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Repository files navigation


This is a TypeScript class that provides methods to interact with the ShareFile API.


// Import the necessary modules
import ShareFileAPI from '@jc-rowland/sharefile-node-api'
// Create an API instance
const shareFileAPI = new ShareFileAPI({
    subdomain   : 'subdomain',
    username    : 'username',
    password    : 'password',
    clientId    : 'clientId',
    clientSecret: 'clientSecret'
// Authenticate
  .then(() => {
    // Authentication successful, ready to use the API

Sharefile API Methods

items(id?: string)

This method retrieves a single ShareFile item by its ID. The ID can also be one of the following special values:

  • home: Returns the home folder.
  • favorites: Returns the parent favorite item.
  • allshared: Returns the parent Shared Folders item.
  • connectors: Returns the parent Connectors item.
  • box: Returns the FileBox folder.
  • top: Returns the Top item.
  .then((item: SharefileItem) => {
    // Process the item

  .then((item: SharefileItem) => {
    // Process the item

itemsByPath(path: string)

This method retrieves a ShareFile item by its path. The path should be in the format /foldername/foldername/filename.

shareFileAPI.itemsByPath('/Shared Folders/Some Other Folder/somefile.ext')
  .then((item: SharefileItem) => {
    // Process the item

SharefileItem methods

Method Parameters Description
download(redirect, includeAllVersions, includeDeleted) * redirect (optional): Specifies whether to redirect to the download link if set to true (default), or return a DownloadSpecification if set to false.
* includeAllVersions (optional): For folder downloads only, includes old versions of files in the folder in the zip when true, and current versions only when false (default).
* includeDeleted (optional): For archive-enabled accounts, the super user can set includeDeleted to true to download archived items. The default value is false.
Retrieves the download link or download specification for the item.
updateItem(ops) * ops: An object containing the properties to update. The supported properties are Name, FileName, Description, ExpirationDate, and Parent.Id. Updates the item object with the provided properties.
rename(newValue) * newValue: The new name for the item. Renames the item with the provided new value.
move(parentIdorPath) * parentIdorPath: The ID or path of the new parent for the item. If a path is provided, an additional call is made to determine the ID of the parent before performing the move. Moves the item to a new parent.
getParent() - Retrieves the parent container of the item.
children(includeDeleted) includeDeleted (optional): Specifies whether to include deleted items when retrieving the children. The default value is false. Retrieves the list of children items under the given item.
upload(contents, filename) * contents: The contents of the file to upload. It can be a string or a Buffer.
* filename: The filename for the uploaded file.
Uploads the provided contents as a file with the specified filename under the item.