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David L. Day edited this page Jan 28, 2022 · 6 revisions

This wiki captures the introductory portion of a workshop given by Barry Tarlton (@javaplus) and David Day (@davidlday) at CodeMash 2022 called Event Streaming, Catch of the Day!.

The workshop focused on giving practical hands-on experience with Apache Kafka and Event Streams. The main repository is the "how" part of the workshop, and this wiki hopefully provides the "why" part of the workshop.

While you shouldn't have to follow these in any order, the list below and the sidebar represent how we presented the material.

  1. Event-Drive Architecture
    1. What is an Event?
    2. What is Event-Driven Architecture?
    3. How are Events Different Than Commands?
    4. Microservices Need Both
  2. Domain-Driven Design and Event Storming
    1. What is Domain-Driven Design?
    2. What is Event Storming?
    3. How Does Event Storming Help with DDD?
    4. Where Can I Find Out More?
  3. Apache Kafka
    1. What is Kafka?
    2. Apache Kafka Basics
    3. How Event Streaming with Kafka Works

Good luck!