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React component to generate a customizable timeline that displays time ranges to scale

example screenshot


  • Time ranges are represented to-scale
  • Configurable colors and positions
  • Supports fully custom renderers


npm install --save react-scaled-timeline


The following example snippet will create what is shown in the example screenshot.

import ScaledTimeline from 'react-scaled-timeline';

const exampleData = [
    data: 'january to february 2020',
    dateRange: {
      start: Date.UTC(2020, 0, 1),
      end: Date.UTC(2020, 1, 31),
    data: 'one time event',
    dateRange: {
      start: Date.UTC(2020, 2, 13),
    data: {
      myTitle: 'custom renderer example',
      someOtherCustomField: 'hello world',
    dateRange: {
      start: Date.UTC(2020, 3),
      end: Date.UTC(2020, 3, 12),
    renderer: (dataEntry) => (
      <div style={{ margin: '1rem', width: '20rem', borderRadius: '1rem' }}>
        <span style={{ color: 'orange' }}>{}</span>
          alt="some pic"
          style={{ float: 'right', margin: '1rem', height: '2rem' }}
        <p>{`started on ${new Date(dataEntry.dateRange.start).toDateString()}`}</p>
    data: 'ongoing event',
    dateRange: {
      start: new Date(2020, 4),
      end: new Date(),


API Documentation


This is the component that creates the scaled timeline.

Name Type Description Default Value
timelineData REQUIRED array array of TimelineData objects N/A
className string Additional css class name(s) of the timeline container N/A
displayMode string global setting to show event cards inside or outside of the timeline (`inline', 'popout') 'inline'
colorCycle array array of colors for the timeline segments to cycle through ['#ffadad','#ffd6a5','#fdffb6','#caffbf','#9bf6ff','a0c4ff','bdb2ff','ffc6ff','fffffc']
entryOffset string popout display mode only - space between the event cards and their respective bars on the timeline '1rem'
entryPosition string popout display mode only - global setting which side of the timeline event cards will be placed (left, right, top, bottom, alternate) - 'alternate' will switch between left/right for a vertical orientation, and top/bottom for a horizontal orientation 'alternate'
entryRenderer function optional custom default renderer for the event cards N/A
orientation string orientation of the timeline (vertical, horizontal, vertical-reversed, horizontal-reversed) 'vertical'
reverseAlternation bool popout display mode and 'alternate' entryPosition only - will start with the opposite alternation false
scaleType string specify the scaling of the timeline (linear, logarithmic*) 'linear'

*The logarithmic scaleType is not yet implemented.

TimelineData object

Each event object in the ScaledTimeline's timelineData must have a minimum of the following fields:

Name Type Description
data REQUIRED object your data object
dateRange REQUIRED object must contain at least a start, which can be a Date object or number; can also contain an optional end property, which if left out, will represent this as an instant in time rather than a time span, making the bar 1 pixel wide
entryOffset string if specified, will override the global entryOffset for this specific entry
renderer function if specified, will override the global entryRenderer for this specific entry




React component for a timeline with segments' lengths scaled to their duration.






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