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A Javascript View library for building web and hybrid mobile applications


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A Javascript View library for building web and hybrid mobile applications

Vizu allows the user to create and aggregate Vizu Web Components and then render and manipulate them. It offers a similar API as React but Vizu directly writes to the DOM and it is much more lighter. As Vizu provides a set of methods to manipulate the component's childs in the DOM tree (incremental DOM), it doesn't need a virtual DOM.

Vizu introduces only two concepts: Vizu Web Components and view. A Vizu Web Component is a Javascript object that defines an HTML block and methods to manipulate it. A view is the aggregation of Vizu Web Components.

Vizu gives a direct access to all the Vizu Web Components of the view whatever their position in the view hierarchy with a very fine granularity. But, the access could be restricted. A module can only access to the Vizu Web Components it owns.

Vizu is just old plain Javascript, HTML and CSS3. There is neither intermediate format nor pre-processing.

You want to see how to use Vizu in a real application, click here. Kiwii-Vizu is an example of an hybrid mobile application built with Vizu as the View library.


Create a Vizu Web Component

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.title = 'Hi!';

  render() {
    return `

A Vizu Web Component is defined by a class with, at least, the method render that returns a plain old HTML block. You can insert Javascript instructions in it. They are processed when the component is rendered.

Create a View

import { Vizu } from 'vizu';

  `<Aaa />`,
  { '<Aaa />': Aaa },

The method Vizu.render() renders the Vizu Web Components directly in the DOM tree. This method requires one mandatory argument and two optional arguments:

  • The first argument is a Javascript string that defines an HTML block. Here it is limited to an HTML tag; the Vizu Web Component.

  • The second argument is a Javascript object. It contains the Vizu Web Component tags and their reference (reference to the class). If omitted, the Vizu Web Component tags aren't processed.

  • And finally, the third argument is the DOM element in which the view is inserted as a child element. If omitted, the view is directly inserted into the body as the first node.

Table of Contents


npm install --save vizu

Create a View

The simplest View

import { Vizu } from 'vizu';


As nothing else as an HTML block is defined here, Vizu renders the block in the body of the HTML page.

  <div id="id9td66c">

A Vizu component must always be a set of HTML tags surrounded by a div. Vizu adds an unique ID to this Vizu Web Component.

A more concrete View

import { Vizu } from 'vizu';

  `<Aaa />
   <Bbb />
  { '<Aaa />': Aaa, `<Bbb />`: Bbb },

Here we want to render the Vizu Web Components <Aaa /> and <Bbb />.

The first argument is a Javascript string that contains the custom HTML tags <Aaa /> and <Bbb />. They represent Vizu Web Components (we will see later on how to define them). The tag contains the name of the class that defines the component preceded by < and completed by />.

The second argument is a Javascript object. It links the tags <Aaa /> and <Bbb /> to the references of their respective Vizu Web Components (the classes that define them).

And finally, the third argument is a Javascript object that references the DOM element surrounding the rendered view.

It gives this:

<div id="app" class="container">
  <div id="ifwhoesn">
  <div id="iqn96zqo">


As seen above, an unique method render() is required with Vizu to render a View. This method requires three arguments: the components that compose the view, their reference and where they are inserted into the DOM tree.

Create a Vizu Web Component

The simplest Vizu Web Component

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {
  render() {
    return '<div></div>';

A Vizu Web Component is defined by a class that extends the class Component. This class must provide, at least, the method render(). This method must return an HTML block. I.e. HTML tags surrounded by a div.

Rendering this Vizu Web Component results in:

<div id="app" class="container">
  <div id="iynx1ktk">

A more concrete Vizu Web Component

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.title = 'Title';

  render() {
    return `

This Vizu Web Component includes a Javascript variable initialized by the constructor. This variable is declared in the string in between ${} as defined by the ES6 standard. It's pure Javascript!

Rendering this Vizu Web Component results in:

<div id="app" class="container">
  <div id="i7mlzk3r">

A Composite Vizu Web Component

A Vizu Web Component could include another Vizu Web Component:

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.subtitle = 'Subtitle';

  render() {
    return `

class Bbb extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.title = 'title';

  render() {
    // Reference Aaa:
    this.cList = { '<Aaa />': Aaa };
    return `
        <Aaa />

A Vizu Web Component can include another Vizu Web Component quite easily. It just needs to be declared by a tag (here <Aaa />) and referenced in the variable cList attached to this component (here this.cList = { '<Aaa />': Aaa };).

Rendering the Vizu Web Component <Bbb /> results in:

<div id="app" class="container">   
  <div id="isoue0z7">
    <div id="ios7lybb">

Define an Initial State for the Vizu Web Component

In the above examples, we initialized the variables with the constructor. Vizu Component provides a method for defining the initial value of the Javascript variables:

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {

  getInitialState() {
    this.props.options.title = 'Title';

  render() {
    return `

This is the preferred method to initialize variables.

Extend the Vizu Web Component with new methods

The user can add his own methods to interact with the Vizu Web Component:

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Aaa extends Component {

  getInitialState() {
    this.props.options.title = 'Title';

  // Method particular to this Vizu Web Component
  updateTitle(title) {
    this.props.options.title = title;
    this.$('h1')[0].innerText = title;

  render() {
    return `

This Vizu Web Component <Aaa /> has a specific method called updateTitle. It updates the title of the component (we will see later on how to access this method).

This method relies on this.$('h1')[0].innerText to change the title. The method $(el) is just a wrapper around the Javascript function querySelector.

If the method $()[] has no selector (argument), it returns the entire HTML block that defines this Vizu Web Component in the DOM tree.


Component implements a few shortcuts (see the reference section). For instance $('h1')[0].innerText can be replaced by $('h1').text().

Create Vizu Web Component without ES6 classes

Vizu provides the method createClass to create Vizu Web Components without ES6:


  getInitialState: function() {
    this.props.options.title = 'Title';

  render: function() {
    return `
        <h1>` + this.props.options.title + `</h1>


A Vizu Web Component is a Javascript class that extends the Vizu class Component.

A Vizu Web Component could define a simple block of HTML tags surrounded by a div or/and it can include other Vizu Web Component.

A Vizu Web Component offers, at least, the method render() that returns a set of HTML tags surrounded by a div.

A Vizu Web Component can provides the method getInitialState that defines some javascript variables included in the HTML block.

A Vizu Web Component can be extended with specific methods.

Adds events to Vizu Web Component

Vizu Web Component implements the method events() that is executed when the component is rendered in the DOM tree to attach events.

Example for a counter:

import { Component } from 'vizu';

class Counter extends Component {

  getInitialState() {
    this.props.options.counter = 0;

  events() {
    const self = this;
    let counter = this.props.options.counter;
    // Increment:
    this.$('.plus').on('click', () => {
      counter += 1;
    // Decrement:
    this.$('.minus').on('click', () => {
      counter -= 1;

  render() {
    return `
        <button class="minus">-</button>
        <button class="plus">+</button>

Interact with the Vizu Web Components

When the view is rendered, Vizu returns an object on this view:

import { Component } from 'vizu';

const view = Vizu.render(
  `<Aaa />`,
  { '<Aaa />': Aaa },

The view object can be used to interact with the Vizu Web Components that compose the view.

The Vizu Web Component Aaa can be accessed by:


The Variables

The Vizu Web Component returns three variables:;

id is the id of the Vizu Web Component (the id of the surrounding div).

cList is an object that lists the Vizu Web Components included in this component(null if none).

components is an object that references the Vizu Web Components included in this component (null if none). For instance if Aaa includes Bbb, Bbb could be accessed by:


The methods

The defined methods of a Vizu Web Component can be accessed by:


The method of a Vizu Web Component that belongs to a parent Vizu Web Component can be accessed by:

view.Aaa.components.Bbb.updateTitle('Hello Again!');

Replace a Vizu Web Component

Sometimes, you need to replace a complete Vizu Web Component in the view. For instance, if your application consists of a view built with four Vizu Web Components: Header, Footer, Menu, Contents. When the user moves from one page to another, you have to change all the contents section of the application:

// Render a view:
const view = Vizu.render(
  `<Aaa />`,
  { '<Aaa />': Aaa },

// Aaa contains a subcomponent Bbb that needs to be replaced by Ccc:
Vizu.replace(view, { '<Bbb />': Ccc });

You just need to call the method Vizu.replace. The first argument is the view object and the second argument is an object whose property is the tag of the web component to replace and the value is the reference to the new Vizu Web Component.


Vizu Web Component

class <new component> extends Component {
  constructor() {
  getInitialState() {
  $() {
  events() {
  render() {

A Vizu Web Component is a class object that extends the class Component of Vizu. It implements four methods:

  • getInitialState: this method is executed before the component is rendered. It initializes Javascript variables at their initial value.

  • $: this method interacts with the DOM elements of the selected Vizu Web Component. $ is a wrapper around the Javascript function querySelector and it implements a few functions (see below).

  • events: this method attaches events to the component when it is rendered in the DOM tree.

  • render: this method returns the component defined in a string by HTML tags.


Methods                         | Description
$()                             | selects the Vizu Web Component and returns this,
$(sel)                          | selects the child element with the attribute 'sel' and returns this,
$().id                          | returns the id of selected element,
$()[0]                          | returns the selected DOM element,

$().selectChild(n)              | selects the nth child,
$().parent()                    | selects the parent node,
$().firstParent()               | selects the root parent node if defined,

$().html()                      | returns the child element(s) of the selected element.
$().html(xml)                   | replaces the child element by a new element defined by the passed-in XML string and returns this,
$().empty()                     | removes all the child nodes and returns this,
$().append(xml)                 | inserts the element (defined by the passed-in XML string) after the last child node and returns this,
$().prepend(xml)                | inserts the element before the first child node and returns this,
$(el).after(xml)¹               | inserts the element after the selected element and returns this,
$(el).before(xml)¹              | inserts the element before the selected element and returns this,
$(el)replaceWith(xml)¹          | replaces the selected element by the passed-in element and returns this,

$().text()                      | returns the contents of the selected element,
$().text('string')              | replaces the text contents and returns this,

$().clone(deep)                 | clones the selected node if deep is false, clones node and childs if deep is true,
$().insertChildBefore(n, c)     | inserts the child 'n' before the child 'c'  and returns this,
$().removeChild(child)          | removes the child 'child'  and returns this,
$().replaceChild(n, c)          | replaces the child 'c' by the child 'n'  and returns this,
$().children()                  | returns a DOM object with all the node children,
$().childIndex()                | returns the child index (0 for the first child),
$().getRect()                   | returns the position and size of the node,

$().css(style)                  | returns the style value,
$().css(style, value)           | sets the style value and returns this,

$().getClassList()              | returns a DOMTokenList (getClassList() is a wrapper around classList),
$().addClass('className')       | adds 'className' to the selected element and returns this,
$().addClasses([...])           | adds an array of classes and returns this,
$().removeClass('className')    | removes 'className' from the selected element and returns this,
$().removeClasses([...])        | removes an array of classes and returns this,
$().toggleClass('className')    | adds or removes 'className' to/from the selected element and returns this,
$().hasClass('class')           | returns true if the node has the class 'class' or false if not,

$().attr(attribute)             | returns the attribute value of the selected element,
$().attr(attribute, value)      | sets the attribute of the selected element,
$().removeAttr(attribute)       | removes the attribute from the selected element,

$().animate(props, d, e, cb)    | changes dynamically the CSS attributes,

$(el).on(event, listener)       | adds an event listener to the selected child and returns this.
$(el).off(event, listener)      | removes the attached event listener from the selected child and returns this.

¹ after, before and replacewith could only apply to a child element and not to the Component itself,

Vizu Render

Vizu implements the method render to insert a view in the DOM tree:

const view = Vizu.render(view, reference, el);

Vizu.render() requires one mandatory argument and two optional arguments:

  1. view: the first argument is the view to render. It is a string that contains a set of HTML tags defining the object to visualize. It can contain custom tags defining Vizu Web Components.

A Vizu Web Component tag is defined as <NameOfVizuWebComponent />.

  • reference: the second argument is a Javascript object that links the Vizu Web Component tag to the class defining it.
// Example:
{ '<NameOfVizuWebComponent />': NameOfVizuWebComponent }

If this argument is omitted, the Vizu Web Component tag is not interpreted.

  • el: the third argument is the element in the DOM tree where the view is inserted. If it is omitted, the view is directly inserted in the body as the first node.

Vizu.render() returns the view object. This object allows the user to interact with the Vizu Web Components defining the view. The view object looks like:

{ 'NameOf1stVizuWebComponent': {...}, 'NameOf2ndVizuWebComponent': {...}, etc. }

The view object gives the list of the first level Vizu Web Components objects that compose the view.

The Vizu Web Component object gives access to three variables:

  1. id {string}: the id of the div tag that surrounds the Vizu Web Component,
  • cList {Object}: the list of the Vizu Web Component tags that are included in this Vizu Web Component,

  • components {Object}: the Vizu Web Component objects that are included in this Vizu Web Component object,

// Example for the `Aaa` Vizu Web Component child of view:
const id =;

// Example for the `Bbb` Vizu Web Component child of `Aaa` Vizu Web Component:
const id =;

// Example for `Ccc` child of `Bbb`:
const id =;

The Vizu Web Component object gives access to the user defined methods:

// Example for the `Aaa` Vizu Web Component child of view:
view.Aaa.updateTitle('New Title');

// Example for the `Bbb` Vizu Web Component child of `Aaa` Vizu Web Component:
view.Aaa.components.Bbb.updateTitle('New Title');

// Example for `Ccc` child of `Bbb`:
view.Aaa.components.Bbb.components.Ccc.updateTitle('New Title');

Vizu Replace

Vizu implements the method replace to replace a Vizu Web Component in the DOM tree:

Vizu.replace(view, newwebcomponent);

view is the object returned by Vizu.render.

newwebcomponent is an object whose property is the tag of the Vizu Web Component to replace and the value is the reference to the new Vizu Web Component (the class).


{ `<Aaa />`: Bbb }

It means: I want to replace the Vizu Web Component linked to the tag <Aaa /> by the Vizu Web Component referenced by Bbb (the class Bbb).

Vizu createClass

Vizu implements the method createClass to create a Vizu Web Component without ES6 classes.


  getInitialState: function() {

  render: function() {




A Javascript View library for building web and hybrid mobile applications







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