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This repository contains code for the AlphaNet project. This file documents setup and usage for running experiments. The instructions below assume that you are using a Unix-like system (e.g., Linux or macOS). The code should also work on Windows, but this has not been tested, and the commands will need to be modified.


Download the repository, or clone it using git. Running the code requires Python 3.8 or higher. Required dependencies are listed in requirements.txt, and can be installed with pip (preferably inside a virtual environment).

$ python -m venv .venv  # create a virtual environment named '.venv'
$ source .venv/bin/activate  # activate the virtual environment
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Dev setup

For development, get npm and pipx, then install dev dependencies, and enable pre-commit hooks.

$ pip install -r
$ pre-commit install -t pre-commit

Data setup

Pre-formatted data for all datasets used in the paper is available for download. Two version are provided: without iNaturalist (about 6.32 GB) and with iNaturalist (about 9.79 GB). After downloading one of the tar files, extract it to the root of the repository (i.e., you should have data/ImageNetLT at the root of the repository), then symlink config/datasets.toml to config/datasets.toml.template (e.g., using ln -s config/datasets.toml.template config/datasets.toml). The below instructions are only required if you want to prepare your own datasets. Otherwise you can skip to the next section.

The code expects data in a particular format. Datasets should be prepared into this format and linked using the config file config/datasets.toml. config/datasets.toml.template shows an example of this file. The first item in the file specifies a dataset named imagenetlt_resnext50_crt which use cRT features from ImageNet-LT. The expected file structure for this dataset is as follows:

├── ImageNetLT/
│   ├── label_names.txt
│   ├── splits/
│   │   ├── few.txt
│   │   ├── medium.txt
│   │   ├── many.txt
│   ├── features/
│   │   ├── resnext50_crt/
│   │   │   ├── train.pkl
│   │   │   ├── val.pkl
│   │   │   ├── test.pkl
│   ├── classifiers/
│   │   ├── resnext50_crt.pth

few.txt, medium.txt, and many.txt should contain the label numbers (one per line) for the few, medium, and many splits respectively.

The feature files train.pkl, val.pkl, and test.pkl should contain dicts (corresponding to train, val, and test data) with keys 'feats', 'labels', and 'idxs'. feats should be a torch.Tensor of shape n x d (samples x features). labels should a list of length n, and idxs should be the a torch.Tensor of length n with sample indices, i.e., labels[i] should be the label for feats[idxs[i]].

The classifier file (resnext50_crt.pth in the above example) can use different formats based on the classifier loader. For the simple case of a LinearClassifierLoader which is used in the example file, the classifier file should contain a dict with keys 'weight' and 'bias'. weight should be a torch.Tensor with shape c x d (classes x features), and bias should be a torch.Tensor with shape c.

The optional label_names.txt file should contain the label names (one per line) for the dataset, ordered by label number, 0 to c - 1.

Running experiments

NOTE: The code contains many debug statements, which can significantly slow down training. To disable these, pass -O to the Python interpreter (e.g., python -O ...).

The main script for running experiments is All training parameters are passed as command line arguments. These are documented below:

  • --dataset: Name of a dataset defined in config/datasets.toml (e.g., imagenetlt_resnext50_crt based on datasets.toml.template). This is the only required argument.

  • --save-file: Optional file to save training results to. If not specified, results are not saved.

  • --ckpt-dir: Directory to save/load checkpoints to/from. If not specified, checkpoints are not used.

  • --n-ckpt: Number of most recent checkpoints to keep (default: 2).

  • --no-load-from-ckpt: By default, if --ckpt-dir is specified, the latest checkpoint is loaded before training. This flag disables this behavior.

AlphaNet parameters:

  • --alphanet:hdims: Hidden dimension sizes for AlphaNet, as a space separated list of numbers (default: 32 32 32, i.e., a three-layer network with 32 hidden units per layer).

  • --alphanet:hact: Name of an activation function in torch.nn.functional (default: leaky_relu).

Training parameters:

  • --training:n-neighbors: Number of nearest neighbors (excluding self) to use (default: 5).

  • --training:nn-dist: Distance metric for nearest neighbors. Can be one of cosine, euclidean, or random (default: euclidean). random is provided as a baseline, and will generate random distances for every pair of points.

  • --training:ptopt:optim-cls: Name of an optimizer class, specifically, any sub-class of torch.optim.Optimizer (default: AdamW).

  • --training:ptopt:optim-params: Parameters for the optimizer, as a comma separated string of key=value pairs (default: "lr=0.001").

  • --training:ptopt:lr-sched-cls: Name of a learning rate scheduler class, specifically, any sub-class of torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler (default: StepLR).

  • --training:ptopt:lr-sched-params: Parameters for the learning rate scheduler, as a comma separated string of key=value pairs (default: "step_size=10,gamma=0.1").

  • --training:train-epochs: Number of epochs to train (default: 25).

  • --training:min-epochs: Minimum number of epochs to use when selecting the best model (default: 5, i.e., the model with the best validation accuracy after 5 epochs is selected).

  • --training:train-batch-size: Batch size to use while training (default: 64).

  • --training:eval-batch-size: Batch size to use while evaluating (default: 1024).

  • --training:sampler-builder:sampler-classes: One or more classes to use for sampling training data. These should be one of the public classes in alphanet/ Check the doctrings for these classes for more information (default: AllFewSampler ClassBalancedBaseSampler).

  • --training:sampler-builder:sampler-args: Arguments for the sampler classes, as a comma separated string of key=value pairs, one per sampler class. Check the doctrings for the sampler classes for more information (default: "" "r=0.1").

  • --training:tb-logs: Tensorboard log directory. If not specified, tensorboard logs are not written.

Example command:

python -O \
    --dataset imagenetlt_resnext50_crt \
    --save-file results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/run_1/result.pkl \
    --ckpt-dir results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/run_1/ckpts \
    --training:tb-logs results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/run_1/tb \
    --training:sampler-builder:sampler-args "" "r=0.25"

This trains AlphaNet using default parameters, and only changes the sampling ratio for the ClassBalancedBaseSampler to 0.25. Results and logs are saved to results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/run_1.

Generating baseline results

AlphaNet can be run in dummy mode as a sanity check to obtain baseline results. This can be done using the script. This script takes the dataset name (as defined in config/datasets.toml) as a command line argument (--dataset), and saves the baseline results to the path specified in the config file under baseline_eval_file. Example:

python -O --dataset imagenetlt_resnext50_crt

Printing results

To summarize generated results from multiple experiments, the script can be used. For demonstration of the usage, let us assume a results directory structure as follows:

├── imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/
│   ├── rho_0.1/
│   │   ├── run_1/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl
│   │   ├── run_2/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl
│   ├── rho_0.2/
│   │   ├── run_1/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl
│   │   ├── run_2/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl
│   ├── rho_0.3/
│   │   ├── run_1/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl
│   │   ├── run_2/
│   │   │   ├── result.pkl

The arguments to are as follows:

  • --base-res-dir: Base directory with result files (results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt in the above example).

  • --rel-exp-paths: Relative paths to individual experiment folders (rho_0.1 rho_0.2 rho_0.3 in the above example).

  • --exp-names: Names for the individual experiments. This argument is optional, and only changes the display names in the printed results. If not specified, the experiment folder names are used.

  • --res-files-pattern: Regex pattern for result files ("run_*/result.pkl" for the above example).

  • --exp-prefix and --exp-suffix: Prefix/suffix to add to the experiment names in the printed results. These arguments are optional, and only change the display names in the printed results. If not specified, the experiment names are not prefixed/suffixed.

So, the command to print results for the above example would be:

$ python --base-res-dir results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt --rel-exp-paths rho_0.1 rho_0.2 rho_0.3 --exp-names 0.1 0.2 0.3 --res-files-pattern "run_*/result.pkl" --exp-prefix "AlphaNet (r=" --exp-suffix ")"
Experiment AlphaNet (r=0.1): 100%|████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 20.88file/s]
Experiment AlphaNet (r=0.2): 100%|████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 20.92file/s]
Experiment AlphaNet (r=0.3): 100%|████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 20.46file/s]
Loading: 100%|████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:01<00:00,  2.07experiment/s]
Loading baselines: 100%|█████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 22.51dataset/s]

ImageNet-LT | cRT:

Experiment                Few         Med.         Many      Overall
----------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Baseline                 27.4         46.2         61.8         49.6
AlphaNet (r=0.1)  47.6^±1.60^  37.1^±0.76^  53.8^±0.62^  45.0^±0.41^
AlphaNet (r=0.2)  45.7^±1.56^  39.0^±0.78^  55.7^±0.79^  46.3^±0.52^
AlphaNet (r=0.3)  42.9^±1.29^  40.4^±0.72^  57.0^±0.68^  47.1^±0.47^

AlphaNet (r=0.1),47.6,37.1,53.8,45.0
AlphaNet (r=0.2),45.7,39.0,55.7,46.3
AlphaNet (r=0.3),42.9,40.4,57.0,47.1

Showing learned combinations

AlphaNet updates few split classifiers using a linear combination of base split classifiers. The learned linear combinations can be shown using the script. The script can show aggregate results from multiple runs of an experiment. The arguments to the script are as follows:

  • --base-res-dir: Directory with result files for an experiment.

  • --res-files-pattern: Regex pattern for result files (default: "**/*.pth").

  • --select-by: 'acc' or 'acc_delta'. This argument specifies the way classifiers are selected for showing the learned combinations. acc selects the classifiers based on the final test accuracy, while acc_delta selects the classifiers based on the accuracy change, compared to the baseline (default: 'acc').

  • --no-select-max: By default, classifiers are selected based on the maximum accuracy or accuracy change. This argument will make the script instead use the minimum.

  • --select-n: Number of classifiers to show (default: 5).

  • --mistake-n: The script shows the top misclassifications for each selected classifier. This argument specifies the number of misclassifications to show. If not specified, all mistakes are shown.

  • --eval-batch-size: Batch size for evaluation (default: 1024).

A sample output from the script is as follows:

$ python --base-res-dir results/imagenetlt_resnext50_crt/rho_0.1 --res-files-pattern "run_1/result.pkl" --select-n 1 --mistake-n 3
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to .nltk...
[nltk_data]   Package wordnet is already up-to-date!
Loading:   0%|                                                                            | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?file/s]INFO:03:06:40:stacking 'test' features...
INFO:03:06:40:stacking 'test' features...done
INFO:03:06:40:Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
                                                                                                                 INFO:03:06:42:Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:01.736
INFO:03:06:42:Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:01.747
Loading: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00,  1.98s/file]
INFO:03:06:42:Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
INFO:03:06:43:Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:00.769
INFO:03:06:43:Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:00.779
[Eskimo dog] = [Eskimo dog]
               + (-0.18)[Siberian husky]
               + (-0.066)[malamute]
               + (0.22)[Norwegian elkhound]
               + (0.26)[timber wolf]
               + (0.27)[Cardigan]

Training samples: 17
Baseline accuracy: 0.20
Mean AlphaNet accuracy: 0.76

Top baseline misclassifications (total 40 mistakes / 50 predictions),
and corresponding mean AlphaNet misclassifications
(total 12 mistakes / 50 predictions, across 1 repetition(s)):
        malamute ('medium' split): 16 -> 2.00 (2/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 3 -> 34.00 (34/1)
        Siberian husky ('many' split): 10 -> 1.00 (1/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 5 -> 41.00 (41/1)
        white wolf ('many' split): 4 -> 3.00 (3/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 0 -> 3.00 (3/1)

Top AlphaNet misclassifications:
        white wolf ('many' split): 4 -> 3.00 (3/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 0 -> 3.00 (3/1)
        collie ('few' split): 1 -> 2.00 (2/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 0 -> 1.00 (1/1)
        malamute ('medium' split): 16 -> 2.00 (2/1)
                |-> as 'Eskimo dog': 3 -> 34.00 (34/1)

Generating plots

Plots for the paper can be generated using the and scripts. To generate individual plots, use the script. Refer to the script and command line help for more details.

Generating tables

Tables for the paper can be generated by running