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These tools are designed to provide an easy-to-use interface for manipulating the BBS parameter database. It provides a wrapper which extends the existing lofar.parmdb interface, making it possible to write values into the parameter database from Python code. This is then used to provide a (reasonably!) user-friendly way to filter bad gain solutions from instrument databases produced during MSSS processing.


Filtering an instrument database

During MSSS LBA observing, data was simultaneously recorded on calibrator sources and target fields. Following the proceedure outlined by (for example) George Heald's "Further tests of MSSS field calibration" document (v2, 2012-02-12), calibration is first applied to the calibrator. Gain solutions were then applied to the corresponding subbands in the target field.

It was observed in some calibrator observations, there were a number of outlying amplitudes in these gain solutions, which caused corresponding amplitude fluctuations when they were applied to the target field. For example, see the figure below.

Observe the two low amplitude outliers marked with (faint; apologies) crosses in this gain solution. When these gains are used to calibrate the target field, peaks in amplitude will result.

Observe the two low amplitude outliers marked with (faint; apologies) crosses in this gain solution. When these gains are used to calibrate the target field, peaks in amplitude will result. makes it easy to strip such outliers from the gain solutions by clipping at some multiple of the RMS around the median.

An end user on the LOFAR CEP2 can run the code as ~swinbank/edit_parmdb/ A (brief) help message is provided by the --help option:

$ ~swinbank/edit_parmdb/ --help
Usage: [options]
      --auto         Automatic mode
      --last         Include last value
      --sigma=       Clip at sigma * median [default: 3]
      --station=     Process this station
      --help         Display this help and exit.

Run this command by providing an instrument database on the command line. For example:

$ ~swinbank/edit_parmdb/ L41977_SAP002_SB215.MS.dppp/instrument

The code will loop over all stations in instrument database. For each polarization on each station, a pair of plots are displayed: in the upper panel, the blue dots so the measured amplitudes. The median is a red line, while the RMS is indicated by dashed yellow lines and the specified clipping threshold by dashed green lines. Points which diverge from the median by more than the threshold (by default 3 times the standard deviation; set this with the --sigma option) are marked with a cross. In the lower, those points have been set equal to the median. In order to write the corrected amplitudes to the instrument database, hit 'w'. In order to quit, 'q'. In order to move to the next plot, close the plot window.

It is possible to limit the stations which will be processed using the --station argument. This argument may be applied more than once: --station CS001LBA --station CS002LBA, etc.

If you want to apply the same threshold to many stations without checking by eye, specify the --auto option. In this mode, the threshold will be applied to all stations (or to those specified by --station) automatically, without plotting.

The last value recorded in the instrument database usually seems to be garbage (?). By default, we exclude it from all process. To include it, specify the --last option.

Zeroing phases

The script makes it possible to set the phases of all the complex gains in the parmdb to zero. This takes a single argument: the name of the parmdb to process:

$ ~swinbank/edit_parmdb/ L41977_SAP002_SB215.MS.dppp/instrument

Shifting frequencies

If the calibrator source has not been observed at exactly the same frequency as the target, the instrument database derived from it will not directly apply to the target field. However, it may be that you feel it is "close enough", and would like to apply it anyway. The script makes it possible to change the frequency stored in the parmdb. Usage is simple:

$ ~swinbank/edit_parmdb/
Usage: <parmdb> <frequency>
<frequency> in Hz; corresponds to the centre of the target band

Note that (as per the above) the frequency specified must be specified in Hz, and corresponds to the centre of the target band. Further, it is not possible to adjust the frequency range of the parmdb: the calibrator observation must cover the same total bandwidth as the target observation. Normally, that will be one subband, so this shouldn't be an issue.

Library Guide

Python interface to station gains

parmdb.StationGain provides a convenient Python interface for manipulating station gains. It is used by the script.

Instantiate an instance of StationGain by providing the filename of an instrument database and the name of the station requested. A dictionary like interface is available for working with the gains in the various polarizations. Data is available both as (amplitude, phase) and (real, imaginary):

>>> from parmdb.stationgain import StationGain
>>> sg = StationGain('instrument', 'CS002LBA')
>>> sg.keys()
['1:1', '0:0']
>>> sg['0:0'].amp[:2]
array([[ 0.02724993],
     [ 0.02954095]])
>>> sg['0:0'].phase[:2]
array([[ 0.27146159],
     [ 0.49976455]])
>>> sg['0:0'].real[:2]
array([[ 0.02625204],
     [ 0.02592796]])
>>> sg['0:0'].imag[:2]
array([[ 0.00730679],
     [ 0.01415658]])

Note that assigning to one of amp/phase/real/imag will ensure the others are updated appropriately:

>>> sg['0:0'].amp = 100 * sg['0:0'].amp
>>> sg['0:0'].real[:2]
array([[ 2.62520381],
     [ 2.59279551]])

It's worth noting that writing to the individual elements of these arrays is not supported, and, indeed, will have no effect:

>>> sg['0:0'].amp[0]
array([ 0.02724993])
>>> sg['0:0'].amp[0] = 100
>>> sg['0:0'].amp[0]
array([ 0.02724993])

Writeable ParmDBs in Python

The lofar.parmdb module provides a convenient way of reading data from parameter databases, but does not make it possible to write to the database. This is, however, possible using the parmdbm command line tool.

parmdb.WriteableParmDB subclasses lofar.parmdb.parmdb to add a setValues() method which can be used to write to the ParmDB. It does this by spawning an instance of parmdbm: this is potentially risky (locking issues!), but seems to work in practice.

The documentation for setValues() is:

Write values to the ParmDB.

Note that values should be a two dimenstional array with the first
index corresponding to time and the second to time (this is the same
as returned by ParmDB.getValues()).


name       -- Parameter name to write.
values     -- NumPy array of values to write.
start_freq -- Frequency at centre of first bin (Hz).
freqstep   -- Bin-to-bin frequency increment (Hz).
start_time -- Time at centre of first bin (MJD in seconds).
timestep   -- Bin-to-bin time increment (s).

Known Issues

Sometimes, the BBS solver generates amplitude/phase parmdbs with negative amplitudes and a 180 degree phase wrap. When processing these, the edit_parmdb suite will automatically take the absolute value of the amplitude and unwrap the phase. This is a feature, not a bug!


"This is great!" -- Alexander van der Horst, 2012-02-17.


John Swinbank. Comments and suggestions welcome, as are bug reports: the code definitely needs more work.

This software was created in support of LOFAR's Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) during the week of 13 to 17 February 2012.


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