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Releases: jbzdarkid/witness-trainer

1.8.6 - Rezrov

26 Aug 08:54
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  • Added a setting to unclamp the view aim (useful when trying to look straight down for lineups)
  • Added a button to open nearby doors
  • Added (internal) support for calling arbitrary functions
  • Fixed some rare cases where writing data could cause a game crash
  • Hopefully fixed (another) bug which was preventing hotkeys from working while in fullscreen
  • Hopefully fixed a bug which was causing FOV to be set to 0 when changing game versions without closing the trainer

1.8.5 - Embiggen

07 May 06:38
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  • Prevented the EP overlay from getting too small (there is now a reasonable minimum size)
  • Added messages to asserts so we can tell them apart
  • Toggling 'Can save the game' will now not un-toggle until a savefile has been created. If it doesn't uncheck, the game state has not changed.
  • Hotkeys should be slightly more consistent.
  • Pressing a hotkey combination will no longer cause in-game movement (e.g. control-shift-S)

1.8.4 - Overzealous

11 Apr 02:20
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  • Fixed a bug where the trainer believed it had failed when it in fact had not.

1.8.3 - Still kicking it

10 Apr 23:41
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  • Forced 8 digits after the decimal on the player position and angle (e.g. now you get 100.12345678 instead of 100.12345)
  • Updated the readme, again
  • Fixed a user-submitted bug

1.8.2 - Solvability overlay

26 Nov 13:48
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  • Exposed built-in functionality which highlights solvable EP / panel startpoints
  • Fixed the FOV value not matching the in-game FOV.

1.8.1 - Overeager Lock to Panel

26 Oct 03:09
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  • Fixed a bug where "Lock to Panel" would activate the first time you clicked on a panel.

1.8.0 - Snap to EP

19 Oct 04:40
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  • Added support for "Lock view to EP"
    • Improved the wording for this feature (using "entity" as a neutral term, and "panel" or "ep" when appropriate)
    • Disabled the associated checkbox when there is no active entity
  • Fixed a hang that could occur when exiting the trainer shortly after pressing a button
  • Fixed a couple of cases where the window title would get stuck as "Attaching to game..."
  • Fixed a bug where "Switch to game" didn't work if the game was in fullscreen
  • Improved the buttons; you can now click on the label associated with each button to toggle it as well
  • Potentially fixed the background copying other windows
  • Silenced a popup that would occur if you clicked "Show unsolved panels" before completing the challenge
  • Silenced a popup that could occur if your system language was not english

1.7.2 - FOV for older versions

16 Sep 07:18
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  • Improved the sigscan for FOV, it should now work on all versions with an FOV control, not just those with mouse-based menus.

1.7.1 - Challenge Pillars Practice

15 Jul 07:35
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  • While the trainer is running, you can now practice the pillars at the end of the challenge:
    1. After completing the challenge, pause to power off the pillars
    2. Solve the vault box inside the cage
    3. The pillars should now turn back on, and be re-randomized. Repeat as often as needed.
    4. Closing the trainer will restore the box's original effect.

1.7.0 - More safety

20 Jun 21:08
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  • The trainer will now pause the game if it's started while the game is running
  • The trainer is now a bit more cautious when attaching to the game.
    • In some cases, the trainer would appear to attach but be in an invalid state, in those cases it will now wait and retry.
    • If the trainer is unable to succefully attach, the title will show Attaching to The Witness.... If it doesn't stop saying this, restart the game.
  • Made some performance improvements. Hopefully the trainer should eat less CPU while waiting for the game to launch, and at other times.
  • Fixed a bug where the trainer would overwrite any existing game settings when launching. (E.g., setting your FOV to 80)
  • Fixed a couple of rare cases where the trainer could crash if it was improperly initialized.
  • Hopefully fixed a bug where hotkeys would randomly stop working.