1))
bind_key('-', 'Reduce Grid Columns', mash, () => changeGridWidth(-1))
bind_key(']', 'Increase Grid Rows', mash, () => changeGridHeight(+1))
bind_key('[', 'Reduce Grid Rows', mash, () => changeGridHeight(-1))
Snap current window or all windows to the grid
bind_key(';', 'Snap focused to grid', mash, () => focused().snapToGrid())
bind_key("'", 'Snap all to grid', mash, function(){ visible().map(win => win.snapToGrid()) })
Move the current window around the grid
bind_key('H', 'Move Grid Left', mash, windowLeftOneColumn)
bind_key('J', 'Move Grid Down', mash, windowDownOneRow)
bind_key('K', 'Move Grid Up', mash, windowUpOneRow)
bind_key('L', 'Move Grid Right', mash, windowRightOneColumn)
bind_key('6', 'Move Grid Left', mash, windowLeftOneColumn)
bind_key('7', 'Move Grid Down', mash, windowDownOneRow)
bind_key('8', 'Move Grid Up', mash, windowUpOneRow)
bind_key('9', 'Move Grid Right', mash, windowRightOneColumn)
Size the current window on the grid
bind_key('U', 'Window Full Height', mash, windowToFullHeight)
bind_key('Y', 'Window Full Height', mash, windowToFullWidth)
bind_key('I', 'Shrink by One Column', mash, windowShrinkOneGridColumn)
bind_key('O', 'Grow by One Column', mash, windowGrowOneGridColumn)
bind_key(',', 'Shrink by One Row', mash, windowShrinkOneGridRow)
bind_key('.', 'Grow by One Row', mash, windowGrowOneGridRow)
Place Firefox and Emacs windows side-by-side.
bind_key('M', 'Markdown Editing', mash, () => {
bind_key('M', 'Exit Markdown Editing', smash, () => {
All done...
Phoenix.notify("All ok.")