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User Stories

Kodchakan Prajob edited this page Nov 6, 2022 · 23 revisions

1. Food Suggestion

As a visitor,
I want to see the suggested food on the website. So that I can decide what I should eat easier.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the visitor opens the homepage.
When a visitor accesses the homepage successfully.
Then the web application shows the suggested food to the visitor.

2. Authentication by Google

As a visitor,
I want to easily login by Google account to the website. So that I can visit it more frequently.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the visitor opened the Login page.
When the visitor login by Google authentication.
Then, the visitor can use their google account to login.

3. Authenticate

As a visitor,
I want to login to the website using username and password.
So that I can login to the website.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the visitor already has an account on the website.
When the visitor uses the login to the website.
Then, the website will automatically login and bring the visitor to the homepage.

4. Rate and Review the Menus

As a authenticated visitor,
I want to rate and review some menus on the website.
So that other visitors can see the rating and comment which will help them decide the dish they want to eat.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the authenticated visitor saw the menu on the website and didn’t know if the menu was good or not.
When the visitor clicks the menu they are interested in.
Then, the page will show the ratings and reviews of the selected menu.

5. Display the Top-Rated Dishes Chart

As a visitor,
I want to see the top-rated dishes chart. So it can help me make the decision easier.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that the visitor saw the suggested dish and still can’t decide.
When the visitor visits the homepage.
Then, the visitor will see the top-rated dishes chart, which each dish is rated or commented on by other visitors, aside from the suggested one.

6. Create Menu

As a authenticated visitor,
I want to create my menu.
so that other visitors can see my menu as their choices.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given that I want to share my menu.
When I click to create my menu.
Then, I can add details of my menu.