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Using a raspberry Pi, a 2 channels relay, and a couple of NO sensor, you can open/close your garage door, check the status of your door, and get notified if your door is left open too long.


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Garage Door Opener for Raspberry Pi

This is for a remote garage door opener using a raspberry pi, a 2 channel relay, and a couple of NO (Normally Open) switch.

Here is the link for SainSmart 2 Channel Relay. I tried some other relay but did not work well with the pi.

Link for 2 NO switch. You can use any NO switch

This will allow you to open/close 2 garage doors, log open and close time and email you if door is left open for more than 5 mins and more than 5 hours. Also, if it alerted you, it will also alert you when it is closed. Also show the last 10 lines of the log on the page. A picture and a 30 seconds video is taken each time the door is open or when 'Take picture' button is pushed. You will be able to navigate the last 20 pictures/video taken and delete any of them. The pictures will be on /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs/po folder and video will be on /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs/vo. The log files are on /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs/l_garage.log and r_garage.log.

Uses WebIOPI.

GPIO Configuration

1 (3.3V) - Connect to the Right NO switch. Send some power to the switch. (2 cables) 2 (5.0V) - Sainsmart Power VOC (This will provide power to the relay switch) 6 (Gnd) - Connect to the Right NO switch. 9 (Gnd) - Sainsmart GND (Ground) 11(GPIO17) - Sainsmart IN2 (Switch for Left Door to send open/close signal) 12(GPIO18) - Sainsmart IN1 (switch for Right Door to send open/close signal) 17 (3.3V) - Connect to Left NO switch. Send some power to the switch. (2 cables) 24(GPIO8) - Connect to the right NO switch.(2 cables) 26(GPIO7) - Connect to the left NO switch.(2 cables) 39(gnd) - Connect to left NO switch

Connection from relay to garage door opener

Most garage door opener will have a simple push button to open and close. You can find out where the cable from those button connect to. You can connect 2 new wires there and when both wires are connected for a short period, it should send the signal to open/close the door. You need to connect 1 cable to K1 or K2 and the other one to the connection below.

k1---> To garage door opener

How to prepare cable (2 cables) for NO switch

You need a 10kOhm and a 1kOhm resistor to prepare a 2 cables connector. Example. Using 1 (3.3v) and 24 (GPIO 8) for 2 cables Using 6(Gnd) for the second cable

3.3 V -> 10kOhm resistor------->| |----->| GPIO Input -> 1lOhm resistor -->| | NO Switch | Gnd ---------------------------------->|

The way, the NO switch works is that when the garage is close, the power will go to the ground. When it is open, the power will go to the GPIO. The resistor are there to cut back the electricity so that it does not burn the pi.

Code description

garage2.html and are the main programs.

garage2.html build and display the page. It also give you the button to open/close the door and any other UI interface on the web page. It is the front-end portion. Written in Javascript. monitors the garage status and log open and close time to a file. Also send alert when door is left open too long. It is the back-end portion. Written in python. logs open and close time to l_garage.log. logs open and close time to r_garage.log sends email when door is left open too long. takes 30 sec video, convert to webm and copy to vo folder. Those 4 scripts above are called by

Change the attribute of and run it using sudo. Below are the commands chmod 775 sudo ./

What does do?

. Download webiopi . Download webiopi patch to work for newer pi like pi2 and above . Install webiopi. It will ask you if you want to access GPIO over the net. If yes, it will installed Weaved. . Install ffmpeg. It will ask you if you are ok to install. . Change attribute of /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs to be owned by pi instead of root . Change attribute of Garage pi code to be able and copy to /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs . Create po and vo folder for the picture and video history. . Copy new webiopi config to /etc/webiopi/config . Get webiopi to startup automatically on reboot . Note. It will take a long time to install all the different components. . During the install of ffmpeg, I got an error and had to run 'sudo apt-get update --fix-missing' to fix.

To change default webiopi userid and password which is 'webiopi' for username and 'raspberry' for password. To change this userid and pwd issue this command sudo webiopi-passwd

To reboot pi, issue this command sudo reboot

To set-up a password for the site, follow instruction here

To access the site, go to http://:8000

If you want to install webiopi and the patch, look here.

For more information on webiopi, look here

If you want to use this over the internet look into There are ios and android app as well. You need to create an account on Then install the software using sudo apt install connectd To run issue this command sudo connectd_installer You probably want to configure an SSH and an HTTP service.

To get mail notification you need to modify to enter the mail address and mail server. Read more about python and email here


Note: has code to stop/start motioneye when it is taking picture and video. If you do not use motioneye, remove that code. Also in garage2.html, there is a link to motioneye. Adjust the url or remove it completely.

If you want to install motioneye for video viewing follow instruction here or follow this instruction from motioneye-project/motioneye#635 and wb777greene

// steps on PiZeroW, Pi2: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade // sudo nano /etc/modules // add: bcm2835-v4l2 // // // extra packages: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libmariadbclient18 libpq5 mysql-common ffmpeg // // prebuilt motion deb package: wget sudo dpkg -i pi_stretch_motion_4.0.1-1_armhf.deb // // install motioneye: sudo pip install motioneye // // setup to run motioneye: sudo mkdir -p /etc/motioneye sudo cp /usr/local/share/motioneye/extra/motioneye.conf.sample /etc/motioneye/motioneye.conf sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/motioneye sudo cp /usr/local/share/motioneye/extra/motioneye.systemd-unit-local /etc/systemd/system/motioneye.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable motioneye sudo systemctl start motioneye // // To enable web control from local network, seems missing from the docs: // edit both /etc/motioneye/motioneye.conf and /etc/motioneye/motion.conf and then reboot. // In /etc/motioneye/motion.conf Change webcontrol_localhost on To webcontrol_localhost off // In /etc/motioneye/motioneye.conf Change motion_control_localhost true To motion_control_localhost false // then reboot system // can pause and resume motion detection from a terminal or node-red etc. with commands: curl http://picam:7999/1/detection/pause -s -o /dev/null curl http://picam:7999/1/detection/start -s -o /dev/null

Original code comes from

You can get instruction on how to configure and connect the hardware (PI, RELAY, SWITCH) and other software (RASPIAN, WEBIOPI) needed there.


Using a raspberry Pi, a 2 channels relay, and a couple of NO sensor, you can open/close your garage door, check the status of your door, and get notified if your door is left open too long.






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