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Learn Animations in Angular

1. Let's import the animation dependencies 📋

  1. First import BrowserAnimationsModule in your app.module.ts using this line import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';. Remeber to put it in the imports array.
  2. In your app.component.ts import the following functions: trigger, state, style, animate, transition from '@angular/animations';

2. Let's scaffold our app 💻

  1. Create a animationState variable inside your component
  2. Add a photo of an adorable face using this line: <img src="" [@faceAnimation]="animationState"> take a close look at: [@faceAnimation]="animationState"

3. Let's create our animation state 🤖

  1. Create two buttons that change the animationState variable
<button (click)="changeState('round')">Round out</button>
<button (click)="changeState('bye')">Bye</button>
  1. Finally add this method that allow us to change the state:`
changeState(effect: string): void {
    this.animationState = effect;

4. Let's animate! 🌈

  1. Add the following property to the component's decorator
animations: [
    trigger('faceAnimation', [
      state('round', style({ borderRadius: '100%' })),
      state('bye', style({ opacity: '0' })),

2. Cool, right? Now let's add some transitions
trigger('faceAnimation', [
      state('round', style({ borderRadius: '100%' })),
      state('bye', style({ opacity: '0' })),
      transition('* => round', [animate(1000, style({ borderRadius: '100%' }))]),
      transition('* => bye', [animate(2000, style({ opacity: '0' }))]),