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Deployed Application (as AWS Serverless Lambda)


Update 07.04.2022: AccountingBook application update to ASP .NET Core 6


Update 24.05.2022: Deploy AccountingBook application to AWS Serverless Lambda

Update 04.11.2021


Update 01.11.2020

  • Web application routing is adjusted for SPA routing.
  • Update ConnectionString if needed (AccountingBook.Web).
  • Chart.js script reference is removed from angular.json file.
  • If you downloaded the code you might need to setup the database. You can run migration using ef command (update-database).



Install following software/SDKs on your development machine:

Software(s) / SDK: Node: V10.16.0 .NET: 3.0.100 Angular-cli: 9.1.1

Clone and Install dependencies

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. cd to directory of AccountingBook.Web project
  3. npm install
  4. NuGet Restore

Debug The Applicatoin:

Open two powershell windows in the AccountingBook.Web project and run following commands:

Backend: dotnet watch run Frontend: ng serve --proxy-config proxy.config.json

Solution Strcuture:


  • This project contains all the domain-model code. This project has no dependency on any other project.


  • This project contains code related to data access concerns. It also reference AccountingBook.Core project as dependency.

  • EF core is used along with PostgreSQL.

  • Run EF migrations (update-database).


  • This project contains the front-end and backend code for web part.

  • The "src" folder inside the project is where source-code is for Angular. Angular-cli shall be used.

Publish and Deploy


npm run build -prod -aot

.NET Core:

dotnet publish AccountingBook.Web.csproj -c debug -r win-x64 --self-contained true or dotnet publish -c Debug -r win10-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true