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BC CSCI339 (Natural Language Processing) Final Project

A Twitter sentiment analysis web app written with Flask.

Setup and Deployment

Note: deployment to Heroku depends on scikit-learn and the numpy/scipy stack, which is tricky to run with Heroku. We depend on @thenovices custom Heroku/scipy buildpack which can be set with heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=

This is a Heroku app with gunicorn as the web server, but the standalone app can be run on localhost with python or foreman start and requires Flask, Tweepy, and Scikit-Learn + dependencies, which can be installed with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Twittersa requires application-level authentication from a registered Twitter application, and thus requires valid Consumer Key and Consumer Secret API keys from

These keys must be set as environment variables (export CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET), or set them in .env and run with foreman or Heroku.


sentiment/ includes a command-line script to facilitate the testing of various Naive Bayes classifiers with different data sets and feature extraction techniques.

Usage should be pretty self explanatory by accessing help:

python sentiment/ --help


# MultinomialNB, tested with random sampling 5 times, unigrams + bigrams,
# and TF-IDF weighted transformation. Accuracy is printed as an average
# of the 5 samples.
python sentiment/ -N 5 -n 2 25000 --tfidf -c multinomial

# BernoulliNB with unigrams and bigrams, 0 variance threshold removal,
# serialization of the classifier, and an interactive REPL for
# classification after training on the 25000 tweet data set
python sentiment/ -n 2 25000 -vpr

Currently the global variables present in the script prefixed with PROD_ will be automatically selected in Twittersa to serve as the classifier backing the web application.




Contains helper scripts for related tasks. NB: These are intended to be ran from the repository home directory, e.g. python util/ I should probably make this a module?

    • Parses and serializes abbrevations from noslang dictionary
  • semeval/
    • Contains Tweet corpora from the SemEval 2013 (?) classification task
    • To download, use
    • Downloads Tweets in the SemEval .tsv files by scraping URLs.
    • Grabs training .csv files specified in corpora/, parses them, removes everything but sentiment and text, and serializes them in lib/.