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libconfigfile is a C++ configuration file parsing library.


Acquire the sources

$ git clone
$ cd libconfigfile


$ make


$ make install


The Makefile will install both static and shared versions of the library, use whichever you prefer. Most users will just want to include libconfigfile.hpp, which itself includes all the other headers. All code in the library is found within the libconfigfile namespace.

Configuration file syntax specification

For a description of the syntax used in the configuration files parsed by this library, see

Parsing a file

Config files can be read from a physical file or a provided input stream. To parse from a physical file, call parse_file(). This function takes a single std::filesystem::path argument representing the file path (should be absolute, not relative) To parse from a provided input stream, call parse(). This function takes a std::string argument identifying the stream, a std::istream reference argument corresponding to the stream to read from, and a defaul boolean argument specfying whether the identifier is a valid file path and the stream corresponds to a physical file (used for determining relative file paths for included sub-files). Both functions return a data structure (see below) representing the parsed file, and possibly throw exceptions during the process (see below).

Data structures (node class hierarchy)

All syntactical constructs (with the exception of directives and comments) within the configuration file can be represented by a class derived from node. These classes are shown visually below, abstract classes are marked with *.

├── string_node
├── integer_node
├── float_node
├── array_node
└── map_node

Concrete classes (string_node, integer_node, float_node, array_node, map_node) correspond to the actual types of information found within a config file. Many of these concrete classes inherit from familiar standard library classes (string_end_value_node: std::string, array_value_node: std::vector, map_node : std::unordered_map). Others provide a simple get/set interface for a built-in type (integer_end_value_node: int64_t, float_end_value_node: double). Node classes can be converted to their base type by calling node_to_base().

The hierarchy is designed in such a way as to promote polymorphic usage. The actual, pointed-to type of a polymorphic pointer can be identified by calling the get_node_type() member function, which returns an enum value corresponding to the appropriate concrete child class (node_type::String, node_type::Integer, node_type::Float, node_type::Array, node_type::Map). These enumerators can be converted to strings via node_type_to_str() for the purposes of throwing error messages, etc.

To avoid the hassle of dealing with a bare polymorphic node (or child) pointer (memory leaks, checking success of dynamic_cast, etc,), the smart pointer class node_ptr can be used. In order to maintain a degree of harmony with the library interfaces, node-derived classes should always be used and managed through a node_ptr. This class is similar to std::unique_ptr in that it is responsible for deallocating any resources associated with the pointer when it goes out of scope. However, its specialized nature (will always be used with a node-derived class, usually polymorphically) means that it can offer additional featues. node_ptr is designed in such a way that the pointer component is completely abstracted and the object obtains value semantics. node_ptr is a templated class taking two parameters. The first is a type parameter that specificies which node-derived the node_ptr is pointing to; this is enforced using concepts. The second is a boolean parameter specifying whether two node_ptrs should be compared by address or by pointed-to value, this defaults to comparing by address as that is the behaviour of std::unique_ptr. node_ptr supports all of the same options as std::unique_ptr. node_ptrs are both movable (transfers ownership of pointed-to resource) and copyable (copies pointed-to resource). node_ptrs can be easily constructed by calling the non-member function make_node_ptr() which behaves similarly to std::make_unique. This function requires the same template arguments as node_ptr and forwards its arguments to the constructor of the pointed-to resource. Two types of node_ptr are implicitly convertible to one another if: the type of the pointed-to node class of the "to" node_ptr is a base of the type of pointed-to node class of the "from" node_ptr; or, they point to the same type of node class and differ only in whether they are compared by address or value. One type of node_ptr can be explictly cast to another by calling the non-member function node_ptr_cast, which behaves similarly to a checked dynamic_cast between pointed-to resources. There exist variants of node_ptr_cast supporting both copy and move semantics. This function will throw if the cast is not possible. To avoid this, you can check whether the cast is possible by calling the non-member function node_ptr_is_castable. There exists a host of functions for explicitly comparing two node_ptrs by address or value regardless of the method specified by their template argument. Printing a node_ptr will print the pointed-to value rather than the address.

Serializing data structures

All node-derived classes can be serialized to a std::string by calling the serialize() member function. They can also be serialized to an output stream using the overloaded operator<<;

Error handling

While calling libconfigfile::parse(), errors resulting in the parser itself (such as being unable to open a file) with be thrown as std::runtime_error. If the parser detects a violation of the syntax specification (see above) a libconfigfile::syntax_error will be thrown. This class is derived from std::runtime_error and behaves similarily. Its what_arg will be a string containing the file path, the line and character positions of the error, as well as a brief description of what went wrong. This string is suitable for displaying to the end user. If you wish to reformulate the error message to follow to the conventions used in your program, the various components (file path, line number, character number, actual message) can be extracted separately via member functions.

Color sub-library

Libconfigfile allows contains auxiliary functionality for parsing and serializing colors. This can be found within the libconfigfile::color namespace.

The two primary data types to be aware of are rgb and rgba. The rgb struct encapsulates a color specified by red, green, and blue channels. The rgba struct inherits from the former but contains an additional alpha channel representing opacity. The type of a channel is an unsigned integer (e.g. uint8_t). Colors of the same type are equality comparable. rgb and rgba colors may be inter-converted using the convert() function. The textual format of a color takes the form of an RGB (or RGBA) hex triplet.

To parse a color from a string, the from_string() (char* or std::string) or from_string_node() (string_node) functions may be used. These functions return a std::optional containing a color if successful and an empty std::optional in case of error. The behaviour of these functions may be modified by passing a flags argument of type from_string_flags. The following enumerators may be ORed together: no_prefix (the string is not prefixed with '#'), leading_whitespace (the string may contain leading space), and trailing_chars (the string may contain trailing characters).

To serialize a color to string, the to_string() (char* or std::string) or to_string_node() (string_node) functions may be used. The char* overload of to_string() writes the result to its arguments and returns a bool indicating success. The std::string overload of to_string() and to_string_node() always returns the result successfuly. The behaviour of these functions may be modified by passing a flags argument of type to_string_flags. The following enumerators may be ORed together: no_prefix (the string is not prefixed with '#'), and cap_digits (the string contains capitalized digits). If serializing to a raw char*, it may be useful to determine the size of the required buffer ahead of time. This can be accomplished via to_string_buf_len(), which accepts the same flags as to_string()/to_string_niode() and returns the appropriate buffer size.


See LICENSE for details.


C++ configuration file parsing library







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