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# Setup instructions for “pywrds”
# Brock Mendel
# Last Update: 2015-04-12

I) How To Use This Document
	A) If you are new to Python, see Section VI) for setup
	intructions.  These are broken down into subsections for
	Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.

	B) See Section III)B) for important instructions on how to
	configure your WRDS account for optimal performance.

	C) For specifics on the Open Source license of pywrds,
	see the "LICENSE.txt" document distributed with this

	D) I would like to thank three anonymous testers for
	helping in the debugging of pywrds.  All remaining errors
	are my own.

II) Your “user_info.txt” File
	A) Open the "user_info.txt" file in the pywrds directory.

	B) In that file, set the "wrds_username" and "wrds_institution"
	to their appropriate values.

	C) By default, any files you download from WRDS using pywrds
	will be put in the pywrds/output directory.  If you want to
	specify some other directory for these downloads, add to your
	user_info.txt file an entry (above "wrds_institution"):

	"download_path": "/Some/Other/Download/Path",

	Make sure to include the comma at the end.  If you encounter
	problems, see:

III) WRDS Configuration
	A) You will need a WRDS account.  If you do not have one, you can
	sign up for one at
	(See Figure 0 in the "install" directory)

	B) *IMPORTANT* The first time you run a command with pywrds,
	the program will try to log in to the WRDS server.  At this
	point you will be prompted for your WRDS password.  If you
	don't want to be prompted for this password over and over
	again, you should set up key-based authentication.

	To set up key-based authentication with the WRDS
	server, run the command:


	You will be prompted for your WRDS password this one time,
	but from then on pywrds will be able to log in to the server
	without a password prompt.  Note that pywrds does not
	store your password in any form.  See

	C) Please respect the WRDS Terms of Use, which can be found here:

IV) Usage
	For basic pywrds usage instructions, import pywrds and enter:


	For more in-depth instructions, enter:


V) Other Notes
	A) These tools are a work-in-progress.  If you encounter
	an error at any point in the installation or usage, please
	let me know and I will try to fix it promptly.  By doing so
	you will help prevent other people from encountering the same

	B) The most efficient way to notify me of an error is through
	the Github Issue Tracker:

	Email is a fine second-best.

VI) Installing Python and pywrds Dependencies
	A) Mac
		1) Python comes built-in on most modern Macs.  Open
		a Terminal from your Applications/Utilities folder
		(see Figures 1 and 2 in the "install" directory).

		2) Enter Python by running the command “python”.
		(See Figure 3 in the "install" directory)

		3) Depending on your version of Mac OS, you may or
		may not have “pip” installed by default.  Either way,
		to make sure you have the most up-to-date version
		run the command:

		sudo easy_install pip

		(See Figure 4 in the "install" directory)

		Note that when running a command with “sudo”, you will
		be prompted for your computer password, and must have
		owner-privileges (i.e. be using your own computer).
		Once you have entered your password once, subsequent
		“sudo” commands do not prompt you again for about 15

		4) The next step requires a working C compiler.  One
		is provided by Apple but you need to get it from the
		App Store.  Get Xcode from the App Store.  If you
		have an old version, you may need to update.
			i) On Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks, open a Terminal
			window and run the command:

			xcode-select --install

			and follow the installation instructions that
			pop up.

			ii) On Mac OSX 10.8 or earlier, open Xcode
			from your Applications folder, open the
			Xcode drop down menu (upper-left corner)
			and choose go to Preferences.  Hit the
			Downloads icon.  Download the
			“Command Line Tools” component.

		5) Once pip is installed, there are thousands of freely
		available packages listed at
		which can be installed easily with the command

		sudo pip install antigravity

		The ones you will need are:

		pip install pycrypto
		pip install paramiko

		(See Figure 5 in the "install" directory)

	B) Windows
		0) I have very little experience working with Python on
		Windows.  If you run into issues not described here, or
		handled incorrectly here, please let me know so I can
		update these instructions.

		1) Python does not come pre-installed on Windows.  There
		are several available distributions.  Two of the most
		basic ones are:

		The latter is called Anaconda, and is my recommendation
		for users who want something that "just works", since it
		comes with most of your basic needs pre-configured.
		This includes everything else described in the remainder
		of this section.

		2) Whichever you choose, open it and check that you have
		the package manager “pip” installed by running:

		easy_install pip

		Your output should resemble that in Figure 4, though your
		mileage may vary.

		3)  Once pip is installed, there are thousands of freely
		available packages listed at
		which can be installed easily with the command

		pip install antigravity

		The ones you will need are:

		pip install pycrypto
		pip install paramiko

		(See Figure 5 in the "install" directory)

		Note 1: In my limited experience with Windows, pip only works
		if executed from the directory "C://Python27/Scripts".  This
		may be different with Anaconda, I don’t know.

	C) Linux
		1) If you use Linux, I Baysume (Bayesian-assume)
		that you can handle most of these steps without my help.

		2) You should already have python and pip installed,
		but just in case:

		sudo apt-get install python
		sudo apt-get install python-pip
		sudo apt-get install python-crypto
		sudo pip install paramiko


Economists' tools for downloading data from WRDS.







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