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A randomizer for Starcraft II co-op mode. Written in JavaScript. It picks a random map and commander; unlike the game client, it allows certain maps and commanders to be excluded. It also randomizes prestige talents.

Starcraft II Co-op Randomizer



Click a commander portrait to enable or disable him or her and then press the "Randomize" button to select a random commander from the remaining set. The Terran, Zerg, and Protoss buttons toggle all commanders of the respective race, and the reset button enables all commanders.

The map icon in the bottom-left corner brings up the Maps menu. Maps can also be enabled or disabled by clicking on them. Maps are only randomized if at least one has been disabled.

The diamond icon brings up the Prestiges menu, which allows toggling prestige talents. Prestiges are only randomized for a commander if changed from the default values.

If playlist mode is enabled, the list icon brings up the Playlist menu, which shows which commanders and maps have already been played and which still remain for selection.

The corner of each menu has a close button that closes the overlay and a reset button that resets its selections to their default values.


The cog icon in the bottom-right corner brings up the Options menu, which has the following options:

  • Allow repeats—Allows the same commander or map to be chosen twice in a row. The randomizer prevents this by default. Commander portraits appear with blue borders when this option is active.
  • Use playlist—Selects commanders and maps from a randomized list, preventing any commander or map from being selected a second time until the entire list has been played. This option provides the most variety since it ensures that every option is selected equally frequently. Commander portraits appear with violet borders when this option is active.
  • Play sounds—Toggles the commander lock-in sounds that play when the "Randomize" button is pressed.
  • Volume—Adjusts the sound volume level. The default is 50%.

The corner of the menu has a close button that closes the overlay and a reset button that resets all options to their default values.

Note that the Allow repeats and Use playlist options are mutually exclusive and that enabling one disables the other.



Key Function
Space Randomize
T Toggle Terran commanders
Z Toggle Zerg commanders
P Toggle Protoss commanders
F Research "A Strong Heart"
M Toggles Maps menu
G Toggles Prestiges menu
L Toggles Playlist menu
O Toggles Options menu
Esc Reset commanders


Key Function
Up or Down Adjust volume
R Toggle repeats
Q Toggle playlist
S Toggle sounds
D Reset options to defaults


Vectorized Terran, Zerg, and Protoss icons by elrondsmith.

Uses Raleway font by Matt McInerney and contributors.



See also