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An implementation of the TF-IDF method on a data collection


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TF-IDF retrieval system

An implementation of the TF-IDF method on a data collection

4th year practical work



This project was made during my 4th year in engineering school.

The TF-IDF method is presented as follows on this dedicated webpage:

Tf-idf stands for term frequency-inverse document frequency, and the tf-idf weight is a weight often used in information retrieval and text mining. This weight is a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. The importance increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document but is offset by the frequency of the word in the corpus. Variations of the tf-idf weighting scheme are often used by search engines as a central tool in scoring and ranking a document's relevance given a user query. One of the simplest ranking functions is computed by summing the tf-idf for each query term; many more sophisticated ranking functions are variants of this simple model. Tf-idf can be successfully used for stop-words filtering in various subject fields including text summarization and classification.

At the end of the process, a dictionary such as this one will be created; it corresponds to the TF-IDF representation of the vocabulary involved in the whole document collection.


Part 1 : tokenizer & Zipf's law

This first part is intended to form an orderly collection of documents in order to simplify the processing that will be carried out later.


It is the script that makes it easy to read documents by replacing upper and lower case letters and removing numbers and symbols.

Method : we browse each document in the collection as well as each term (already lower-case via the lower() function) thanks to the NLTK library. Using an adapted regular expression, we identify the terms that suit us and write them in a new file with the extension .flt.

Example :

  • before processing :
Computer Patent Disclosures
CACM October, 1964
Kates, J. P.
  • after processing :

This script allows several things: to calculate the frequency of apparitions of all terms appearing in the collection, the size of the vocabulary but also to draw curves representing the Zipf law.

Method : we use a dictionary that will have as keys the terms encountered during the course of all the documents, and as a value associated with each of these keys their frequency of appearance in the collection.

if word not in d:
  d[word] = 1
  TotalVocabulaire += 1
  d[word] += 1
TotalOccurrences += 1

We write the results in a file and then thanks to the Matplotlib library, we display the curve representing the Zipf law applied to our collection.

Example :

The 10 most frequently occurring words and their frequency:
('the', 10996)
('of', 9026)
('and', 4495)
('to', 3726)
('is', 3722)
('in', 3427)
('cacm', 3204)
('for', 3160)
('are', 1983)
('algorithm', 1542)

Vocabulary size : 12106
Total number of occurrences : 172933
Theoretical lambda value : 18394.277571050316

And here are the curves we get:

Part 2 : vocabulary development

This second part allows the creation of a detailed vocabulary according to the TF-IDF model and the inverted index.


A script that first allows you to remove the polluting terms from the analysis (determinants, pronouns...). I added an argument to the function that allows the user to decide whether or not to use the Stemmer, a NLTK module that analyzes a term and replaces it with its root (for example, computer will become comput).

Method : as usual, we browse the documents of the previously processed collection, then for each term encountered, we invoke or not the Stemmer to find the root of the word, but especially we check if it is a stop-word or not. If this is the case, then it is eliminated, otherwise it is kept by rewriting it into a new document (which will constitute the new collection).

if word not in stopList:
  if (stembool == True):
    NoCwFile.write(stemmer.stem(word) + " ")
    NoCwFile.write(word + " ")
  print("  removing " + word)

Example :

  • before processing :
  • after processing :
coordin ellipsoid algorithm cacm septemb dorrer

This is the script that will allow you to build the dictionary according to the TF-IDF model and the inverted index. I have commented extensively on the code of this file and I therefore refer you to it to learn about the method I used.

Example :

"osiri": [1, 3.5056925074122, {"2634": 0.09738034742811666}], "interchang": [28, 2.0585344760699806, {"1922": 0.14703817686214146, "1476": 0.018057319965526144, "1349": 0.033202168968870654, "1289": 0.2287260528966645,

The dictionary is read as follows:

  • the root "osiri"
  • appears in a single document
  • and its IDF is 3.505692507412
  • it appears in the document with the identifier 2634
  • with a TF-IDF equal to 0.0973803434742811666 for this document
  • ...


© Julien Cordat-Auclair


An implementation of the TF-IDF method on a data collection







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