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Basic setup for running a local jenkins on docker.

The goal of this project is workflow automation. The setup in this project allows to automatically submit jobs to a remote computing cluster when code is pushed to github.

Workflow automation with Github and Jenkins.

Extended jenkins image

Use the extended jenkins image from dockerhub with installed plugins.

  • Pull the image williamjds/ccmb-jenkins from dockerhub.

    docker pull williamjds/ccmb-jenkins:latest
  • Build the image locally.

    docker build --build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +”%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ”` --build-arg VCS_REF=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` -t williamjds/ccmb-jenkins:latest .

Webhook integration for jenkins behind firewall

For receiving webhooks behind a firewall, read the docker steps for Production-ready Github and Jenkins setup behind a firewall. You will need to

  • signup to
  • install the CLI for webhookrelay
  • create a webhookrelay key and secret
  • setup a webhook relay bucket and public endpoint for forwarding webhooks
  • download the agent docker image webhookrelay/webhookrelayd from dockerhub
    docker pull webhookrelay/webhookrelayd

⚠️ The components in the docker-compose setup can reach each other via the name of the service in the docker-compose.yml as hostname. The relay forward in this example needs to point to the service jenkins. See Docker Networking in Compose

relay forward --bucket github-jenkins-compose http://jenkins:8080/github-webhook/ --no-agent

Docker compose

There is a great tutorial on How To Automate Jenkins Setup with Docker and Jenkins Configuration as Code. The docker-compse.yml in this repository combines the basic setup from this tutorial with the webhookrelay setup and a configuration server. For docker-compose to work with this setup, create a file named .env in the top directory (ignored by git) which contains the following secrets:


The secrets are required to successfully setup a basic admin user, integrate the webhook forwarding, and configure credentials for Github and Brown accounts.

Update the jenkins volume mount to a directory of your choice or create the directory /tmp/jenkins_data.

For starting a local jenkins, configuration server, and webhookrealy agent, run

docker-compose up -d

Configuration as code

The configuration as code plugin is preinstalled in this image. With this, it is possible to configure jobs on the jenkins instance.

Configuration via volume mount

A solution that allows to update configuration in a running jenkins instance is to mount the configuration directory in this repository via volume mount. In the configuration as code setup, the URL to the initial configuration file needs to be configured via the environment variable CASC_JENKINS_CONFIG.


With the configuration directory mounted als volume to the configuration server, the content can be updated and applied via the GUI for configuration as code in a running jenkins instance.

💡 Another way to fetch configuration is by using any configuration file on the web, e.g. the github repository on the web:



Basic setup for running a local jenkins on docker.






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