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Joe Gregorio edited this page Feb 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

Contributing code to the project.

How to become a contributor and submit patches

Submitting Patches

  1. Join the discussion group.
  2. Decide which code you want to submit. A submission should be a set of changes that addresses one issue in the issue tracker. Please don't mix more than one logical change per submittal, because it makes the history hard to follow. If you want to make a change that doesn't have a corresponding issue in the issue tracker, please create one.
  3. Also, coordinate with team members that are listed on the issue in question. This ensures that work isn't being duplicated and communicating your plan early also generally leads to better patches.
  4. Ensure that your code adheres to the PEP 8 style, with the exception of spacing, which should be two spaces.
  5. Ensure that there are unit tests for your code.
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