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Create Javalce App

Based on create-appncy.

This CLI tool enables you to create projects using the templates I use for my projects preconfigured with ESLint and Prettier. To get started, use the following command:


You can create a new project interactively by running:

pnpm create javalce-app

You will be asked for the name of your project, then select the template you want to use. Currently supported templates are:

  • Next.js (next-ts)
  • Next.js with Tailwind CSS (next-ts-tw)
  • React (react-ts)
  • React with Tailwind CSS (react-ts-tw)
  • Node.js (node-ts)
  • Vanilla JS (vanilla-ts)
  • Vanilla JS with Tailwind CSS (vanilla-ts-tw)

All templates come with TypeScript, ESLint and Prettier preconfigured.


You can also pass command line arguments to set up a new project non-interactively. See create-javalce-app --help:

create-javalce-app [options]

    --version              Output the version number
    --help                 Display help for command
    -n, --name <name>      Name of the project (default: "my-project")
    -t, --template <name>  Template to use (default: "react-ts")


If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue or contact me on X.