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Building and Installing SimCommSys

Johann A. Briffa edited this page Jan 23, 2014 · 7 revisions

Author: Johann A. Briffa

This document describes the pre-requisites for building and installing SimCommSys on Linux and Windows systems.


  1. You have installed all required software (c.f. Installing Prerequisites).
  2. You have cloned and checked out the SimCommSys repository locally to /path_to_simcommsys/ (c.f. Checking out the Source Code).
  3. Your working SimCommSys directory is up to date by using git pull.

Build and Install on Linux

  1. Build and install the SimCommSys binaries by running
make install

in your /path_to_simcommsys/ folder. This will build the debug and release versions of all (i.e. main and test sets) SimCommSys binaries, with all available optional libraries (i.e. OpenMP, OpenMPI, GnuMP, and CUDA). For other available options, run make on its own. Binaries are installed in the bin.Arch/ directory in your home directory, where Arch depends on your CPU architecture (e.g. bin.x86_64 for 64-bit CPU/OS). If the folder does not exist, it will be created. Within this folder, the binaries adhere to the following naming convention: (e.g. simcommsys.master.release for the release build of the main simulator in the master branch).

  1. Ensure you have bin.Arch in your shell search path. For example, for bash, on a 64-bit OS add
# add bin.x86_64 directory to path

to the .profile file in your home directory

Build and Install on Windows

To install the 32-bit binaries right click on the "Install Win32" project file under the folder Installer and choose "Install". If this is greyed out, you need to build the solution first. Make sure that you select the Win32 platform when doing so. It is recommended that the binaries are installed under c:\Program Files (x86)\SimCommSys, which is the default option in this case.

To install the 64-bit binaries right click on the "Install x64" project file under the folder Installer and choose "Install". If this is greyed out, you need to build the solution first. Make sure that you select the x64 platform when doing so. It is recommended that the binaries are installed under c:\Program Files\SimCommSys, which is the default option in this case.