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Seen & Heard

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Credits


Passion meets purpose in our fight against human-trafficking at Seen & Heard. This project is not just another endeavour; it's a representation of my heartfelt mission. Using my skills to combat social injustice in a relentless pursuit of freedom, safety and justice for all is my primary goal. Together, we can harness the power of technology to bring about meaningful change and ensure that every survivor knows that they are Seen & Heard.

Our logo

The figures holding hands represent people of diverse backgrounds in a display of unity. The colours – red and yellow, black and white are inspired by the message love from the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children". The animation of the figures jumping up and down together embodies our spirit of solidarity and support of one another.

"Jesus Loves the Little Children" Song Lyrics:

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
Red and yellow, black and white,
They’re all precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.


Ready to join the fight? Follow these steps to run the Seen & Heard website locally:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using ‘git clone ’.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Open the index.html file in your web browser to view this project.


After installing this project, open the ‘index.html’ file in your web browser (ideally Google Chrome) and navigate freely through the website, keeping the guidelines below in mind:

1. Homepage:

Feel the pulse of our movement with powerful imagery, impactful messages and information that drives our mission forward. Be inspired to bridge the gap.

2. About Us:

Our organisation's commitment to raising awareness, advocating for justice and providing support to survivors is highlighted on this webpage.

3. Save for Later:

Preserve knowledge by saving images and articles for future reference.

4. Contact Us:

Reach out and connect with us through the contact form or subscribe to our newsletters. Your voice matters — we're always here to listen and ever-willing to provide support!

5. How To Help:

Explore resources and initiatives aimed at combatting trafficking through various sectors. Together, we can educate, empower and effect change.


You are welcome to provide feedback and encouraged to share your experiences and insights. Your words have the power to inspire. Your words have the power to uplift. Your words could make all the difference.

Additional usage notes

Take the time to understand the gravity of human-trafficking and acknowledge the unimaginable situations those entrapped in its nets endure. Educating yourself is a vital step towards combating this heinous crime and supporting survivors — lives hang in the balance.

Every click, every scroll and every interaction on this platform is a step closer towards a world where every survivor knows that they are not alone. With each text read and each item saved, you give rise to a movement fuelled by passion, purpose and unwavering determination. Our platform provides a safe space for survivors to be Seen & Heard. Survivors, advocates and supporters unite! Let us echo loudly into the shadows of darkness like a beacon of hope.


Below are screenshots of this project in action:

Screenshot 1 Caption: Homepage showcasing Seen & Heard's cause.

Screenshot 2 Caption: Interactive hidden checkbox feature for toggling quotes on homepage.

Screenshot 3 Caption: Information formatted as short articles on homepage.

Screenshot 4 Caption: ‘About Us’ webpage showcasing Seen & Heard's mission and initiatives.

Screenshot 5 Caption: Comment section for user feedback on the ‘How To Help’ webpage.

Screenshot 6 Caption: Webpage for user’s earmarked items


Project created by: Jediah Jireh Naicker

Note that the Tech Against Trafficking website’s homepage was referenced for guidance on the content and styling of this project's homepage

Feel free to reach out to me at for inquiries!

Thank you for checking out the Seen & Heard website project. Together, we are stronger.