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iOS Development Workflow

Setting up a new project

  1. Create a new project

    1. File -> New -> Project or press SHIFT + ⌘ + N to create a new project.

    2. Choose Single View Application then click Next.

    3. Type the Name of your project.

    4. Type your Organization Name.

    5. Type your Organization Identifier. The naming convention for Organization Identifier is reverse domain naming style (e.g. net.proudcloud.ios.NowShowing). The platform is included so we can also use this naming convention for Android ports of our apps, in this case

    6. Choose Swift as the Language

    7. Choose the Devices to support. Usually, it is just iPhone. Universal is selected when we need to support iPad.

  2. Set up Build Number auto-updates

    1. Click on your project workspace. It is the row with the little blue file icon with your project's name, targets, and SDK version.

    2. Go to Targets -> Project Name.

    3. Then in the General panel, change the default Version of the app to 0.0.1.

    4. Then go to Build Phases.

    5. Add a new phase by clicking the + on the upper left corner of the panel then click New Run Script Phase.

    6. Collapse the newly added phase and paste the following:

      buildNumber=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "$INFOPLIST_FILE")

    buildNumber=$(($buildNumber + 1)) /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNumber" "$INFOPLIST_FILE" ``` 7. Rename this phase to Auto-update Build Number by double-clicking Run Script

    1. Then drag this new phase above Copy Bundle Resources so that our build number is updated before Info.plist is copied to our archive. This ensures that the new archive has the updated build number.
  3. Update the project structure

    Make sure you have the following project structure:


- API - Models - Views - Controllers - Extensions AppDelegate.swift Images.xcassets Main.storyboard LaunchScreen.xib Supporting Files - Info.plist `- BridgingHeader.h ```

  1. Check-in your project to GitHub

    1. Initialize the project:

      $ git init
    2. Commit your changes:

      $ git add --all
    3. Set up the remote:

      $ git remote add origin <remote>
    4. Push your changes

      $ git push -u origin master

Setting up CocoaPods

  1. Go to your project's directory

    $ cd <ProjectName>
  2. Create a new file named Gemfile.

    $ touch Gemfile && vim Gemfile
  3. Add the following to your Gemfile:

    source ''

gem 'cocoapods' ```

  1. Save and exit by typing :wq

  2. Install CocoaPods by running:

    $ bundle install
  3. When Bundler finishes installing CocoaPods, run:

    $ pod init

    This will create new file named Podfile in your project directory. You can now add Pods in this file then run pod install to install them.


We'll follow the guidelines below as our versioning system.

Given we have the x.y.z as our version:

  • We increment z when we publish bug fixes, and really small updates like changing a text.
  • We increment y when we publish minor features that don't really affect the usage of the app.
  • We increment x when we publish really big updates (e.g. major UI overhaul, breaking changes, etc.)

TLDR; <major>.<minor>.<bugfixes>

Also take note of our Build Number. The build number denotes how many times we've built the app by running (⌘ + R) or building the app (⌘ + B).

NOTE: In cases where you have conflicts in the build number, always choose the higher build number.




Follow the following steps to submit a build to the App Store.

  1. Make sure iOS Device is selected as your Destination. This should be similar to selecting your device to run your app on.
  2. On Xcode's menu bar, Click Product -> Archive. When this finishes, Xcode should automatically open the Organizer window.
  3. Click on the latest archive that you created, and click Validate. This validates your *.ipa file (iOS application archive) for App Store submission.
    • (Optional) Fix errors in your build, if any.
  4. If there are no errors in your build, click Submit to App Store to submit your app. Additional checks will be done to your app and if it passes, your app is now uploaded to the App Store.
  5. Login to iTunes Connect to continue your submission.
  6. Complete the app details, screenshots, and all required information to be able to submit.
  7. Choose a build to submit.
  8. (Optional) You may choose to publish your app manually or automatically, when your app passes the review process or manually publish
  9. Click Submit for Review and pray that your app passes the review process.

Your app should now say that it's Waiting for Review. This usually takes 1 to 2 weeks, and it's up to Apple now whether your app passes or gets rejected.


After publishing your app, make sure you create a release tag for the new version you published.

For example, we've just published v1.2.8 on the App Store

$ git tag v1.2.8

Then edit this release tag on GitHub and add the changes made in this build.