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VEST: Video Event Segmentation Tool

The Video Event Segmentation Tool (VEST) is an open-source software for annotating temporal events in video clips.

You can annotate event "segments" with start & end times or event "points" that indicate only the start time of an event.

Basic instructions

More detailed tutorial is available here.

1. Installation

Easiest way to use VEST is through the online app at Alternatively, you can clone this repo and launch index.html in your browser.

2. How to use

  • Load your video file using the [Choose file] button
  • Define the name of the event segments and points using the [Add segment buttons] and [Add point buttons]. This will create buttons with your event names on them.
  • Click your label buttons to annotate segments or events as you watch your video.
  • When you are finished, save your annotations by using the [Download results] button.

Analyzing VEST outputs

VEST saves the segmentations into a json file that can be loaded in most coding languages (e.g. Python, R). Here is a sample code to load the outputs in Python [Gist].

import pandas as pd

def parse_vest_json(f):
  """Parse json output from VEST

    f: path to VEST json output
    segmentations dataframe
    points dataframe
  seg_df, pts_df = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame()

  df = pd.read_json(f, lines=True)
  seg_cols = [col for col in df.columns if 'segment' in col]
  _seg_df = df[seg_cols].dropna().T
  for rowix, row in _seg_df.iterrows():
      seg_df = pd.concat([seg_df, pd.DataFrame(row.values[0],index=[])])

  pts_cols = [col for col in df.columns if 'point' in col]
  _pts_df = df[pts_cols].dropna().T
  for rowix, row in _pts_df.iterrows():
      pts_df = pd.concat([pts_df, pd.DataFrame(row.values[0], index=[])])
  return seg_df, pts_df

path_to_file = "/content/segmentation_results.json"
seg_df, pts_df = parse_vest_json(f=path_to_file)
display(seg_df, pts_df)


Screenshot of VEST in action


VEST uses peaks.js and abides by its license.