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SparkUp - Social Media for Millennials

Team Members:

1) Jayesh Saini
2) Sweta Rani Patra
3) Rahul Tiwari
4) Sandeep Das
5) Jagtar Singh

About SparkUp:

  • SparkUp is a social media app aimed at young adults and millennials who are seeking an alternative to mainstream social networks. The app provides a platform for users to express their creative side and connect with like-minded individuals.
  • SparkUp's unique features include a focus on user-generated content such as blogs and photography, as well as interactive tools for collaboration and discovery.
  • The target audience for SparkUp is tech-savvy individuals aged 18-35 who value self-expression and connection with a community that shares their interests and passions.

Features and Responsible Teammate

Features Responsible Teammate
  • Post Feeds (PostsWidget/ PostWidget) - Like/Unlike, View Comments, Add/Remove Friend.
  • Backend routes - /createPost, /getFeedPosts, getUserFriends.
  • Deployed the backend on Azure and frontend on Vercel.
  • Redux Toolkit - State Management
Rahul Tiwari
  • Material UI Theme Setup - Dark/Light.
  • User Profile Page - Assebled the widgets to design the profile page.
  • MyPostWidget - Widget to create a new post (Upload Image/ Write Caption).
  • Backend routes - /getUserPosts, /likePost.
Sweta Rani Patra
  • Login/SignUp pages.
  • File Upload (Dropzone).
  • UserWidget - Shows user details on the home page and profile page - Profile Picture, Name, Friend Count, Location, etc.
  • Navigation Panel.
  • Backend routes - /register, /login, File Upload (Multer).
Jayesh Saini
  • FriendListWidget - Displays friends of logged-in user/ friends of person whose profile is being viewed.
  • Home Page - Assembling all the widgets to design the home page.
  • AdvertWidget - This Widget shows a static advertisement of Openscreen Inc.
  • Backend routes - /getUsers.
Sandeep Das
  • Live Chat- Direct messaging with your friends
  • Used pooling technique
  • Only logged in user can see his chats with friends because of message key generated at the backend
  • Chat friends - Show friends in chat component
  • Backend routes - /chats/receive, /chat/send
Jagtar Singh
