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jbvsmo edited this page Dec 30, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the MakeObj wiki!

MakeObj is a system to allow the definition of enumerations with support for attributes and methods (and other nice stuff). It is intended to be simple to use and, at the same time, very powerful, because every element being enumerated can have much more information than just a number and a name.

Whenever you define a class that you know all the instances it will have and you want to access them by their name, you will be better suited using MakeObj instead of some crappy dictionary with some more dictionaries inside.

Maybe you're used to building classes that mimic dictionaries and you do instantiate it for each element you have, but those always make the code confusing at some point. If that happens to you a lot, you will like very much using MakeObj structures.


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