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An app to link Spotify playback with MapKit and allow users to create and experience location-based playlists. ​


The app will target people with premium Spotify accounts, which includes 70 million people globally. The app will interest people with a new take on music experience, and allow them to create and share moods and experiences ​


The app has a quick onboarding message of how it works then asks them to sign into Spotify one time. The user will see a table-view of their created playlists with the option to create a new experience. When the user creates a new experience, they are taken to a MapView where they are able to drop, edit, and delete pins and their corresponding radiuses to create zones. As they set the zones, they are able to do a Spotify search for a song and set the link with Spotify URI. In the experience list, users are able to play a playlist, which will run in the background updating users’ current location. As they enter a new tagged zone, the corresponding song will start playing in a Spotify player. ​



We will be dealing with CoreData and MapKit Data ​


A Welcome View and Spotify login page A table view of playlists with an add and edit button, displaying playlist names and mini descriptions. A Map with Spotify search bar for creating experiences. ​


I will need a view controller for each screen. ​


I will need to integrate Spotify SDK and Mapkit. I was hoping to have a sharing aspect of the playlists, like a linking, so maybe Firebase. ​

Weekly Milestone

Week 4 - Usable Build

  • Create a Mapview
  • Integrate Spotify and search and linking ​

Week 5 - Finish Features

  • Core Data to store playlist info
  • Player ​

Week 6 - Polish

  • Beautification
  • Sharing Element (if possible)

Jack Bauman


A geo-music playlist creator






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