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SDF - packages

  1. Adding the SDF stable repository to your system
  2. Quickstart
  3. Installing individual packages
  4. Upgrading
  5. Running Horizon in production
  6. Building Packages
  7. Running a Full Validator
  8. Publishing a History archive
  9. Backfilling a History archive
  10. Monitoring
  11. Testnet Reset


The stellar-quickstart package configures a local stellar-core and stellar-horizon instance backed by a local PostgreSQL connecting to the SDF Testnet. Once installed you can easily modify either the stellar-core or stellar-horizon configs to suit your needs or to connect to the SDF Pubnet for example.


# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install stellar-quickstart # install packages
# stellar-core-cmd info # stellar-horizon will only start ingesting when stellar-core is in synch

Accessing the quickstart databases

The stellar-quickstart package configures 2 databases, stellar and horizon. Access to these databases is managed via the stellar PostgreSQL role and it's corresponding stellar system user.

# sudo -u stellar psql -d stellar
psql (9.5.10)
Type "help" for help.

stellar=> \dt
            List of relations
 Schema |     Name      | Type  |  Owner
 public | accountdata   | table | stellar
 public | accounts      | table | stellar
 public | ban           | table | stellar
 public | ledgerheaders | table | stellar
 public | offers        | table | stellar
 public | peers         | table | stellar
 public | publishqueue  | table | stellar
 public | pubsub        | table | stellar
 public | scphistory    | table | stellar
 public | scpquorums    | table | stellar
 public | signers       | table | stellar
 public | storestate    | table | stellar
 public | trustlines    | table | stellar
 public | txfeehistory  | table | stellar
 public | txhistory     | table | stellar
(15 rows)

stellar-core new-db

As with accessing the database directly, you can re-initialise the stellar-core db by running stellar-core as the stellar system user.

# sudo -u stellar stellar-core --conf /etc/stellar/stellar-core.cfg new-db
2018-01-22T19:43:20.715 GABA2 [Database INFO] Connecting to: postgresql://dbname=stellar user=stellar
2018-01-22T19:43:20.719 GABA2 [SCP INFO] LocalNode::LocalNode@GABA2 qSet: 273af2
2018-01-22T19:43:20.833 GABA2 [Database INFO] Applying DB schema upgrade to version 2
2018-01-22T19:43:20.851 GABA2 [Database INFO] Applying DB schema upgrade to version 3
2018-01-22T19:43:20.857 GABA2 [Database INFO] Applying DB schema upgrade to version 4
2018-01-22T19:43:20.866 GABA2 [Database INFO] Applying DB schema upgrade to version 5
2018-01-22T19:43:20.872 GABA2 [default INFO] *
2018-01-22T19:43:20.872 GABA2 [default INFO] * The database has been initialized
2018-01-22T19:43:20.872 GABA2 [default INFO] *
2018-01-22T19:43:20.874 GABA2 [Ledger INFO] Established genesis ledger, closing
2018-01-22T19:43:20.879 GABA2 [default INFO] *
2018-01-22T19:43:20.879 GABA2 [default INFO] * The next launch will catchup from the network afresh.
2018-01-22T19:43:20.879 GABA2 [default INFO] *
2018-01-22T19:43:20.879 GABA2 [default INFO] Application destructing
2018-01-22T19:43:20.879 GABA2 [default INFO] Application destroyed
moving on from Quickstart

stellar-quickstart is a configuration package that through it's dependencies pulls in the required packages.

Package Dependencies Comments
stellar-core none installs stellar-core binary, systemd service, logrotate script, documentation
stellar-core-utils none installs useful command line tools (stellar-core-cmd, stellar-core-gap-detect)
stellar-core-prometheus-exporter none installs a Prometheus exporter to facilitate ingesting stellar-core metrics
stellar-core-postgres stellar-core, PostgreSQL configures a PostgreSQL server, creates a stellar db,role and system user, the default stellar-core configuration contained in this package will connect to the Testnet
stellar-archivist none installs stellar-archivist cli tool for managing stellar-core History archives
stellar-horizon none installs stellar-horizon binary, systemd service
stellar-horizon-utils none installs useful command line tools (stellar-horizon-cmd)
stellar-horizon-postgres stellar-horizon, PostgreSQL configures a PostgreSQL server, creates a horizon db and stellar role, system user
stellar-quickstart stellar-core-postgres, stellar-horizon-postgres pulls in required packages via it's dependencies
stellar-captive-core stellar-core, stellar-horizon Adds configuration and dependencies to run horizon in captive core mode
stellar-captive-core-api none installs the horizon captive core middleware which exposes captive core over http

Once you are comfortable with the various packages that stellar-quickstart brings in as dependencies, it is possible to install them individually.

See Running Horizon in production for a generic distributed Horizon cluster, you will need to configure PostgreSQL which unfortunately is out of the scope of this document.