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Jonathan Feinberg committed Sep 8, 2010
1 parent 6a0486d commit b0d323f
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 50 deletions.
87 changes: 37 additions & 50 deletions
@@ -1,86 +1,73 @@
* Shape Transform
* by Ira Greenberg.
* Illustrates the geometric relationship
* between Cube, Pyramid, Cone and
* Cylinder 3D primitives.
* Instructions:<br />
* Up Arrow - increases points<br />
* Down Arrow - decreases points<br />
* 'p' key toggles between cube/pyramid<br />
Shape Transform
by Ira Greenberg.
(Rewritten in Python by Jonathan Feinberg.)
Illustrates the geometric relationship
between Cube, Pyramid, Cone and
Cylinder 3D primitives.
from processing.core import PVector
Up Arrow - increases points
Down Arrow - decreases points
'p' key toggles between cube/pyramid

pts = 4
# constants
radius = 99
cylinderLength = 95
isPyramid = False
angleInc = PI / 300.0

# globals that can be chaned by the user
pts = 12
isPyramid = False

def setup():
size(640, 360, P3D)

def draw():
global cylinderLength

background(170, 95, 95)
fill(255, 200, 200)
translate(width / 2, height / 2)
rotateX(frameCount * angleInc)
rotateY(frameCount * angleInc)
rotateZ(frameCount * angleInc)
# initialize vertex arrays
vertices = [[PVector() for x in range(pts+1)],
[PVector() for x in range(pts+1)]]
# fill arrays
for i in range(2):
angle = 0
for v in vertices[i]:
if isPyramid:
if i == 1:
v.x = 0
v.y = 0
v.x = cos(radians(angle)) * radius
v.y = sin(radians(angle)) * radius
v.x = cos(radians(angle)) * radius
v.y = sin(radians(angle)) * radius
v.z = cylinderLength
# the .0 after the 360 is critical
angle += 360.0 / pts
cylinderLength *= -1

dTheta = TWO_PI / pts
x = lambda(j): cos(dTheta * j) * radius
y = lambda(j): sin(dTheta * j) * radius

# draw cylinder tube
for j in range(pts+1):
vertex(vertices[0][j].x, vertices[0][j].y, vertices[0][j].z)
vertex(vertices[1][j].x, vertices[1][j].y, vertices[1][j].z)
for j in range(pts + 1):
vertex(x(j), y(j), cylinderLength)
if isPyramid:
vertex(0, 0, -cylinderLength)
vertex(x(j), y(j), -cylinderLength)
#draw cylinder ends
for i in range(2):
for j in range(pts + 1):
vertex(x(j), y(j), cylinderLength)
if not isPyramid:
for v in vertices[i]:
vertex(v.x, v.y, v.z)
for j in range(pts + 1):
vertex(x(j), y(j), -cylinderLength)

up/down arrow keys control
polygon detail.
def keyPressed():
global pts, isPyramid
print key
if key == CODED:
# pts
if keyCode == UP and pts < 90:
pts += 1
print pts
elif keyCode == DOWN and pts > 4:
pts -= 1
elif key == ord('p'):
Expand Down

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