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chocolatey-visualstudio.extension: refactor and improve obtaining of …
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…channel manifest

- refactor to facilitate reuse
- support obtaining the file from layout

GitHub-Issue: GH-7 GH-8 GH-10 GH-26
  • Loading branch information
jberezanski committed May 15, 2018
1 parent 3f6250c commit 9e26b9f
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Showing 4 changed files with 259 additions and 181 deletions.
@@ -1,191 +1,18 @@
function Get-VSBootstrapperUrlFromChannelManifest
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $PackageParameters,
[PSObject] $ProductReference
Write-Debug 'Trying to obtain vs_Setup.exe URL from the channel manifest'
Write-Verbose 'Trying to determine the bootstrapper (vs_Setup.exe) url from the channel manifest'

$manifestUri = $null
# first, see if the caller provided the manifest uri via package parameters
Write-Debug 'Checking if the channel manifest URI has been provided'
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('installChannelUri') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['installChannelUri']))
$manifestUri = $PackageParameters['installChannelUri']
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI from the 'installChannelUri' package parameter: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'installChannelUri' or it is empty"
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('channelUri') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['channelUri']))
$manifestUri = $PackageParameters['channelUri']
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI from the 'channelUri' package parameter: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'channelUri' or it is empty"
# TODO: check $ProductReference.InstallChannelUri
if ($ProductReference -ne $null -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProductReference.ChannelUri))
$manifestUri = $ProductReference.ChannelUri
Write-Debug "Using manifest URI from the provided ProductReference: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "ProductReference has not been provided or does not contain the channel manifest URI"
Write-Debug 'Obtaining the channel manifest'
$manifest = Get-VSChannelManifest -PackageParameters $PackageParameters -ProductReference $ProductReference

if ($manifestUri -eq $null)
# second, try to compute the uri from the channel id
Write-Debug 'Checking if the channel id has been provided'
$channelId = $null
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('channelId') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['channelId']))
$channelId = $PackageParameters['channelId']
Write-Debug "Using channel id from the 'channelId' package parameter: '$channelId'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'channelId' or it is empty"
if ($ProductReference -ne $null)
$channelId = $ProductReference.ChannelId
Write-Debug "Using channel id from the provided ProductReference: '$channelId'"
Write-Debug "ProductReference has not been provided; channel id is not known"
if ($channelId -ne $null)
$success = $channelId -match '^VisualStudio\.(?<version>\d+)\.(?<kind>\w+)$' # VisualStudio.15.Release
if ($success)
$manifestUri = '{0}/{1}/channel' -f $Matches['version'], $Matches['kind'].ToLowerInvariant()
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI computed from the channel id: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Channel id '$channelId' does not match the expected pattern and cannot be used to compute the channel manifest URI"
Write-Debug 'Parsing the channel manifest'
$url, $checksum, $checksumType = Get-VSChannelManifestItemUrl -Manifest $manifest -ChannelItemType 'Bootstrapper'

if ($manifestUri -eq $null)
# finally, fall back to hardcoded
$manifestUri = ''
Write-Debug "Fallback: using hardcoded channel manifest URI: '$manifestUri'"

$chocTempDir = $env:TEMP
$tempDir = Join-Path $chocTempDir 'chocolatey-visualstudio.extension'
if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($tempDir)) { [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($tempDir) | Out-Null }

$localFileName = '{0}.chman' -f $manifestUri.GetHashCode()
$localFilePath = Join-Path $tempDir $localFileName

Write-Verbose "Downloading the channel manifest"
$arguments = @{
packageName = 'channel manifest'
fileFullPath = $localFilePath
url = $manifestUri
url64 = $manifestUri
Set-StrictMode -Off
Get-ChocolateyWebFile @arguments | Out-Null
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

Write-Verbose "Reading the channel manifest"
$manifestContent = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($localFilePath)

# VS 2017 requires Windows 7 or later, so .NET 3.5 or later is guaranteed, therefore we can use System.Web.Extensions
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions") | Out-Null
$serializer = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer'
$manifest = $serializer.DeserializeObject($manifestContent)

$url = $null
$checksum = $null
$checksumType = $null
if ($manifest -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $manifest.ContainsKey('channelItems'))
$channelItems = $manifest['channelItems']
if ($channelItems -is [array])
$bootstrapper = $channelItems | Where-Object { $_ -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $_.ContainsKey('type') -and $_['type'] -eq 'Bootstrapper' }
if (($bootstrapper | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)
if ($bootstrapper -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $bootstrapper.ContainsKey('payloads'))
$payloads = $bootstrapper['payloads']
if ($payloads -is [array])
if (($payloads | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)
$payload = $payloads[0]
if ($payload -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $payload.ContainsKey('url'))
$url = $payload['url']
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url) -and $payload.ContainsKey('sha256'))
$checksum = $payload['sha256']
$checksumType = 'sha256'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payload url is empty or payload does not contain sha256'
# url will still be returned; it might be useful even without the checksum
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payload is not IDictionary or does not contain url'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: zero or more than one payload objects found'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payloads is not an array'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: bootstrapper is not IDictionary or does not contain payloads'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: zero or more than one bootstrapper objects found'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: channelItems is not an array'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: manifest is not IDictionary or does not contain channelItems'

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
Write-Debug "Bootstrapper url determined from the channel manifest: '$url' (checksum: '$checksum', type: '$checksumType'"
return $url, $checksum, $checksumType
Write-Debug 'The bootstrapper url could not be determined'
return $null
return $url, $checksum, $checksumType
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
function Get-VSChannelManifest
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $PackageParameters,
[PSObject] $ProductReference

$manifestUri = $null
# first, see if the caller provided the manifest uri via package parameters
Write-Debug 'Checking if the channel manifest URI has been provided'
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('installChannelUri') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['installChannelUri']))
$manifestUri = $PackageParameters['installChannelUri']
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI from the 'installChannelUri' package parameter: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'installChannelUri' or it is empty"
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('channelUri') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['channelUri']))
$manifestUri = $PackageParameters['channelUri']
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI from the 'channelUri' package parameter: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'channelUri' or it is empty"
# TODO: check $ProductReference.InstallChannelUri
if ($ProductReference -ne $null -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProductReference.ChannelUri))
$manifestUri = $ProductReference.ChannelUri
Write-Debug "Using manifest URI from the provided ProductReference: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "ProductReference has not been provided or does not contain the channel manifest URI"

if ($manifestUri -eq $null)
# second, try to compute the uri from the channel id
Write-Debug 'Checking if the channel id has been provided'
$channelId = $null
if ($PackageParameters.ContainsKey('channelId') -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageParameters['channelId']))
$channelId = $PackageParameters['channelId']
Write-Debug "Using channel id from the 'channelId' package parameter: '$channelId'"
Write-Debug "Package parameters do not contain 'channelId' or it is empty"
if ($ProductReference -ne $null)
$channelId = $ProductReference.ChannelId
Write-Debug "Using channel id from the provided ProductReference: '$channelId'"
Write-Debug "ProductReference has not been provided; channel id is not known"
if ($channelId -ne $null)
$success = $channelId -match '^VisualStudio\.(?<version>\d+)\.(?<kind>\w+)$' # VisualStudio.15.Release
if ($success)
$manifestUri = '{0}/{1}/channel' -f $Matches['version'], $Matches['kind'].ToLowerInvariant()
Write-Debug "Using channel manifest URI computed from the channel id: '$manifestUri'"
Write-Debug "Channel id '$channelId' does not match the expected pattern and cannot be used to compute the channel manifest URI"

if ($manifestUri -eq $null)
# finally, fall back to hardcoded
$manifestUri = ''
Write-Debug "Fallback: using hardcoded channel manifest URI: '$manifestUri'"

# TODO: pass -LayoutPath
$manifest = Get-VSManifest -Description 'channel manifest' -Url $manifestUri -LayoutFileName 'ChannelManifest.json'

return $manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
function Get-VSChannelManifestItemUrl
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Manifest,
[ValidateSet('Bootstrapper', 'Manifest')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ChannelItemType

$url = $null
$checksum = $null
$checksumType = $null
if ($Manifest -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $Manifest.ContainsKey('channelItems'))
$channelItems = $Manifest['channelItems']
if ($channelItems -is [array])
$channelItem = $channelItems | Where-Object { $_ -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $_.ContainsKey('type') -and $_['type'] -eq $ChannelItemType }
if (($channelItem | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)
if ($channelItem -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $channelItem.ContainsKey('payloads'))
$payloads = $channelItem['payloads']
if ($payloads -is [array])
if (($payloads | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)
$payload = $payloads[0]
if ($payload -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and $payload.ContainsKey('url'))
$url = $payload['url']
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url) -and $payload.ContainsKey('sha256'))
$checksum = $payload['sha256']
$checksumType = 'sha256'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payload url is empty or payload does not contain sha256'
# url will still be returned; it might be useful even without the checksum
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payload is not IDictionary or does not contain url'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: zero or more than one payload objects found'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: payloads is not an array'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: channelItem is not IDictionary or does not contain payloads'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: zero or more than one channelItem objects found'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: channelItems is not an array'
Write-Debug 'Manifest parsing error: manifest is not IDictionary or does not contain channelItems'

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
Write-Verbose "$ChannelItemType url determined from the channel manifest: '$url' (checksum: '$checksum', type: '$checksumType'"
return $url, $checksum, $checksumType
Write-Verbose "The $ChannelItemType url could not be determined from the channel manifest"
return $null

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