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208 lines (171 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

208 lines (171 loc) · 10.1 KB

2.4.2-0 / Unreleased

  • [Improved] #153 Add class fancytree-unselectable to respective nodes

2.4.1 / 2014-09-23

  • [Fixed] Regression #323

2.4.0 / 2014-09-21

  • [CHANGED] Renamed dist/jquery.fancytree-custom.min.js to jquery.fancytree-all.min.js
  • [CHANGED] ext-edit callbacks no longer pass data.value (use data.input.val() instead).
  • [Added] CDN support (!jquery.fancytree)
  • [Added] New method node.visitAndLoad()
  • [Added] New method node.editCreateNode() (ext-edit)
  • [Added] New method node.isRootNode()
  • [Added] New method node.isTopLevel()
  • [Added] New option id to override default tree id
  • [Added] New argument stopOnParents for tree.generateFormElements()
  • [Improved] #294 node.load() should resolve 'ok', if node is already loaded
  • [Improved] #293 minExpandLevel does not auto-expand
  • [Improved] #313 Allow HTML in tooltips
  • [Fixed] crash in scrollIntoView() when parent is window
  • [Fixed] #305 Checkbox doesn't show with Glyph + Table
  • [Fixed] #316 Fix hasChildren() when children = []
  • [Fixed] #237 ajax LoadError not updated in StatusNode with Table ext
  • [Fixed] #295 loadKeyPath with multiple paths
  • [Deprecated] node.isRoot(). Use node.isRootNode() instead

2.3.0 / 2014-08-17

  • [CHANGED] renamed (undocumented) event 'loaderror' to 'loadError'
  • [Added] postProcess now allows to signal error conditions (so it becomes easy to handle custom ajax response formats)
  • [Added] node.setStatus()
  • [Added] ext-clones to the standard distribution.
  • [Improved] loadError allows to return false to prevent default handling
  • [Fixed] #258 Fix moveTo when moving a node to same parent
  • [Fixed] #257 Glyph expander sometimes disappears

2.2.0 / 2014-06-28

  • [Added] Option dnd.focusOnClick sets focus to tree widget, even when dragging is enabled
  • [Added]
  • [Improved] #245 tree.generateInput() now returns data using PHPs array convention, i.e. by appending brackets to the name: 'ft_1[]'.
  • [Fixed] #250: Children lazy empty nodes remain checked when parent is unchecked with hierarchical multi-selection
  • [Fixed] #272 Navigation in filtered trees

2.1.0 / 2014-05-29

  • [Added] #210: [ext-persist] optionally store information in sessionStorage or localStorage
  • [Added] #64 [ext-filter] filterBranches() will restrict display to sub-trees
  • [Added] New options 'scrollParent' and 'scrollOfs' are evaluated by node.scrollIntoView() (which is also called on expand). This allows autoScroll to work with [ext-table]: set scrollParent to window or a wrapper DIV with overflow: auto
  • [Added] [ext-wide] use 100% wide selection bar (experimental)
  • [Added] $.ui.fancytree.debounce()
  • [Improved] [ext-columnview] css
  • [Improved] skin-win8 now includes the loading.gif as inline CSS for faster response
  • [Improved] Add 'fancytree-icon' class to icon IMG
  • [Improved] css v-align for checkboxes and icons
  • [Fixed] #217: persistence when node keys are numeric
  • [Fixed] #228: html in node title prevents click
  • [Fixed] #235: D'n'd helper is displaced, when window is scrolled
  • [Fixed] #241: fromDict() does not update node title
  • [Fixed] relative custom imagePath option
  • [Deprecated] [ext-filter] Use filterNodes() instead of applyFilter()
  • [Deprecated] [ext-filter] 'leavesOnly' option removed (see filterNodes())

2.0.0 / 2014-05-01

  • [Added] [ext-clones] #213 New method Fancytree.changeRefKey()

2.0.0-12 / 2014-04-29

  • [Added] /dist/src folder contains uncompressed extensions for bower
  • [Improved] cleanup

2.0.0-11 / 2014-04-27

  • [Added] /dist/jquery.fancytree-custom.min.js with AMD support
  • [Added] #56: Allow to set special node.attributes from data-...
  • [Added] #191: Allow to set additional attributes from
    • [Added] [ext-childcounter] #202: Allow lazy children count
    • [Improved] #192: Removed 'height: 100%' for container (was introduced to fix an IE 9 bug, that now should be solved by 'min-height: 0%')
    • [Improved] [ext-table] #93 renderColumns called for status nodes (added 'customStatus' option)
    • [Improved] [ext-dnd] #196 Make draggable/droppable options configurable
    • [Fixed] [ext-glyph] #194 Render noExpander icon from icon map for leaf nodes
    • [Fixed] #197: Allow special characters in tooltips
    • [Fixed] #68: renderStatus method doesn't render 'loading' status
    • [Fixed] #201: originalEvent not passed along to activate callback
    • [Fixed] [ext-glyph] compatible with ext-table

    2.0.0-10 / 2014-04-13

    • [Added] New method node.appendSibling()
    • [Improved] setExpanded resolves promise after scrollIntoView
    • [Improved] Allow to return false in lazyLoad for manual loading.
    • [Improved] [ext-table] trigger expand event after anPimations
    • [Improved] [ext-gridnav] skips empty and merged cells
    • [Improved] grunt build no longer depends on
    • [Fixed] selectMode: 1 + "selected": true looks buggy

    2.0.0-9 / 2014-04-02

    • [Added] New helper method $.ui.fancytree.escapeHtml().
    • [Added] [ext-clones] new method node,reRegister(key, refKey)
    • [Added] Support for bower.
    • [Added] dist/ folder to repository
    • [Improved] [ext-edit] handles <, >, ...
    • [Improved] [ext-table] node.render(force) trigger renderColumns event
    • [Fixed] [ext-table] #178 children are not displayed when filtering

    2.0.0-8 / 2014-04-01

    • [FEATURE] #18: load lazy nodes, if initialized as 'expanded'.
    • [FEATURE] #162: Optional parameter noEvents for node.setActive() and .setExpanded().
    • [CHANGE] Prefixed all Less variables with '@fancy-' and introduced '@fancy-image-dir'.
    • [CHANGE] 'loadChildren' event is now also triggered for initial tree load (before it was only triggered for lazy child nodes)
    • [BUGFIX] #117: line height too large when using doctype xhtml
    • [BUGFIX] #115: Fixed error when trying to drag table headers
    • [BUGFIX] #163: lazy load throws error if autoscroll: true and result is empty
    • [FEATURE] [ext-clones] (experimental) new extension that introduces node.refKey, which may occur multiple times in one tree (as opposed to key, which must be unique). New methods node.isClone(), node.getCloneList() and tree.getNodesByRef(). Optionally, clones are tagged wit the fancytree-clone class.
    • [FEATURE] New option 'defaultKey'. This calback allows to generate keys while loading.
    • build process creates /dist folder
    • "bower install fancytree" delivers dist folder

    2.0.0-7 / 2014-03-09

    • [BREAKING CHANGE] node.isStatusNode() is now a function (was a property before). Added new property node.statusNodeType.
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed ext-awesome to ext-glyph
    • [DEPRECATION] Deprecated event lazyload, use lazyLoad (upper case L) instead.
    • [DEPRECATION] Deprecated methods node.lazyLoad() and node.discard(). use load() and resetLazy() instead.
    • [FEATURE] Added node.isUndefined(), isLoaded(), resetLazy(), load(), resetLazy()
    • [FEATURE] [ext-persist] Added option expandLazy for recursive loading (still experimental).
    • [FEATURE] [ext-filter] 'mode: hide' now works with ext-table (still experimental).
    • [FEATURE] node.makeVisible() accepts options, scrolls into view, and returns a promise.
    • [FEATURE] Sample xxl and bootstrap themes.
    • [CHANGE] nodeRenderStatus() is now implicitly called by nodeRenderTitle().
      This also means that now all markup and css classes are finshed, when renderNode is fired.
    • [CHANGE] Calling setExpanded() on a leaf node fires .done() (not .fail())
    • [CHANGE] Removing the last child node collapses the parent; lazy nodes become empty (not undefined).

    2.0.0-6 / 2014-02-08

    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Removed 'name' argument from $.ui.fancytree.registerExtension() (now the extension object requires a 'name' property)
    • [DEPRECATION] Deprecated startEdit/endEdit to use editStart/editEnd
    • [FEATURE] New method tree._requireExtension()
    • [FEATURE] Fixed d'n'd for ext-table
    • [FEATURE] New option titlesTabbable
    • [FEATURE] New argument opts for setExpanded() and setActive()
    • [BUGFIX] ext-edit: fixed loosing focus and made chainable
    • [BUGFIX] ext-filter: fixed navigation for hidden nodes
    • Added browser test matrix (saucelabs)

    2.0.0-5 / 2013-12-23

    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Refactored drag'n'drop extension. For example dnd.onDrop(node) --> dnd.dragDrop(node, data). See [[TutorialExtDnd]]
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed rencercolumns event to renderColumns
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed fancytree-focused class to fancytree-treefocus (container only)
    • [FEATURE] Experimental ext-gridnav implents key navigation for tables. Refactored keyboard handling. Keydown handlers are now bound to the container instead of document (Co-work with Koloto)
    • [FEATURE] Allow to return 'preventNav' in keydown event to prevent withput blocking keys in embedded input controls.
    • [FEATURE] New method node.navigate() to support custom keyboard handlers
    • [FEATURE] Refactored CSS style to use a common LESS template
    • [FEATURE] Improvement of lazy load errors handling (Koloto, issue #87)
    • [FEATURE] Allow to pass metadata with source on initialization
    • [FEATURE] The edit extension is now beta
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed BACKSPACE on top-level nodes
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed #71, #75, #90, #104, #105
    • Improved table render speed by 15%
    • grunt dev combines grunt server + grunt watch (trigger jshint and less on save)

    2.0.0-4 / 2013-10-14

    • Misc. fixes


    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Changed extension syntax
    • [FEATURE] Edit extension (alpha)

    2.0.0-2 / 2013-09-15

    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed onCustomRender to renderTitle. renderTitle, renderNode and createNode events are only triggered as options callback (not DOM events), for performance reasons.
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed data.orgEvent to data.originalEvent
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed events to camelCase as suggested by the jQuery style guide (rendernnode -> renderNode, ...)
    • See also [[WhatsNew]] since Dynatree 1.x in general.
