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Cisco Microservices Kubernetes Demo (please view in RAW format)

Demo microservices architecture with kubernetes

Different networking options within Docker:

  1. Default docker bridge via docker 0 In a host: eth0 -- IP Tables/NAT -- Docker 0 -- container 1
    \ container 2

  2. User defined bridges to isolate containers in the same host In a host: eth0 -- IP Tables/NAT -- Brnet1 -- container 1
    \ Brnet2 -- container 2

  3. Overlay Network In host 1: eth0 -- IP Tables/NAT -- Docker 0 -- container 1
    \ overlay(for containers to talk across multi hosts without NAT) / / In host 2: eth0 -- IP Tables/NAT -- Docker 0 -- container 2

Why do we need Docker?

  • Faster development process
  • Application encapsulation
  • The same behaviour on local machine, dev, staging, production servers
  • Easy and clear monitoring
  • Easy to scale

To run web_server_hello via minikube:

  1. Start minikube: minikube start --vm-driver=vmwarefusion

  2. Set docker env: eval $(minikube docker-env)

  3. Build image (go to ../b2bmicroservices/b2bhello/): docker build -t hello_image .

  4. Run in minikube: kubectl run hello --image=hello_image --image-pull-policy=Never

  5. Check that it's running: kubectl get pods

  6. Check for output via logs: kubectl logs {pod-name} Note: get {pod-name} from 5)

To run web_server_bye via minikube:

  1. Start minikube: minikube start --vm-driver=vmwarefusion

  2. Set docker env: eval $(minikube docker-env)

  3. Build image (go to ../b2bmicroservices/b2bbye/): docker build -t bye_image .

  4. Run in minikube: kubectl run bye --image=bye_image --image-pull-policy=Never

  5. Check that it's running: kubectl get pods

  6. Check for output via logs: kubectl logs {pod-name} Note: get {pod-name} from 5)

To run web_server_hello nginx server via docker:

  1. Go to ../b2bmicroservices/web_server_hello/examples/nginx

  2. Execute command: docker run -it --name "test-nginx-hello" -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx:latest /bin/bash

  3. Inside shell, run: nginx -c /usr/share/nginx/html

  4. Server is running now, go to localhost:8080/app1, and index.html will be served

To run web_server_bye nginx server via docker:

  1. Go to ../b2bmicroservices/web_server_bye/examples/nginx

  2. Execute command: docker run -it --name "test-nginx-bye" -p 8081:8080 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx:latest /bin/bash

  3. Inside shell, run: nginx -c /usr/share/nginx/html

  4. Server is running now, go to localhost:8080/app2 on the web browser, and index.html will be served


Demo microservices architecture with kubernetes






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