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This a project for Xilinx Global Adaptive Computing Challenge. This project aims to add Simple Online and Realtime Tracking to Yolo Object Detection Algorithms Series. As previously I have implemented the same software on CPU+GPU(RTX 2080ti) hardware and found “low GPU occupancy” on such platform. I want to utilize the power of optimized DPU on FPGA to fully accelerate the system.


VAI in the following docs refers to Vitis-AI.

docs has three files:

  • setting-up-vck5000& (my method for completely setting up the card)
  • (also my work to ease the noise of the card)
  • knowledge about VCK5000)

Quick Start

note that you should set up docker environment first, and source /workspace/vck5000/ in container environment before running this. run:


to get all executables. And they are: video_test,yolov3-demo,yolov3-video,yolov3-sort.

yolov3-sortis the executable that has full functions including video, detection, tracking


./yolov3-sort path-to-xmodel # it reads walking_human as default.

Hardware&Software Setup

refer to docs/setting-up-vck5000&

Mind that I use PCIE3.0x4 to connect VCK5000, there will be bandwidth loss, which are showed in the validation in setup.

Besides, I only have one RTX3060 GPU(2080ti is borrowed from a teacher), so I was unable to train and quantize model in Vitis-AI.(I figured out how to train by changing torch build version myself:see link, even if I rebuild vai_q whl, I still got error, and that finally leads to my give-up.)

Implementation Process and Details


As stated in UG1354, the process of getting a Yolov3 model is throught the following process:

  • train a float model in dk(darknet), caffe etc.
  • prune(UG1333-v1.3), quantize and compile(UG1431) it to xmodel
  • run on device’s DPUs

Compilation of model utilizes xir and arch.json file in /opt/vitis_ai/compiler/arch/DPUCVDX8H/VCK5000/ in VAI docker.

Or, do the same as me, I have to download it from Vitis-AI/Model-Zoo. And find what models are supported on VCK5000-es1(mind the git tag: v1.4.1).

I choose yolov3_voc as a detection algorithm.

For those who customize a model, after you change the config file at the beginning of src/yolov3-video.cpp run ./yolov3-video path-to-xmodelto see whether the xmodel works for the system.

Simple Online and Realtime Tracking Algorithm

I referred to this project to finish tracking. It is a tracking method from this paper. The reason why I choose this algorithm rather than its advanced version “DeepSORT” is that “DeepSORT” requires a “deep association metric” that trained by metric learning, and it is quite hard for my original intention of using Detection and Tracking on RoboMaster Radar station. SORT is feed with Detection BBoxes, returning tracking bboxes using Kalman Filter and Hungarian Algorithm(which you can find in src dir.

Cmake Compilation

There aren’t too much problems here. Only to note that:

  • set CPP to c++17 set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++17")
  • set -lxnnpp-xnnpp in g++ command to target_link_libraries(… vitis_ai_library-xnnpp …)

Performance Comparison to GPU

The experiment results weren‘t rigorous enough,for I do not study on the differences of ACAP and GPUs. They are all my projects at school. The test conditions cannot be controlled exactly the same.

VCK5000 test is carried out using walking_humans.nv12.1920x1080.h264file which is generated following link. And calculate only the inference process of the model.

Both model are YoloV3-DarkNet53(VOC), one is from Xilinx/VAI/Model-Zoo, the other is trained on PaddlePaddle with PaddleX and prune it using sensitivity analysis, and inference was tested using the two repos Paddle-cpp-deploy and Paddle-TRT-TEST both using Paddle-TensorRT API to substitute kernels from paddle.fp32 to TensorRT FP16. Since the previous version I used for quantizing Int8 model for Paddle Model loses a lot of accuracy, that FPS result may not be a reasonable one.

Peak Performance: Only inference through put, test_performace_yolov3 in Vitis-AI-Library/yolov3 for VCK5000 and batch size=8 for GPU in pictures testing.(which is not rigorous for reading imgs takes time)

Average Performance: test_video_yolov3 for VCK5000 and also video input test for GPU.

Utilization: GPU utilization is checked using nvidia-smi.

VCK5000-ES1 RTX2080Ti(FP16) RTX2080Ti(INT8)
Peak Performance(FPS) 279.765 57-63 120-125
Average performance inferencing video files(FPS) 60~ 40~ 75~
Utilization(%) 18~25 20~

Note:? means I haven’t know the command of it using xbutil. But I measured the whole machine’s power draw is about 210 Watt(CPU+VCK) . Considering the power consumption, it has a quite high utilization rate.




Vitis-AI v1.4.1

Generate h264 video


Vitis-AI-Library Vitis-AI-Tutorials