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[Higgsboson] [Higgsboson]


Higgsboson is a themeable semantic classeless framework to style core native components.

License: GPL v3 Issues Stage - Alpha maintained - yes


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Why Higgsboson?

There are many motivations to see this project as a simple research and development of a system that allows not to reinvent the wheel over and over again.

Now, I know that we have multiple techniques and tools in the ecosystem to solve the same problem, many of them on top of the wave, but my intention is to solve the problem from several points of view:

  • The most standard way possible, use the web.
  • Minimum coupling between internal parts.
  • Oriented to his main responsibility, styling pieces on the screen.
  • Fully customizable injectable themes.
  • Fast propagation of changes.
  • Easily articulated in a design system.
  • Independent but easily implementable in any library or front end framework.

Project Structure

The project is a monorepo that has different packages that can build separately using dependencies from the other ones.

 ├─ packages
      ├─ core
      │   ├─ src
      │     ├─ components
      │     ├─ default-theme
      ├─ themes
      │  ├─ captain-america
      │  ├─ caramel
      ├─ utils
          ├─ src


Higssboson has different packages that has their own workspace. Those packages are core, themes and utils.


Core package contains the core library and the default-theme. Building the core package you will use Higgsboson with the default theme.

Core folder file structure
├─ core
    ├─ src
       ├─ components
       ├─ default-theme
           ├─ assets
           ├─ default.css
           ├─ index.css
           ├─ resets.css
Default theme
assets folder

Folder to allocate different kind of assets as images, svgs, fonts, icons etc to the default theme.


Theme default has variables as fallback to each core-component-tokens to each core component.

Higgsboson themes just works with css standard custom variables but we would like to calls this entire concept default tokens.

--theme-token-a-default: #FFFFFF;
--theme-token-b-default: 12px;
--theme-token-n-default: 1px solid var(--theme-token-a);

default tokens convention name


Take care here, in the same way that I will explain that for each theme tokens you can use the naming convention that you want, in this case, you must follow the existing naming convention.

  ──── ────── ─────── ───────
    ▲     ▲       ▲      ▲
    │     │       │      │
    │     │       │      │
    │     │       │      │
    │     │       │      │
  prefix property │     suffix

Use this file as theme entry point. Import here all the default theme files that core need to compose higgsboson as default.


All available core components defined from their selectors, properties and values in the form of variables connected to the theme variables or own variables for this component.

Components docs
Component files structure
   ├─ componentA
        ├─ componentA.css
        ├─ componentA.html
        ├─ componentA.mjs

Selectors, rules, properties and values to this component scoped by selector and connected with the theme API across component variables and default theme API variables.


Html markup generated with underscore + our custom utils + an .mjs module with the component data model.

Complete documentation about component theme API variables, component theme API selectors and markup component use cases.


A javascript module with the data model to render with underscore and our custom utils all our component use cases.


A Higgsboson theme is not more than a package that contains the theme variables, the theme components variables that should connect with the core components interfaces and the theme entry point.

There are different workspaces with packages with themes examples to review.

Building each of this themes in their owns workspaces you can use Higgsboson with your theme imported on top of Higgsboson core build imported.


So take into account that to use a theme you should build the core package and the theme package. If you run the script to run the dev environment to a theme, the script run the core package build and the theme package build separately.

Themes are the area where everything related to theming (not default styling) should be managed.

Theme folder file structure
 │ ├─ src
 │     ├─ assets
 │     ├─ components
 │     │    ├─ app.css
 |     |    ├─ blockquote.css
 │     │    ├─ box.css
 │     │    ├─ button.css
 │     │    ├─ checkbox.css
 │     │    ├─ dialog.css
 │     │    ├─ divider.css
 │     │    ├─ dropdown.css
 │     │    ├─ field.css
 │     │    ├─ flex.css
 │     │    ├─ form.css
 │     │    ├─ grid.css
 │     │    ├─ icon.css
 │     │    ├─ input.css
 │     │    ├─ label.css
 │     │    ├─ link.css
 │     │    ├─ list.css
 │     │    ├─ logo.css
 │     │    ├─ option.css
 │     │    ├─ radio.css
 │     │    ├─ select.css
 │     │    ├─ step.css
 │     │    ├─ table.css
 │     │    ├─ tag.css
 │     │    ├─ text.css
 │     │    ├─ titles.css
 │     │    ├─ tooltip.css
 │     │
 │     ├─ fonts.css
 │     ├─ index.css
 │     ├─ resets.css
 │     ├─ vars.css
 ├─ .gitignore
 ├─ .stylelintignore
 ├─ .stylelintrc
 ├─ bs-config.json
 ├─ higgsboson.json
 ├─ index.html
 ├─ package.json
 ├─ postcss.config.js

Folder to allocate different kind of assets as images, svgs, fonts, icons etc.


Theme component interfaces to connect and style different core components from the core package.

All those theme component interfaces should composed with the same pattern:

All should be wrapped by a core component scope selector

.component-scope-selector {
  /* ... */

Inside this component scope selector we should define the different values aka tokens to the core component tokens available.

To define this different values we could use values it self or a theme-token.

.component-scope-selector {
  --core-component-token-available-a: var(--theme-token);   /* A theme token */
  --core-component-token-available-b: 12px;                 /* A value       */

You can review the core component tokens available taking a walk across core components documentation.

.component-scope-selector {
  --core-component-token-a: var(--theme-variable-a);
  --core-component-token-b: var(--theme-variable-b);
  --core-component-token-c: calc(var(--theme-variable-a)*2);
  --core-component-token-n: var(--theme-variable-n);

Or review the captain-america theme components scope selectors example or the caramel theme components scope selectors example.


Set here all theme @font-face or @import url that import font files or font css styles to your theme fonts.


Set here all your css theme resets styles if you needed.


Put here all your theme variables to populate with them your theme component interfaces.

Higgsboson themes just works with standard css custom variables but we would like to calls this entire concept theme tokens.

:root {
  --theme-token-a: #FFFFFF;
  --theme-token-b: 12px;
  --theme-token-n: 1px solid var(--theme-token-a);

theme tokens convention name

The good point in how higgsboson is doing things is that you can use your own theme tokens convention name. This layer is a layer that you can build in your way but, if you want to use the default theme tokens convention name, you should follow this pattern:

  ──── ────── ───────
    ▲     ▲       ▲
    │     │       │
    │     │       │
    │     │       │
    │     │       │
  prefix property │

Use this file as theme entry point. Import here all your theme files that you need to compose your theme on top of higgsboson.


Set here all ignore files to the theme workspace package.


Set here all style rules ignore files to the theme workspace package.


Set the stylelint rules configuration to the theme workspace package.


Higgsboson use a lite server to run a dev playground to see how it is going and develop your theme components.

This is the configuration file that helps you tu run your dev playground.

Usually a bs-config.json to a higgsboson theme package should be like:

  // browser port
  "port": 8001,
  // files extensions to be serve
  "files": ["./**/*.{html,htm,css,svg,mjs,js,json}"],
  // files paths to be serve
  "server": ["./", "../../utils/src", "../../core"]

This file is responsible for manage some of the theme workspace package configuration.

  • outputPath: Set the output path to the theme build.
  • outputFilename: Set the output filename to the theme build.
  • componentsMenuItems: Set the components menu items data to the theme dev playground.
  "outputPath": "../../../dist/",
  "outputFilename": "higgsboson-theme-name",
  "componentsMenuItems": [ {
      "name": "Component A",
      "path": "./src/components/component-a/component-a.html",
      "new": false
      "name": "Component B",
      "path": "./src/components/component-b/component-b.html",
      "new": false
      "name": "Component N",
      "path": "./src/components/component-n/component-n.html",
      "new": false

The file that will be serve by the lite server to see your theme dev playground.


Set the license to the theme workspace package.



Note some particular properties:

  • main: Set the main css file to the theme build.
  • config
    • input_directory_sources_name: Set the input directory sources name to the theme build.
    • output_filename: Set the output filename to the theme build.
    • output_directory_name: Set the output directory name to the theme build.
  "main": "dist/higgsboson-theme-name.min.css",
  "config": {
    "input_directory_sources_name": "src",
    "output_filename": "higgsboson-theme-name",
    "output_directory_name": "dist"

The theme package should have this scripts into his life cycle:

"scripts": {
  "build": ,
  "format": ,


Please note that you can build this scripts using all config keys defined previously in the package.json file.



File that set the postcss plugins configuration to the theme build.

Technical considerations

Technically, a Higgsboson theme could have its own structure as long as it maintains the connection to the higgsboson core through its component theme values.

However, for consistency, we describe here what our ideal folder structure and variable names would look like, as well as describe all the pieces needed to complete the ideal higgsboson flow.

Complete graph of the ideal higgsboson flow
                            │                                                      │
                            │                ┌───────────────────────────┐         │
                            │                │                           │         │
                            │                │                           │         │
                            │                │       theme vars          │         │
                            │                │     │             │       │         │
                            │                └─────┼─────────────┼───────┘         │
                            │                      │             │                 │
                            │                ┌─────┼──────┐ ┌────┼───────┐         │
                            │                │     │      │ │    │       │         │
                            │                │     ▼      │ │    ▼       │         │
                            │                │ ComponentA │ │ ComponentB │         │
                            └──────────────  │ theme      │ │ theme      ├─────────┘
                                             │ values     │ │ values     │
                                             │    │       │ │    │       │
                                             └────┼───────┘ └────┼───────┘
                                                  │              │
                                             ┌────┼───────┐ ┌────┼───────┐
                                             │    │       │ │    │       │
  CORE                                       │    ▼       │ │    ▼       │
 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┤ ComponentA │ │ ComponentB ├─────────┐
 │                                           │ theme      │ │ theme      │         │
 │                                           │ properties │ │ properties │         │
 │                                           │    │       │ │     │      │         │
 │                                           └────┼───────┘ └─────┼──────┘         │
 │                                                │               │                │
 │                                  ┌─────────────┼───────┐ ┌─────┼──────────────┐ │
 │                                  │             │       │ │     │              │ │
 │   ┌───────────────────────────┐  │             │       │ │     │              │ │
 │   │                           │  │             ▼       │ │     ▼              │ │
 │   │                     ┌─────┼──┼───────►             │ │                    │ │
 │   │      default vars   │     │  │    COMPONENT A      │ │    COMPONENT B     │ │
 │   │                     │     │  │                     │ │                    │ │
 │   └─────────────────────┼─────┘  │                     │ │        ▲           │ │
 │                         │        │                     │ │        │           │ │
 │                         │        └─────────────────────┘ └────────┼───────────┘ │
 │                         │                                         │             │
 │                         │                                         │             │
 │                         │                                         │             │
 │                         └─────────────────────────────────────────┘             │
 │                                                                                 │
Dev a theme

To develop an example theme (captain-america, caramel) you should follow this steps:

  1. Run npm run dev:theme:captain-america or npm run dev:theme:caramel to run the dev playground.
  2. The playground will run the core package with the default theme in http://localhost:8000 and the theme package that you choice in http://localhost:8001 in case that you choice captain-america or in http://localhost:8002 in case that you choice caramel.


The core package with the default theme is the base to develop a theme. You can see how the core components are styled with the default theme and how you can apply your theme on top.

Use a theme

To use a theme you will have different options:

  • Using from a cdn.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://{}/higgsboson-theme-{name}.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://{}/higgsboson-core.min.css">
  • Using from your dependencies.

    import '@higgsboson/theme-{name}';
    import '@higgsboson/core';

How to use


At first you should install dependencies after install nodejs and git.

npm i


Script Description Output
build Build higgsboson in all variantes and themes in prod mode ./packages/core/dist/higgsboson-core.min.css
build:core:default Build higgsboson + default theme version in prod mode ./packages/core/dist/higgsboson-core.min.css
build:theme:captain-america Build higgsboson + captain-america theme version in prod mode ./packages/themes/captain-america/dist/higgsboson-theme-captain-america.min.css
build:theme:caramel Build higgsboson + caramel theme version in prod mode ./packages/themes/caramel/dist/higgsboson-theme-caramel.min.css

We are using postcss to transpile the css code into standard d css code

Plugins that we are using in the build process


Then to develop purposes we need run one of this scripts:

Script Description Output Port
dev Build higgsboson in all variantes and themes in dev mode running the dev playground All of the following 8000, 8001, 8002
dev:core:default Build higgsboson + default theme in dev mode running the dev playground ./packages/core/dist/higgsboson-core.css 8000
dev:theme:captain-america Build higgsboson + captain-america theme in dev mode running the dev playground ./packages/themes/captain-america/dist/higgsboson-theme-captain-america.css 8000, 8001
dev:theme:caramel Build higgsboson + captain-america theme in dev mode running the dev playground ./packages/themes/caramel/dist/higgsboson-theme-caramel.css 8000, 8002


You can lint your css files with:

Script Description
lint Lint higgsboson + in all variantes and themes packages files
lint:core:default Lint higgsboson + default theme core package files
lint:theme:captain-america Lint higgsboson + captain-america theme package files
lint:theme:caramel Lint higgsboson + captain-america theme package files


Fix your linted css files with:

Script Description
format Format higgsboson + in all variantes and themes packages files
format:core:default Format higgsboson + default theme core package files
format:theme:captain-america Format higgsboson + captain-america theme package files
format:theme:caramel Format higgsboson + captain-america theme package files


After run npm i should be trigger automatically the npm run prepare script that is declare in package.json that will configure husky pre push hook for you in order to pass policies about lint before push your changes.

 ├─ .husky/
 |    ├─ _/
 |    |  ├─ .gitignore
 |    |  ├─
 |    |
 |    ├─ pre-push


If you have permissions when you run git push or git push origin {BRANCH} the pre-push script should be run automatically running the frontend lint rules.

Tools that could help you to develop in this project

Visual Studio Code IDE

Discover a free, built on open source and runs everywhere IDE to frontend development. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code useful Extensions


Themeable semantic classeless framework to native html components








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