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@sergei-maertens sergei-maertens tagged this 24 Sep 14:25
A django-cookie-consent version to test the new Javascript integration.

You can install this using:

.. code-block:: bash

    pip install django-cookie-consent --pre

The new cookiebar JS uses a modern approach and should resolve issues with page caches
and Content Security Policies. Please try it out and report any issues or suggestion on

**Breaking changes**


**New features**

* Implemented ``cookie_consent/cookiebar.module.js`` as a new Javascript integration.
  Please review the updated documentation for usage instructions. (#15, #49, #99)


Deprecated functionality is scheduled for removal in django-cookie-consent 1.0.

* Deprecated ``cookie_consent/cookiebar.js`` and added an alias ``legacyShowCookieBar``.
  Existing users are advised to upgrade to the new module approach, or at the very
  least substitute ``showCookieBar`` with ``window.legacyShowCookieBar`` to better keep
  track of this deprecation.

* Deprecated template tags that build up cookie strings suitable for Javascript.



**Project maintenance**

* Extensively documented the new cookiebar JS usage.
* Added Playwright for end-to-end testing (covers both the new and legacy cookie bar)
* Removed unnecessary ``smart_str`` usage - thanks @some1ataplace
* Test app and tests themselves are now excluded from coverage measuring for more a
  more accurate reflection of the coverage status.
Assets 2