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Swift Platforms CocoaPods Compatible Swift Package Manager


Harbor is a library for making API requests in Swift in a simple way using async/await.


  • Swift 5
  • iOS 13.0


You can add Harbor to your project using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager.


Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Harbor'

Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")


To make a request using Harbor, you need to create a class that implements the HServiceProtocolWithResult protocol if you want to parse the response, or HServiceProtocol if the response doesn't need to be parsed.

Service Protocol


class MyRequest: HServiceProtocol {
    var url: String = "YOUR_URL/{PATH_PARAM}"
    var httpMethod: HHttpMethod = .post
    var headers: [String : String]?
    var queryParameters: [String : String]? = nil
    var pathParameters: [String : String]? = nil
    var body: [String : Any]? = nil
    var needAuth: Bool = true
    var timeout: TimeInterval = 5
    init() {
        self.pathParameters = [
            "PATH_PARAM" : "value"
        self.body = [
            "bodyParameter" : "value"
        self.headers = [
            "header" : "value"


class MyRequestWithResult: HServiceProtocolWithResult {
    typealias T = MyModel
    var url: String = "YOUR_URL/{PATH_PARAM}"
    var httpMethod: HHttpMethod = .get
    var headers: [String : String]?
    var queryParameters: [String : String]? = nil
    var pathParameters: [String : String]? = nil
    var body: [String : Any]? = nil
    var needAuth: Bool = true
    var timeout: TimeInterval = 5
    init() {
        self.pathParameters = [
            "PATH_PARAM" : "value"
        self.queryParameters = [
            "queryParameter" : "value"
        self.headers = [
            "header" : "value"

Once the request class is created, you can execute the request using the request method.

Task {
     let response = await MyRequestWithResult().request()



If you use HServiceProtocol, the result of calling request() will be an HResponse enum.

switch response {
case .success:
case .cancelled:
case .error(let error):


If you use HServiceProtocolWithResult, the result of calling request() will be an HResponseWithResult enum.

switch response {
case .success(let result):
case .cancelled:
case .error(let error):

Auth Provider

You can also implement the HAuthProviderProtocol protocol if you need to handle authentication.

You setAuthProvider method of the Harbor class to set the authentication provider.

You have to create a class that implements HAuthProviderProtocol

class MyAuthProvider: HAuthProviderProtocol {
    func getCredentialsHeader() -> [String : String] {
        // Return the authentication headers

After that, you have to set your Auth provider:


If the request class has the needAuth property set to true, Harbor will call the getCredentialsHeader method of the authentication provider to get the authentication headers before executing the request.

Cancel Request

You can cancel the task of the request if it is running. request() will return cancelled.

let task = Task {
    let response = await MyRequestWithResult().request()


You can print debug information about your request using the HDebugServiceProtocol protocol. Implement the protocol in the request class.

class MyRequest: HServiceProtocolWithResult, HDebugServiceProtocol {
    var  debugType: HDebugServiceType = .requestAndResponse

debugType defines what you want to print in console. The options are none, request, response or requestAndResponse.

When your request is called, you will see in the Xcode console the information about your request.


If you run into any problems, please submit an issue. Pull requests are also welcome!


Harbor was created by Javier Manzo.


Harbor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.