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React Ability

React role based permissions based on the RBAC Spec

Build Status


Most backends are packaged with some sort of permission engine to lock resources. react-ability takes the ideas from some of those popular libraries and does the same for React.


To install the latest release

npm install --save react-ability


yarn add react-ability


Create a definition object.

const definition = {
  permissions: [
        name: 'VIEW_BLOGPOST',
        roles: ['ADMIN', 'USER']
        name: 'EDIT_COURSE',
        roles: ['USER']

Pass that definition to an ability provider, along with any roles the current user has. The roles should be dynamic and be provisioned through some sort of controlling authorization service API.

    import React from 'react'
    import AbilityProvider from 'react-ability'
    const roles = ['ADMIN']
    <AbilityProvider roles={roles} definition={definition}>

Then in any children you can control how you want components to be rendered.

    import React from 'react'
    import AbilityControl from 'react-ability'
    <AbilityProvider roles={roles} definition={definition}>
        <AbilityControl permission="VIEW_BLOGPOST">
            <div>"You can see me!"</div>
        <AbilityControl permission="CREATE_BLOGPOST">
            <div>"Can't see me!"</div>

You can also check abilities in any child components of the AbilityProvider.

    import ableTo from 'react-ability'
    const ableToView = ableTo('VIEW_BLOGPOST', this.props.abilities) 


This library DOES NOT replace or fill the need for a backend authorization service.

The domain of react-ability is primarily visibility and role checking. This doesn't prevent your users from modifying the JS and monkeying around with front end permissions.

Make sure you have a solid permission system on the backend that does the auth heavy lifting, and doesn't rely on this library for your application's primary authorization.
