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File metadata and controls

211 lines (138 loc) · 6.05 KB

JSON domain

This theme defines a json domain that supports documenting JSON schemas.


This extension requires the PyYAML package; you must either add it as a dependency directly, or add json extra feature of this package as a dependency:

pip install sphinx-immaterial[json]


To use this domain, add :python:`sphinx_immaterial.apidoc.json.domain` to the list of :python:`extensions` in :file:`` and set the :confval:`json_schemas` configuration option to a list of glob patterns specifying the JSON schema definition files.

extensions = [
    # other extensions...

json_schemas = [
.. confval:: json_schemas

   List of :py:obj:`glob` patterns matching JSON schema definition files
   relative to the documentation source directory.

   Both JSON and YAML format are supported.

   The top-level schema in each file must specify an ``$id``.

.. confval:: json_schema_validate

   Indicates whether to validate the JSON schemas specified by

   Requires that the `jsonschema <>`__
   package is installed; you can either add it as a dependency directly, or
   depend on the ``jsonschema_validation`` extra feature of this package:

   .. code-block:: shell

      pip install sphinx-immaterial[json,jsonschema_validation]

.. confval:: json_schema_rst_prolog

   A string of rST that will be prepended to the ``title`` and ``description``
   fields of a schema before parsing them as rST.

   This may be used to set the :dudir:`default-role`, :rst:dir:`highlight`
   language, or :rst:dir:`default-literal-role`.

   .. note::

      The prior default role, default literal role, and default highlight
      langauge are automatically restored after processing the
      :confval:`json_schema_rst_epilog`.  Therefore, it is not necessary to
      manually add anything to :confval:`json_schema_rst_epilog` to restore the
      prior roles or highlight language.

   .. code-block:: python
      :caption: Setting default roles and highlight language in :file:``

      rst_prolog = """
      .. role:: json(code)
         :language: json
         :class: highlight

      json_schema_rst_prolog = """
      .. default-role:: json:schema

      .. default-literal-role:: json

      .. highlight:: json

.. confval:: json_schema_rst_epilog

   A string of rST that will be appended to the ``title`` and ``description``
   fields of a schema before parsing them as rST.

   This option is supported for symmetry with :confval:`json_schema_rst_prolog`,
   but in most cases is not needed because any changes to the default role,
   default literal role, and default highlight language due to
   :confval:`json_schema_rst_prolog` are undone automatically.

All of the object-description-options also apply to this domain. Any top-level schemas have an object type of json:schema and any members have an object type of json:subschema.


.. rst:directive:: json:schema

   Generates documentation for a single JSON schema specified by its ``$id``.

   .. note::

      It is not possible to refer to a schema without an ``$id``.

   The ``title`` and ``description`` properties are parsed as reStructedText (in
   the context specified by :confval:`json_schema_rst_prolog` and

   If :objconf:`generate_synopses` is not disabled, the synopsis is generated
   from the ``title`` property.  If there is no ``title`` property, no synopsis
   is generated.

   .. rst:directive:option:: noindex

      Flag option to exclude the schema from search results and the table of
      contents.  Also disables cross linking.

      This option implies :rst:dir:`json:schema:exclude_from_toc`.

   .. rst:directive:option:: title

      Specifies a title to use for the schema instead of the ``$id``.

   .. rst:directive:option:: toc_title

      Specifies the title to use in the table of contents instead of the
      :rst:dir:`json:schema:title` or ``$id``.

      Only has an effect if :objconf:`include_in_toc` is :python:`True`.

   .. rst:directive:option:: exclude_from_toc

      Excludes the schema from the table of contents.

      This overrides :objconf:`include_in_toc`.

.. rst:role:: json:schema

   Cross-links to a JSON schema defined using :rst:dir:`json:schema`, or one of
   its properties.

   .. rst-example::

      A complete schema is specified by its ``$id``: :json:schema:`Pet`.

      An individual member of a schema is specified using dot notation:

   Similar to the Python domain, the target may start with ``~`` to shorten the
   link text to just the last component:

   .. rst-example::


   If used within the ``title`` or ``description`` of a :rst:dir:`json:schema`,
   cross-references are resolved relative to the current schema.  For example,
   within the "description" for the ``MySchema.member`` schema:

   .. code-block:: rst


   will look first for ``MySchema.member.other_member``, then
   ``MySchema.other_member``, then ``other_member``.  This is the same behavior
   as for the Python domain.  If the initial ``.`` is removed, then search order
   is reversed.  For example: ``:json:schema:`other_member``` will look first
   for ``other_member``, then ``MySchema.other_member``, then


Inheritance example

.. literalinclude:: inheritance_schema.yml
   :language: yaml

.. rst-example::

   .. json:schema:: Pet
   .. json:schema:: Dog
   .. json:schema:: Cat

Other example

.. literalinclude:: index_transform_schema.yml
   :language: yaml

.. rst-example::

   .. json:schema:: IndexTransform
   .. json:schema:: OutputIndexMap
   .. json:schema:: IndexInterval