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A service that aids, inter- *component | service* communication in angular 4 using publish/subscribe or observer pattern

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Intercom ☎️ for angular 4 components, services and anything in general

As the word suggests, intercom aids communication between components, services and anything you can think of with in a project. It is based on publish/subscribe or observer pattern.

I will cover simple use case to demonstrate the use of intercom service. I will query a list of github users and display it using this service.

For the impatient, simple demo here

Following figure explains how the intercom service works

Intercom service

(Excuse me for the above artwork 😂)

We use event literals (event-literals.ts) to define events that we can subscribe/dispatch to communicate between different entities (in our case component and service)

The flow is really simple. The UsersComponent template has a button. On click of this button, we want to get github users and render their information. To accomplish this, let us begin with UsersComponent

  1. Handle user action in UsersComponent

    Here, what we want is, when the Get Github Users button is clicked, the UsersService should be notified to fetch the users. So to get this done, we get the instance of IntercomService by specifying the same in class constructor

    constructor(private intercom:IntercomService) {

    Now, handle the button click in users.component.html by attaching the following listener, in the component, to the click event

    onGetUsers() {
      let event = {
        type: USERS

    Here we are using the IntercomService to let UsersService know that we are in need of github users. So to notify, USERS event (which is declared in event-literals.ts) is used. The service will not be notified because it has not subscribed to the event yet. So let us do that now.

  2. Subscribe to USERS event in UsersService

    In this service as well, we will get the instance of IntercomService as follows

    constructor(private intercom:IntercomService) {

    Now, in order to get notification for USERS event that is dispatched in step 1, let us subscribe to the event in constructor as

    constructor(private intercom:IntercomService, private http:Http) {
      intercom.subscribe(USERS, this.onGetUsers.bind(this));

    Here we specify that when USERS event is dispatched, execute the onGetUsers function to get the users. Here is the implementation of onGetUsers function

    onGetUsers(event) {
      let randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
      this.http.get(USERS_URL + `?since=${randomOffset}`)
          .map(response => response.json())
          .subscribe(result => {

    We are using the Github public api to get list of users. Once we have the users, we need to let UsersComponent know that user data is available. So lets do that now

  3. Dispatch USER_RESULT event from UsersService

    Once we have data, we use the USER_RESULT event (declared in event-literals.ts) to notify UsersComponent of the same. When dispatching this event, we also pass the user data as payload.

    onGetUsers(event) {
      let randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
      this.http.get(USERS_URL + `?since=${randomOffset}`)
          .map(response => response.json())
          .subscribe(result => {
            let evt = {
              type: USER_RESULT,
              payload: result

    For UsersComponent to be able to get data, lets modify it a bit in next step

  4. Receive data in UsersComponent

    In order to receive data in UsersComponent, we need to subscribe to the USER_RESULT event. We do that in component's constructor as

    constructor(private intercom:IntercomService) {
      this.intercom.subscribe(USER_RESULT, this.onUserResult.bind(this));

    In onUserResult(), the argument that we receive will be nothing but the event that was dispatched in step 3 along with the user data. The onUserResult() is implemented as

    onUserResult(event) {
      this.users = event.payload;

    There is one last thing we need to take care of. Since in step 2, we have subscribed to USERS event in constructor of UsersService, we need to instantiate this class. If we do not do this, obviously nothing will happen if you click the button Get Github Users. So we get an instance of service class injected in app.component.ts as

    constructor(private userService: UsersService) {}

Voilà! We completed our flow of getting the users on click of a button and rendering the data as soon as it is available, all using IntercomService. This is just one use case that is covered. As the project grows, there will be many components and there will be definitely a need for communication between them. So all you need to do is, get the service injected in those components, and set up a communication channel by subscribing and dispatching events.

Hope it helps someone




A service that aids, inter- *component | service* communication in angular 4 using publish/subscribe or observer pattern







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