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Launch your new project effortlessly. Canaveral is a CLI for developers.


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Go License: MIT

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Words often aren't enough. We believe the value of Canaveral is best witnessed in action. Visit this youtube link to see it.

Canaveral Contents


Launch your new projects seamlessly. Canaveral automates all your project setup away.

We wanted to have a project manager that was fast, intuitive, and actually useful. So we made Canaveral.

Canaveral is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool that can add, remove, and view your projects. It is a tool built by developers for developers. Don't worry about where your projects are located, how they are organized, what their names are, or how to set them up. Canaveral does that for you.

The Name

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station is one of two main launch sites for U.S. space missions. It is used primarily for launching spacecraft into equatorial orbits (as opposed to the Vanderberg Air Force Station in California, for polar orbits). This tool is designed to help you launch all your projects without having to worry about the slow, mundane early stages of setting up. Hence we chose the spaceship-launch naming theme.

While both sites are important, Canaveral just sounded cooler than Vanderberg.

Getting Started



Canaveral uses npm to install useful dependencies for you. To ensure that Canaveral works properly, please make sure you have npm installed: Node.js Download


If you want to use Canaveral's Github features, you will need a github account, as well as a personal access token. Find out how to get a personal access token here.


Canaveral has support for opening projects in VSCode. To enable this, you will need to make sure you can run the code command from the command line. Mac OS users will need to install this through VSCode if they have not already. Instructions can be found here.


There are three ways to install Canaveral: Homebrew, Go get/install, or download the executable.

Method 1: Homebrew (MacOS)

This method might only work for MacOS users, since it requires brew.

  1. Make sure you have Homebrew installed and updated (brew update).

  2. Run:

    $ brew tap jchengjr77/homebrew-private
    $ brew install canaveral
  3. If there are no errors, you should be done! Check that canaveral is properly installed by running:

    $ which canaveral

    A path to the executable canaveral should be printed.

Method 2: Go build

  1. First, you need to have Go installed. If you don't, follow the instructions here.

    Go should have automatically configured your GOPATH to be ~/go, or another reasonable default. If you are new to Go, you may need to add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH, so you can execute Go programs from the command line. NOTE: Windows users must add to their PATH a different way. See link to instructions below.

    To the end of your .zshrc or .bashrc (whatever your shell's config file is), you can add:

    export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin


    PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

    For Windows users: Add to PATH Windows 10

    To check your current gopath, run go env gopath. For more information, run go help gopath.

  2. Then, go get Canaveral and install it:

$ go get
$ go install

NOTE: go get can take a while to run (30-60s). Allow it to run for a couple minutes if necessary.

This should have put an executable named canaveral into the folder $GOPATH/bin. If you set your PATH to include $GOPATH/bin, then you should be good to go.

  1. Check that Canaveral is properly installed by running:
$ which canaveral

And the path that is returned should be $GOPATH/bin, where $GOPATH is replaced with your actual gopath. For instance, JJ's canaveral will install in ~/go/bin, because ~/go is the $GOPATH.

Method 3: Download Executable

In the Canaveral Releases section, you will find all current releases of Canaveral. We suggest you grab the latest one: v0.6.0

Select the correct package for your computer system and download it. See release notes for guidance. After you download and unzip Canaveral, you will be left with a single executable. You need to add it to your $PATH.

Add the following line to your shell's config file (.bashrc, .zshrc for bash and zsh respectively). NOTE: Windows users must add to their PATH a different way. See link to instructions below.

$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/path/to/canaveral

Here are some helpful links related to adding to $PATH:

For Mac

For Linux

For Windows 10 (Important)

Basic Usage

For a full list of commands, please refer to canaveral -h.
For help on a specific command, please refer to canaveral [command name] -h.

The most basic function of canaveral is viewing all your projects:

$ canaveral

This command may tell you to "specify a workspace." To specify a workspace:

$ canaveral space /path/to/your/workspace
What is a workspace?

Your canaveral workspace is the place where you will put all your projects. A workspace is a path to a folder of your choosing. Every time you use canaveral, you will be interacting with projects in your workspace. You can specify your workspace to be anywhere you want. For instance, JJ's workspace is /Users/[omitted]/Documents/Personal/projects. Note that workspace paths should start from root (/).

NOTE: Though it is not necessary, we recommend you add a script or alias to help you quickly navigate to your selected workspace. While developing canaveral, this simple little tool save us a lot of headache from navigation. An alias would look something like this: (more information on zsh aliases here)

// inside your .zshrc or .bashrc
alias gotoprojs="cd ~/path/to/canaveral/workspace"

After you specify your workspace, running canaveral should show a list of projects in your workspace. At this point, it may be the case that your workspace is empty. Lets launch a new project!

$ canaveral launch coolproject

Congratulations! You have launched your first canaveral project, named coolproject. However, coolproject has nothing in it.

For most people, a blank project like coolproject is not very useful. How about we remove a project, in this case coolproject, and create a new React project!

$ canaveral remove coolproject
... (confirm project deletion) ...
$ canaveral launch -type react coolreactproject

Now we have a new react project called coolreactproject! If you did not previously have a tool called create-react-app installed, Canaveral took care of that installation for you. Let's take a look at what our new project contains by opening our project in VSCode. (Note: this requires you to have VSCode as well as the VSCode Command installed).

$ canaveral code coolreactproject

This should open a new VSCode window showing your new project coolreactproject.

Additionally, Canaveral can make a new Github repo for you! First, make sure you add your git credentials:

$ canaveral addgithub
... (prompt for username and personal auth token) ...

Again, for guidance on how to get a personal auth token from github, follow this link.

To view your git credentials:

$ canaveral printgithub

At any point in time, if you wish to remove your git credentials, you can do so using:

$ canaveral removegithub

Lets try to get canaveral to initialize a new project and git repo! This time, let's create a node project:

$ canaveral launch --gitinit --type node coolproject2

Now, your project coolproject2 is git enabled! You start by adding your own remote repository, staging changes and pushing commits, and all that other good git stuff.

Suppose we hadn't initialized coolproject2 as a git repo, we could do

$ canaveral gitinit -p coolproject2

or navigate to the project directory and simply do

$ canaveral gitinit

instead. Now suppose that we've made some changes to coolproject2 that we want to add to git. We can stage all of our changes with

$ canaveral gitadd .

or only specific files with

$ canaveral gitadd file1 file2 file3 ...

and then we can commit these changes. Much like the git cli, we can either do

$ canaveral gitcommit

to open the vim editor, or

$ canaveral gitcommit -m "My commit message."

to commit our changes with the message "My commit message." One new git feature introduced by Canaveral is the concept of commit reminders. Suppose that we've added some print statements to the file MyFile.go and we want to remove them before we commit our changes. Rather than relying on our memory, we can do

$ canaveral gitremind MyFile.go "Remove the print statements on lines 13, 29, and 81."

then when we do

$ canaveral gitcommit MyFile.go

we will be prompted with a reminder informing us that we have some reminders setup for MyFile.go. At the time of commit we can then choose whether or not to display them. If we do choose to see the reminders, we're also given the option to cancel the commit if we no longer want to go through with it.

Note: Currently canaveral gitinit and canaveral gitadd are equivalent to simply doing git init and git add. However, these functions exist as they may interface with the canaveral gitremind command in the future. However, git commit is not the same as canaveral gitcommit in that git commit will not print reminders.

Suppose our project has hit a nasty bug and we've decided to configure the handy-dandy debugger in VSCode. We can quickly solve our problem, but configuring this tool creates a pesky .vscode/ folder that git wants to track every time we commit. Rather than manually ignoring the folder, we can do

$ canaveral gitignore .vscode/

and .vscode/ will be appended to the .gitignore file. If you don't have a .gitignore yet, it will be created.

Project Types

Canaveral should be usable for all developers. Creating projects, looking at all your projects, and removing projects are universal features that anybody can use. These are fundamental features to Canaveral.

Furthermore, if you use one of the following technologies, you're in luck. More features for you! (This list will most likely expand, so keep an eye out).


For fixing common problems, please refer to this list of steps:

  • Make sure all dependencies are installed properly. See dependencies section
  • Refer to canaveral's built in help for reference. Type canaveral --help
  • For help on a specific command, such as launch, type canaveral launch -help
  • If there are any other bugs, please contact either JJ Cheng or Sean Prendi. You may be able to help identify and patch an important aspect of Canaveral!


Since we want Canaveral to be for all developers, contributions are super welcome! Whether you fix a bug, provide user feedback, create a big feature PR, or make our documentation prettier, the help is deeply appreciated.

Contributors are especially welcome to add support for new technologies. The more diversity Canaveral receives, the more useful the tool is for everybody. If you are comfortable with a certain technology that isn't on the current list, please reach out!

For all contribution inquiries, please email JJ Cheng.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).



JJ Cheng - github -

Sean Prendi - github -


Launch your new project effortlessly. Canaveral is a CLI for developers.







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