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This repository contains the code to run the analysis for the paper "The Impact of School Closure for COVID-19 on the US Healthcare Workforce and the Net Mortality Effects". The preprint can be accessed here:



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The Impact of School Closure for COVID-19 on the US Healthcare Workforce and the Net Mortality Effects

Jude Bayham and Eli P. Fenichel

This repository contains the code to run the analysis for the paper "The Impact of School Closure for COVID-19 on the US Healthcare Workforce and the Net Mortality: a modelling study". Published in Lancet Public Health in 2020:

It also supports the child care dashboard at

Project and Directory Structure

This section describes the directory structure of the project. The CPS data downloaded from IPUMS-CPS is located in the inputs directory. The code directory contains all scripts to run the analysis and generate figures in the manuscript. The functions directory contains scripts to acquire and process the data. These functions are referenced in the analysis scripts. The cache directory stores intermediate datasets. All figures and tables are written to the outputs folder.

Run the Analysis

Follow these steps to reproduce the analysis:

  1. Once you clone the repository, source (run) the script project_init.R. This will setup the directory structure for the project.

  2. The raw data is an extract built and downloaded from the IPUMS-CPS. The dataset can be downloaded here: Place the file in the inputs folder. Note that the dataset is large and is loaded into memory during analysis.

  3. Rerun the script project_init.R and it will run the scripts to generate tables and figures. All outputs will be saved in the outputs directory.


We access the CPS data through the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series ( While the data can be downloaded at the link above, we provide the information to recreate the extract. Once on the IPUMS website, select the following variables to build the extract to run the analysis.

Variable Description
year Survey year
serial Household serial number
month Month
hwtfinl Household weight, Basic Monthly
cpsid CPSID, household record
asecflag Flag for ASEC
hflag Flag for the 3/8 file 2014
asecwth Annual Social and Economic Supplement Household weight
mish Month in sample, household level
metro Metropolitan central city status
county FIPS county code
statecensus State (Census code)
metfips Core-based Statistical Area
hrhhid Household ID, part 1
hrhhid2 Household ID, part 2
pernum Person number in sample unit
wtfinl Final Basic Weight
cpsidp CPSID, person record
asecwt Annual Social and Economic Supplement Weight
relate Relationship to household head
age Age
sex Sex
race Race
marst Marital status
famsize Number of own family members in hh
famunit Family unit membership
famrel Relationship to family
empstat Employment status
labforce Labor force status
occ Occupation
ind Industry
wkstat Full or part time status


This repository contains the code to run the analysis for the paper "The Impact of School Closure for COVID-19 on the US Healthcare Workforce and the Net Mortality Effects". The preprint can be accessed here:







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