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A Python toolkit for statistically combining multiple spectral energy distributions (SEDs)


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A Python toolkit for statistically combining multiple spectral energy distributions (SEDs).


From the command line, run

git clone --recursive git://

cd into sedstacker and run

python install


You can build the HTML documentation pages on your machine.

Install sphinx and numpydoc, cd into the docs directory, and then run make html

$: pip install sphinx numpydoc
$: cd <path-to>/sedstacker/docs
$: make html

The HTML files will be stored in _build/html.

Quick guide

sedstacker was developed for interest in creating SED template models, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of faint spectra, and studying the average SED characteristics of specific groups of astronomical objects.

Users can load SED data from file, shift the SEDs to some redshift, normalize the SEDs in one of several ways, and then stack the data together to create a statistically-combined SED.

SED Data Classes

PhotometricPoint - A PhotometricPoint is defined by an x-y pair, and possibly a y-err. The x- and y-units may also be stored in the PhotometricPoint.

>>> point = PhotometricPoint(4470.9, 3.56e-11, yerr=1.0e-13, xunit='AA', yunit='erg/s/cm**2/AA')

Segment - A collection of x-y pairs, with optional y-errors, x- and y-units, and a redshift, z. SEDs and spectra are considered types of segments. This class is an interface, and is not meant to be utilized by the user.

Sed - A set of PhotometricPoints. A Sed can represent the entire SED of one astronomical source or a portion of the source’s SED. Seds can have PhotometricPoints added, removed and masked.

>>> spec = [3823.0, 4459.7, 5483.8, 4779.6, 6295.1, 7640.8]
>>> flux = [20.43, 20.28, 20.18, 20.18, 22.73, 21.01]
>>> fluxerr = [0.08]*len(flux)
>>> redshift = 0.31
>>> sed = sedstacker.sed.Sed(x=spec, y=flux, yerr=fluxerr, xunit=['AA'], yunit=['mag'], z=redshift)

Spectrum - A Segment object of a spectrum in the scientific sense; it is meant to represent data taken from a spectrometer.

>>> spectrum = sedstacker.sed.Spectrum(x=spec, y=flux, yerr=fluxerr, xunit='AA', yunit='mag', z=redshift)

AggregateSed - A collection of Segments (Spectra and/or Seds), usually from one astronomical source. Users may inspect and manipulate each Segment in the AggregateSed independently.

>>> # create an AggregateSed
>>> aggregate_sed = sedstacker.sed.AggregateSed([sed, spectrum])
>>> print aggregate_sed[0]
  x      y   yerr xunit yunit
------ ----- ---- ----- -----
3823.0 20.43 0.08    AA   mag
4459.7 20.28 0.08    AA   mag
5483.8 20.18 0.08    AA   mag
4779.6 20.18 0.08    AA   mag
6295.1 22.73 0.08    AA   mag
7640.8 21.01 0.08    AA   mag

>>> print aggregate_sed[1]
  x      y   yerr
------ ----- ----
3823.0 20.43 0.08
4459.7 20.28 0.08
5483.8 20.18 0.08
4779.6 20.18 0.08
6295.1 22.73 0.08
7640.8 21.01 0.08

Stack - A collection of Segments and/or AggregateSeds, usually from different observations of one astronomical source, or from individual astronomical sources. Stacks may be bulk redshifted and/or normalized together, then statistically combined into and averaged SED or spectrum.

>>> # create a Stack
>>> my_stack = sedstacker.sed.Stack([sed, spectrum])

A Stack is simply a list of SEDs and Spectra. Information about the individual SEDs can be accessed as one would access data to a Python list:

>>> print seds[0].z
>>> print low_z_seds[2].x
[3823.0, 4459.7, 5483.8, 4779.6]

Then, to combine the SEDs in the Stack, use sedstacker.sed.stack():

>>> # average the SEDs in my_stack on a linear scale, using a binsize of 2000.0
>>> stacked_seds = sedstacker.sed.stack(my_stack, 1500.0, 'avg', logbin=False)
>>> print stacked_seds
  x      y     yerr xunit yunit
------ ------ ----- ----- -----
3823.0 20.355 0.075    AA   mag
5323.0  20.18   0.0    AA   mag
6823.0  22.73   0.0    AA   mag
8323.0  21.01   0.0    AA   mag

File I/O

Users can load two types of datasets from file: spectra and photometry catalogs. Both file types are ASCII tables, meaning they're composed of white-spaced separated columns, with each column having the same number of rows.

A spectrum file is a file with at least two white-space-separated columns: one with the spectral coordinates (in wavelength), the other with the corresponding flux coordinates. The file may also have a third column with the corresponding flux errors. Ex:

#x            y            yerr
2266.1474     0.032388065  1.015389e-4
2266.9024    0.0082257072  6.264234e-5
2267.6575     0.026719441  1.910421e-4
2268.4125     0.029819652  7.046351e-4
2269.1676     0.092393999  1.372951e-4
2269.9226    0.0045967875  2.348762e-5
2270.6777     0.010004328  5.329874e-4

To load a spectrum file with sedstacker:

>>> from sedstacker import io
>>> spectrum = io.load_sed('path/to/file.dat', sed_type='spectrum')
>>> print spectrum
    x          y           yerr
--------- ------------ ------------
2266.1474  0.032388065 0.0001015389
2266.9024 0.0082257072 6.264234e-05
2267.6575  0.026719441 0.0001910421
2268.4125  0.029819652 0.0007046351
2269.1676  0.092393999 0.0001372951
2269.9226 0.0045967875 2.348762e-05
2270.6777  0.010004328 0.0005329874
>>> #print the spectral values
>>> print spectrum.x
[ 2266.1474  2266.9024  2267.6575  2268.4125  2269.1676  2269.9226

Users can load spectrum files as SEDs or spectra by assigning the keyword argument sed_type. To store data as a SED object, use "sed":

>>> sed1 = io.load_sed('data/sed1.txt', sed_type='sed')

To store data as a spectrum, use "spectrum"

>>> spec1 = io.load_sed('data/spec1.txt', sed_type='spectrum')

Users can assign a redshift to a Sed or Spectrum loaded from file as follows:

>>> # assign a redshift to a spectrum or SED
>>> spectrum.z = 0.12

A photometry catalog is a file with whitespace-separated columns, each with the same number of rows, where each row represents a unique astronomical object. The file must have at least two columns: one with the ID for each object, and one with fluxes for a specific spectral value. There can be any number of columns in a Photometry Catalog, but columns must have unique names. The last line in the commented header is used for the column names. Ex:

# Photometry data from Bongiorno et al. (2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.22089.x)
# AGN in COSMOS field
# ID   z   ucfht errU Bsub  errB Vsub  errV gsub  errg
2051 0.668 20.43 0.09 20.28 0.09 20.18 0.09 20.18 0.09
41   0.962 22.73 0.09 22.38 0.09 21.93 0.09 22.44 0.09
164  0.529 21.16 0.09 21.05 0.09 20.84 0.09 21.01 0.09

To load data from a photometry catalog, a dictionary that maps the column names to the spectral value, spectral and flux units, and flux uncertainties must be provided in the following format:

>>> column_map = {"ucfht":(3823.0,"AA","mag","errU"),

Then, load the catalog, which stores the rows in the photometry catalog as Sed's in a Stack object:

>>> seds = io.load_cat('data/',

Each row is stored as a SED object; the collection of SEDs are then stored as a Stack object (i.e. seds is a Stack). The other column names in the file are stored as attributes for each SED stored in the Stack.

If the catalog contains the redshifts in a column named "z", the redshifts will be assigned to the SEDs:

>>> print seds.z
[0.668, 0.962, 0.529]

Example Use Case

The user has a photometry catalog file of SEDs which she wants to categorize by redshift before stacking.

>>> from import load_cat
>>> from sedstacker.sed import Stack, stack
>>> # create the mapping from column fluxes to spectral
>>> # coordinates, spectral and flux units, and flux-error values
>>> column_map={"ucfht":(3823.0,"AA","mag","errU"),
>>> seds = load_cat('', column_map=column_map)
>>> # categorize seds by their redshifts: sources with z < 1.0,
>>> # and sources with z > 1.0
>>> lowz = Stack([sed for sed in seds if sed.z < 1.0])
>>> highz = Stack([sed for sed in seds if sed.z >= 1.0])
>>> # shift the SEDs to restframe
>>> lowz_rf = lowz.shift(0.0)
>>> highz_rf = highz.shift(0.0)
>>> # normalize the SEDs so that the integrated flux of each SED is
>>> # 1
>>> norm_lowz_rf = lowz_rf.normalize_by_int()
>>> norm_highz_rf = highz_rf.normalize_by_int()
>>> # combine the lowz SEDs using weighted average and logarithmic
>>> # binning
>>> lowz_stack = stack(norm_lowz_rf, 0.2, 'wavg', logbin=True)


A Python toolkit for statistically combining multiple spectral energy distributions (SEDs)







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