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TopDrawerSoccer API

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In order to get started we need to first install the command line tool.

go get -u

Then I needed to initialize the root like so

swag init -g cmd/server/main.go

This generate the following files in the docs directory:

  • docs/docs.go
  • docs/swagger.json
  • docs/swagger.yaml

Before I did this I was getting a 500 error while the swagger UI tried to access doc.json.

I've created this repo with the following directories under the pkg directory.

  • handlers (contains the http handlers)
  • models (contains the data models)
  • services (contains the business logic)


Running the image

docker run -i -t -p 3000:8080 tds-api

This will map to port 3000 on the host machine.

The options -i and -t allows us to execute the container into the interactive mode that allows us to shut it down with CTRL+C when needed.

The option -p 8080:8080 maps the container port 8080 to the same port on our machine. It will effectively allow us to talk with the echo server using the port 8080.

Pruning Docker Images

Because docker images can take up a lot of space on your machine, it's a good idea to prune them from time to time. It will free up space on your machine.

docker image prune -a -f

or by using the Makefile

make docker-prune

Cross Platform Builds

To get a listing of the possible platforms that we can build for, we can run the following command:

go tool dist list
