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A set of Angular display filters for working with Moment JS dates and times

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A set of Angular display filters for use with the Moment.js and Moment Timezone libraries


  1. Angular (bower install -S angular)
  2. Moment JS (bower install -S moment)
  3. Moment Timezone (optional - for use with the timezone conversion filters - bower install -S moment-timezone)


$ bower install angular-moment-format-filters


Include angular-moment-format-filters' in your module's dependencies:

angular.module('myApp', ['angular-moment-format-filters']);

And add the dependencies as script tags:

<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/moment/moment.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.js"></script>


To see the examples below in action, check out the Fiddle


There are two pairs of filters.

  1. momentFormat and momentFormatServerTimestamp
  2. momentFromNow and momentFromNowServerTimestamp

momentFormat Filter

The momentFormat filter will format a moment-able object (string, JS Date object, existing moment object, etc.) based on the Moment format string.

Parameters to the filter are:

  • formatString (required) - Moment format string
  • hideErrors (optional - default false) - whether to suppress errors (returns empty string on invalid date input)
$scope.date_one = '2016-01-18';
$scope.date_two = new Date(2016, 0, 18);
$scope.date_three = moment('2016-01-18');
$scope.date_four = moment(null);
<p>{{ date_one | momentFormat:'MM/DD/YYYY' }}</p>
<p>{{ date_two | momentFormat:'DD/MM/YYYY' }}</p>
<p>{{ date_three | momentFormat:'MMMM Do, YYYY' }}</p>
<p>{{ date_four | momentFormat:'MM/DD/YYYY',false }}</p>
<p>{{ date_four | momentFormat:'MM/DD/YYYY',true }}</p>
January 18th, 2016
Invalid Date
[empty string]

momentFromNow Filter

The momentFromNow filter will format a moment-able object (string, JS Date object, existing moment object, etc.) as a human-readable time difference from now.

Parameter to the filter:

  • hideErrors (optional - default false) - whether to suppress errors (returns empty string on invalid date input)
$scope.date_one = new Date();
$scope.date_two = '2016-04-19 15:04:00';
$scope.date_three = moment('2015-04-19');
$scope.date_four = moment(null);
<p>{{ date_one | momentFromNow }}</p>
<p>{{ date_two | momentFromNow }}</p>
<p>{{ date_three | momentFromNow }}</p>
<p>{{ date_four | momentFromNow }}</p>
<p>{{ date_four | momentFromNow:true }}</p>
a few seconds ago
an hour ago
a year ago
Invalid Date
[empty string]

ServerTimestamp filter varieties

In many cases, when using timestamps in a database, the timestamps will be stored in UTC time (or some other base time) and the users are in different timezones. The Moment Timezone library makes it easy to convert times across timezones.

To set the proper timezones, configure the filters:

angular.module('myApp', ['angular-moment-format-filters'])
.config(function(momentFormatConfigProvider) {
    localTimezone: 'America/New_York',
    serverTimezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'

Config Options

  • localTimezone: (string) the standard timezone string for the end user (i.e. browser timezone)
    • default: 'Etc/UTC'
  • serverTimezone: (string) the standard timezone string for the server
    • default: 'Etc/UTC'

Conversions will be made from serverTimezone, to localTimezone


Assuming the configuration example provided above...

$scope.server_timestamp_one = '2016-01-18 12:00:00';
$scope.server_timestamp_two = '2016-04-19 12:16:00';
<p>{{ server_timestamp_one | momentFormatServerTimestamp:'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm' }}</p>
<p>{{ server_timestamp_two | momentFromNowServerTimestamp }}</p>
01/18/2016 15:00 (converted 12:00pm Pacific to 3:00pm Eastern)
a minute ago (assuming it's 3:17pm Eastern, 12:16pm Pacific is a minute ago)


A round of tests is included. To run the tests, execute:

gulp test


Contributions are always welcome. Please submit issues and pull requests.
