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314 lines (209 loc) · 12.4 KB


File metadata and controls

314 lines (209 loc) · 12.4 KB



This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines.


Fork django-oauth-toolkit repository on GitHub and follow these steps:

  • Create a virtualenv and activate it
  • Clone your repository locally


You can find the list of bugs, enhancements and feature requests on the issue tracker. If you want to fix an issue, pick up one and add a comment stating you're working on it.

Code Style

The project uses flake8 for linting, black for formatting the code, isort for formatting and sorting imports, and pre-commit for checking/fixing commits for correctness before they are made.

You will need to install pre-commit yourself, and then pre-commit will take care of installing flake8, black and isort.

After cloning your repository, go into it and run:

pre-commit install

to install the hooks. On the next commit that you make, pre-commit will download and install the necessary hooks (a one off task). If anything in the commit would fail the hooks, the commit will be abandoned. For black and isort, any necessary changes will be made automatically, but not staged. Review the changes, and then re-stage and commit again.

Using pre-commit ensures that code that would fail in QA does not make it into a commit in the first place, and will save you time in the long run. You can also (largely) stop worrying about code style, although you should always check how the code looks after black has formatted it, and think if there is a better way to structure the code so that it is more readable.


You can edit the documentation by editing files in docs/. This project uses sphinx to turn ReStructuredText into the HTML docs you are reading.

In order to build the docs in to HTML, you can run:

tox -e docs

This will build the docs, and place the result in docs/_build/html. Alternatively, you can run:

tox -e livedocs

This will run sphinx in a live reload mode, so any changes that you make to the RST files will be automatically detected and the HTML files rebuilt. It will also run a simple HTTP server available at http://localhost:8000/ serving the HTML files, and auto-reload the page when changes are made.

This allows you to edit the docs and see your changes instantly reflected in the browser.


You can contribute international language translations using django-admin makemessages.

For example, to add Deutsch:

cd oauth2_provider
django-admin makemessages --locale de

Then edit locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po to add your translations.

When deploying your app, don't forget to compile the messages with:

django-admin compilemessages


If you alter any models, a new migration will need to be generated. This step is frequently missed by new contributors. You can check if a new migration is needed with:

tox -e migrations

And, if a new migration is needed, use:

django-admin makemigrations --settings tests.mig_settings

Auto migrations frequently have ugly names like 0004_auto_20200902_2022. You can make your migration name "better" by adding the -n name option:

django-admin makemigrations --settings tests.mig_settings -n widget

Pull requests

Please avoid providing a pull request from your master and use topic branches instead; you can add as many commits as you want but please keep them in one branch which aims to solve one single issue. Then submit your pull request. To create a topic branch, simply do:

git checkout -b fix-that-issue
Switched to a new branch 'fix-that-issue'

When you're ready to submit your pull request, first push the topic branch to your GitHub repo:

git push origin fix-that-issue

Now you can go to your repository dashboard on GitHub and open a pull request starting from your topic branch. You can apply your pull request to the master branch of django-oauth-toolkit (this should be the default behaviour of GitHub user interface).

When you begin your PR, you'll be asked to provide the following:

  • Identify the issue number that this PR fixes (if any). That issue will automatically be closed when your PR is accepted and merged.
  • Provide a high-level description of the change. A reviewer should be able to tell what your PR does without having to read the commit(s).
  • Make sure the PR only contains one change. Try to keep the PR as small and focused as you can. You can always submit additional PRs.
  • Any new or changed code requires that a unit test be added or updated. Make sure your tests check for correct error behavior as well as normal expected behavior. Strive for 100% code coverage of any new code you contribute! Improving unit tests is always a welcome contribution. If your change reduces coverage, you'll be warned by Codecov.
  • Update the documentation (in docs/) to describe the new or changed functionality.
  • Update (only for user relevant changes). We use Keep A Changelog format which categorizes the changes as:
    • Added for new features.
    • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
    • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
    • Removed for now removed features.
    • Fixed for any bug fixes.
    • Security in case of vulnerabilities. (Please report any security issues to the
      JazzBand security team <>. Do not file an issue on the tracker or submit a PR until directed to do so.)
  • Make sure your name is in AUTHORS. We want to give credit to all contrbutors!

If your PR is not yet ready to be merged mark it as a Work-in-Progress By prepending WIP: to the PR title so that it doesn't get inadvertently approved and merged.

Make sure to request a review by assigning Reviewer jazzband/django-oauth-toolkit. This will assign the review to the project team and a member will review it. In the meantime you can continue to add commits to your topic branch (and push them up to GitHub) either if you see something that needs changing, or in response to a reviewer's comments. If a reviewer asks for changes, you do not need to close the pull and reissue it after making changes. Just make the changes locally, push them to GitHub, then add a comment to the discussion section of the pull request.

Pull upstream changes into your fork regularly

It's a good practice to pull upstream changes from master into your fork on a regular basis, in fact if you work on outdated code and your changes diverge too far from master, the pull request has to be rejected.

To pull in upstream changes:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream

Then merge the changes that you fetched:

git merge upstream/master

For more info, see


Please be sure to rebase your commits on the master when possible, so your commits can be fast-forwarded: we try to avoid merge commits when they are not necessary.

How to get your pull request accepted

We really want your code, so please follow these simple guidelines to make the process as smooth as possible.

The Checklist

A checklist template is automatically added to your PR when you create it. Make sure you've done all the applicable steps and check them off to indicate you have done so. This is what you'll see when creating your PR:

Fixes #

## Description of the Change

## Checklist

  • [ ] PR only contains one change (considered splitting up PR)
  • [ ] unit-test added
  • [ ] documentation updated
  • [ ] updated (only for user relevant changes)
  • [ ] author name in AUTHORS

Any PRs that are missing checklist items will not be merged and may be reverted if they are merged by mistake.

Run the tests!

Django OAuth Toolkit aims to support different Python and Django versions, so we use tox to run tests on multiple configurations. At any time during the development and at least before submitting the pull request, please run the testsuite via:


The first thing the core committers will do is run this command. Any pull request that fails this test suite will be immediately rejected.

Add the tests!

Whenever you add code, you have to add tests as well. We cannot accept untested code, so unless it is a peculiar situation you previously discussed with the core committers, if your pull request reduces the test coverage it will be immediately rejected.

You can check your coverage locally with the coverage package after running tox:

pip install coverage
coverage html -d mycoverage

Open mycoverage/index.html in your browser and you can see a coverage summary and coverage details for each file.

There's no need to wait for Codecov to complain after you submit your PR.

Code conventions matter

There are no good nor bad conventions, just follow PEP8 (run some lint tool for this) and nobody will argue. Try reading our code and grasp the overall philosophy regarding method and variable names, avoid black magics for the sake of readability, keep in mind that simple is better than complex. If you feel the code is not straightforward, add a comment. If you think a function is not trivial, add a docstrings.

To see if your code formatting will pass muster use: tox -e py37-flake8

The contents of this page are heavily based on the docs from django-admin2

Maintainer Checklist

The following notes are to remind the project maintainers and leads of the steps required to review and merge PRs and to publish a new release.

Reviewing and Merging PRs

  • Make sure the PR description includes the pull request template
  • Confirm that all required checklist items from the PR template are both indicated as done in the PR description and are actually done.
  • Perform a careful review and ask for any needed changes.
  • Make sure any PRs only ever improve code coverage percentage.
  • All PRs should be be reviewed by one individual (not the submitter) and merged by another.

PRs that are incorrectly merged may (reluctantly) be reverted by the Project Leads.

Publishing a Release

Only Project Leads can publish a release to and This checklist is a reminder of the required steps.

  • When planning a new release, create a milestone and assign issues, PRs, etc. to that milestone.
  • Review all commits since the last release and confirm that they are properly documented in the CHANGELOG. Reword entries as appropriate with links to docs to make them meaningful to users.
  • Make a final PR for the release that updates:
    • CHANGELOG to show the release date.
    • oauth2_provider/ to set __version__ = "..."
  • Once the final PR is merged, create and push a tag for the release. You'll shortly get a notification from Jazzband of the availability of two pypi packages (source tgz and wheel). Download these locally before releasing them.
  • Do a tox -e build and extract the downloaded and bullt wheel zip and tgz files into temp directories and do a diff -r to make sure they have the same content. (Unfortunately the checksums do not match due to timestamps in the metadata so you need to compare all the files.)
  • Once happy that the above comparison checks out, approve the releases to