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Simple Photo Album

Port of my mod_perl album Apache-Album


This is a simple photo album. Copy pngs/jpegs to a directory, create an optional text block (in a file called caption.txt) to go to the top, and the program does the rest.

Default settings are in config.yaml and may be overriden by using config.yaml files in directories with images.


$ go get


Displays a list of configured albums.


The configuration can be a little tricky, so here is a little more information. It's important to realize that there are two separate, but related directories. One is where the physical pictures reside, the other is where the "virtual" albums reside.Consider a filesystem called /albums exists and it is this filesystem that will house the images. Also consider that multiple people will have albums there, so you would create a directory for each user:


Then in your config.yaml file add an entry for each directory. The minimum properties that must be set are albumTitle, albumDir and thumbDir:

    albumTitle: Test Album
    albumDir: "/albums/test/albums_loc"
    thumbDir: "/albums/test/thumbs"

The URL will be http://localhost:8000/test/albums/

This is the default config.yaml file

port: 8000
bodyArgs: bgcolor="#003939" rgb="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#00ff00" vlink="#83BCBC"
    bodyArgs: bgcolor="#003939" rgb="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#00ff00" vlink="#83BCBC"
    thumbnailUse: width
    thumbnailWidth: 200
    thumbnailAspect: 1/5
    defaultBrowserWidth: 800
    slideShowDelay: 10
    outsideTableBorder: 1
    allowFinalResize: false
    reverseDirs: false
    reversePics: false
    albumTitle: Test Album
    albumDir: "/tools/albums/albums_loc"
    thumbDir: "/tools/albums/thumbs"
    thumbnailWidth: 250
    slideShowDelay: 20

Server Properties

  • port default: 8000: Port to bind server to
  • bodyArgs: Attributes for the body tag on the page, mostly used to set color scheme
  • default: Default set of Album Properties, unless overridden in the albums section these values will be used

Album Properties

  • albumTitle: The name to display for the album
  • albumDir: Full base directory where all images for the album are stored
  • thumbDir: Writable directory where thumbnails will be cached
  • thumbnailUse: default: width: Can either be set to "width" or "aspect"
    If set to "width", thumbnails that need to be created will be thumbnailWidth wide, and the height will be modified to keep the same aspect as the original image.
    If set to "aspect", thumbnails that need to be created will be transformed by the value of `thumbnailAspect'which can be either a floating point number like 0.25 or it can be a ratio like 2 / 11.
    If an image file is updated, the corresponding thumbnail file will be updated the next time the page is accessed.
  • thumbnailWidth: default: 100: Absolute thumbnail width when thumbnailUse is set to width
  • defaultBrowserWidth: default: 640: A general number of how wide you want the final table to be, not an absolute number. If the next image would take it past this "invisible line", a new row is started.
  • numberOfColumns: default: 0: Instead of using defaultBrowserWidth and a guess at the number of pixels, numberOfColumns can be set to the maximum number of columns in a table. The default is 0 (which causes DefaultBrowserWidth to be used instead).

Directory Structure

Generally directories are sorted and have the same beautify as the caption files, ie a directory called Christmas_Party will have a link with the text "Christmas Party". An exception is that directories in the form:

├── 2020
│   ├── (01)January
│   │   ├── New_Years_Party
│   ├── (02)February
│   │   ├── Valetines_Day

Will sort by the intial numbers, but will only display "January" and "February"

        New Years Party
        Valentines Day


A caption.txt file goes in a directory with images

The caption.txt file consists of two parts. The first part is text/html that will be placed at the top of the html document. The second part is a mapping of filenames to captions. The module will do some simple mangling of the image file names to create the caption. But if it finds a mapping in the caption.txt file, that value is used instead. The value __END__ signifies the end of the first section and the beginning of the second.

For example:

Filename Default Caption
Bob_and_Jenny.jpg Bob and Jenny

You can change the default caption by creating a caption.txt file and putting in the following:

Bob_and_Jenny.jpg: This is me with my sister <EM>Jenny</EM>.

Here is a sample caption.txt file:

<H1>My Birthday Party</H1>

<center>This is me at my Birthday Party!</center>

pieinface.gif: Here's me getting hit the face with a pie.
john5.jpg: This is <A HREF="">John</A>


Port of my mod_perl album







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