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Northcoders News

This project uses endpoints that serve data about fake news articles, topics, users and article comments. You can find it hosted on Heroku here:

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Fork this project on GitHub by clicking "Fork" in the top right of this GitHub page. This will fork it to your GitHub profile, creating a copy of the repository.

Clone the project from GitHub by clicking the green "Clone or download" button and copying the provided URL.

Navigate on your local machine's command line to the directory you want to clone the project into, and type:

git clone

followed by the copied URL.

Next, open the project in a text editor.

Within the project, the following npm packages are required:

  • react
  • @react/router
  • axios
  • prop-types
  • underscore
  • jest

These can be installed by opening an integrated terminal and typing:

npm i

You can then start up the project by typing:

npm start

You can log into the site using the username 'jessjelly'.

Running the tests

To run the automated tests for this system, type:

npm test

into the command line.

See the index.test.js file inside the project's tests directory to view the tests.

Back End

To view the back end hosted and GitHub pages for this project (created by the same author), please view the following links:

Built With

  • React - Javascript UI library
  • Heroku - hosting service


Joanna Cholewa


Northcoders tutors

Purple Booth provided a README template


No description, website, or topics provided.






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