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Vegetative roof covering [RMT8]

jcgomezz edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 1 revision

All types of roof covering made from lightweight vegetative material. Includes birch bark roof, split stem bamboo, thatched. Does not include planted 'green roofs' with soil and living plants.

Thatch roof covering, India (People in Centre)

Thatch roof covering, Cuba (S. Brzev)

Thatch roof covering, airport building, Dominican Republic (S. Brzev)


Extended GEM Building_taxonomy for Multi-risk assessment

1. DirectionDIRECTION

2. Material of Lateral Load Resisting System MAT_TYPE

3. Lateral-Load Resisting System LLRS

4. Height HEIGHT

5. Date of construction or retrofit DATE

6. Occupancy OCCUPCY

7. Shape of the Building Plan PLAN_SHAPE

7.1. Building Position within a Block POSITION

8. Structural Irregularity STR_IRREG

9. Non- Structural Exterior Walls/ Openings NONSTRCEXW

10. Roof ROOF

11. Floor FLOOR

12. Foundation FOUND

Expanding the former towards an Exposure Database for Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis EXP-MULTI-H-R-An

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