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File metadata and controls

245 lines (170 loc) · 8.84 KB


A set of templates is provided. These templates range from Django Admin Site alternatives to manage the Apps that use your App as a provider, to Error and Authorization Templates.

You can override default templates located in templates/oauth2_provider folder and provide a custom layout. To override these templates you just need to create a folder named oauth2_provider inside your templates folder and, inside this folder, add a file that matches the name of the template you're trying to override.

The templates available are:


If you just want a different look and feel you may only override this template. To inherit this template just add {% extends "oauth2_provider/base.html" %} in the first line of the other templates. This is what is done with the default templates.

The blocks defined in it are:

  • title inside the HTML title tag;
  • css inside the head;
  • content in the body.


Authorize is rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.AuthorizationView` (authorize/).

This template gets passed the following context variables:

  • scopes - :obj:`list` with the scopes requested by the application;


See :ref:`settings_default_scopes` to understand what is returned if no scopes are requested.


If you haven't created your own Application Model (see how in :ref:`extend_app_model`), you will get an :class:`~oauth2_provider.models.AbstractApplication` object.

  • client_id - Passed in the URI, already validated.
  • redirect_uri - Passed in the URI (optional), already validated.


If it wasn't provided on the request, the default one has been set (see :meth:`~oauth2_provider.models.AbstractApplication.default_redirect_uri`).

  • response_type - Passed in the URI, already validated.
  • state - Passed in the URI (optional).
  • form - An :class:`~oauth2_provider.forms.AllowForm` with all the hidden fields already filled with the values above.


One extra variable, named error will also be available if an Oauth2 exception occurs. This variable is a :obj:`dict` with error and description

Example (this is the default page you may find on templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html):

{% extends "oauth2_provider/base.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% block content %}
    <div class="block-center">
        {% if not error %}
            <form id="authorizationForm" method="post">
                <h3 class="block-center-heading">{% trans "Authorize" %} {{ }}?</h3>
                {% csrf_token %}

                {% for field in form %}
                    {% if field.is_hidden %}
                        {{ field }}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}

                <p>{% trans "Application requires the following permissions" %}</p>
                    {% for scope in scopes_descriptions %}
                        <li>{{ scope }}</li>
                    {% endfor %}

                {{ form.errors }}
                {{ form.non_field_errors }}

                <div class="control-group">
                    <div class="controls">
                        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-large" value="Cancel"/>
                        <input type="submit" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" name="allow" value="Authorize"/>

        {% else %}
            <h2>Error: {{ error.error }}</h2>
            <p>{{ error.description }}</p>
        {% endif %}
{% endblock %}


The management templates are Django Admin Site alternatives to manage the Apps.


All templates receive :class:`~oauth2_provider.models.Application` objects.


If you haven't created your own Application Model (see how in :ref:`extend_app_model`), you will get an :class:`~oauth2_provider.models.AbstractApplication` object.


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.ApplicationList` (applications/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ListView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:

  • applications - a :obj:`list` with all the applications, may be None.


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.ApplicationUpdate` (applications/<pk>/update/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.UpdateView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variables:


In the default implementation this template in extended by application_registration_form.html. Be sure to provide the same blocks if you are only overiding this template.


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.ApplicationRegistration` (applications/register/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.CreateView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:

  • form - a :obj:`~django.forms.Form` with the following fields:
    • name
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • client_type
    • authorization_grant_type
    • redirect_uris


In the default implementation this template extends application_form.html.


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.ApplicationDetail` (applications/<pk>/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DetailView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.ApplicationDelete` (applications/<pk>/delete/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:


To override successfully this template you should provide a form that posts to the same URL, example: <form method="post" action="">


All templates receive :class:`~oauth2_provider.models.AccessToken` objects.


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.AuthorizedTokensListView` (authorized_tokens/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.ListView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:

  • authorized_tokens - a :obj:`list` with all the tokens that belong to applications that the user owns, may be None.


To override successfully this template you should provide links to revoke the token, example: <a href="{% url 'oauth2_provider:authorized-token-delete' %}">revoke</a>


Rendered in :class:`~oauth2_provider.views.base.AuthorizedTokenDeleteView` (authorized_tokens/<pk>/delete/). This class inherits :class:`django.views.generic.edit.DeleteView`.

This template gets passed the following template context variable:


To override successfully this template you should provide a form that posts to the same URL, example: <form method="post" action="">